No disrespect intended but your more like a "Porch Zionist"...
Originally Posted by SEE3772
No, I'm pretty much a mitiant Zionist. I have been all my life.
The real Zionists that live in America (the bankers) control the economy/monetary policy and have destroyed both.
Originally Posted by SEE3772
"What is the most dangerous bigoted statement of the 20th Century for $1,000 Alex." Your statement and beliefs are the kind of hate mongering that gave Hitler his rise to power and almost killed off an entire People. Did you hear that kind of class and racial nonsense around the kitchen table growing up?
The Palastinians are shelling people that gave them what they want. The Palastinians will never win the war that calls for iniliation of the Jewish State. They are uncivilized. If the Third Riech couldn't accomplish the destruction of the Jewish people the Palastinians certainly can't.
You have to remember, this is a people that were basically squat pissing in a desert until the State of Israel was formed. Now that the land of Judea has once again been raised up they want it back? If Palastine was so wonderful the Jordanians would want it back, but they don't. But it isn't about control of power is it. It's about driving the Jews out. Because they're what? Jewish? Infidels? Or, as you've narrowed it down to, rich, greedy Jews?
Please, LL's right. This is what drove al Quaita (sp) to bomb our civillian citizens. He's also right about Clinton. She's pro-Palastinian, which I've never liked, and she did let our own people get killed in the name of the Arab Spring whatever the fuck THAT was supposed to accomplish. I'm all for throwing off the yoke ofa dictator, but all it's done is trade one form of tyranny for another.