Is There Anybody??

bambino's Avatar
Some Americans will never appreciate America, until after they have helped destroy it, and have then begun to suffer the consequences. - Thomas Sowell
And if brains were dynamite, you could'nt blow your nose!!
... Common sense tells you to look at the polls.
The polls in the swing states...

... And - to address the thread topic - WHERE are the new
"Friday Night" polls sayin' how many voters are NOW gonna
switch-over and support Biden??

... Biden has NO ENTHUSIASM as a candidate - a lot of democrats
want him replaced.

But it is nice to see a few "Biden voters" here who are willing
to go down with Joe's sinking ship...

#### Salty
Biden has been really successful at suppressing information through all the major social media companies, controlling legacy media, getting people to forget his racist past, destroying the economy but convincing his followers that it's not happening, allowing millions of undocumented people across the boarder, prosecuting his political opposition... He has been successful.
bambino's Avatar
Watch and listen closely

This is why the criminal cabal wants to take him down. It won’t work. Notice who was behind him.
bambino's Avatar
BTW, Biden’s DOJ publicly stated he wasn’t fit to stand trial. But he’s somehow fit the run the country. Only a moron can’t see what’s going on here. It’s obvious.