AG Paxton turns his evil eye on Wilco AMP

Some will resort to VPNs. But that only works for those who just want to view content, not the content providers themselves. Another workaround is 3rd party digital ID services. That way you're not handing your personal info over to a porn site or an escort advertising platform like OH2 (unless they already require it). The site would rely on age verification from the 3rd party. Still not ideal, but it is what it is.

This is not entirely bad, though. I get the intent of this. I don't have kids, but I wouldn't want my ten year old to be up half the night in bed watching bukkake orgies on his iPad. Also, some of this could also weed out the riff raff--trolls and teenagers getting their kicks from sending harassing texts an emails to providers, etc.
Couple points 1.Imo essenance was targeted. My guess a disgruntled customer filed a complaint. If you were only going by reviews Sun and others describe much more details. That is why I am careful what I say. 2.election year and he is trying to look tough. He is sueing everyone. 3. He has a FUCKING mistress and preaches family values. 4. Remember this at election time. VOTE HIM OUT and the rolling homophobic gov also.
This is an election year, but Paxton was reelected in 2022, same as Abbott. So neither of them are on the ballot this November.
I heard a rumor that Paxton is vying for US AG assuming Trump wins. All these political prosecution attempts are just him showing that he's the kind of loyalist "fighter" that Trump craves.

Trump is a complete shithead man. Fucks a prostitute/porn star and then refuses to own it. Like, cmon man, almost every single man in positions of influence and power has a side-chick. We know a guy like Trump doesn't feel like a real man unless he's surrounded by beautiful and submissive women. OF COURSE he's had multiple affairs and such. He's had 3 wives. His defense at a rape trial was "it cant be rape because you cant rape your wife." This guy doesn't give a fuck, he'll grab em by the pussy! (his own words).

But of course, the GOP is the "party of family values" so everyone who works for him has to be a craven social conservative who secretly craves sex workers but openly reviles them and punishes them and makes sure the regular ole Johns end up in jail, leaving all the pretty and desperate women for the lawmakers. It sucks.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When Paxton went to Trump's trial to show his "support," it became apparent that the jury would convict.
jazzbill's Avatar
Sun Spa on Pond Springs became the latest closure.