Is your body your body?

KayC_K's Avatar
On one hand the legalization of prostitution will put women in charge of their rates their clientele and the notion that "all money ain't good money". There won't be haggling from men who know the really down and out will take any job. On the other hand it will take at least a college course in sexually transmitted diseases for some of these women to keep this as a job because once it's legal they will be forced to pay for their own health care. And no insurance company will take on the ones with high risk occupations.
This is why it should NOT become legalized. Decriminalized, yes, but legalizing it opens the door to regulation. Some good, but some could also be very damaging. This is one topic the government really needs to keep its nose out of.
pyramider's Avatar
Why the government can fuck up things better than a newbie provider.
This is why it should NOT become legalized. Decriminalized, yes, but legalizing it opens the door to regulation. Some good, but some could also be very damaging. This is one topic the government really needs to keep its nose out of. Originally Posted by VegasJen
If you decriminalize it, are you not by definition legalizing it?
If you decriminalize it, are you not by definition legalizing it? Originally Posted by garhkal
No, you're just catching a ticket instead of getting arrested and the whole 9 yards.
But why would you be getting a ticket, if htey decriminalized it?
Decriminalizing just means that they would no longer arrest and prosecute. Any ticketing, per se would be at a local level probably more over issues such as business licenses, etc. To outright legalize it means drafting legislation to go along with it. And that legislation would unfoubtedly include as many ways to control every aspect as they could squeeze into it.