Oh Dear! Did the Trump Tax Cuts Really "Pay For Themselves"?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ain't got time for that shit. Taxes goin up this year anyway from Trump's "tax cut". Fuckin load of shit like usual. Originally Posted by royamcr

corporate tax or personal tax? what are you talking about?
royamcr, with his desperate attempts to blame Trump for biden's runaway skyrocketing inflation numbers is rarely right about anything, but his stupidity and his constant need to make an ass out of himself is highly entertaining! .....
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  • 04-29-2022, 06:37 PM
Did you say "sweet spot"? Was the book written by WTF's fave economist, Art Laffer?

WTF claims to know all about sweet spots. Except when pressed, it turns out he doesn't know anything beyond his lame Art Laffer talking point. Every night he lies in bed and tickles his taint ISO that elusive sweet spot. Originally Posted by lustylad
You dumb fuck....of course tax revenues are finally up....we dumped what 5 or 6 trillion dollars into the economy that would ultimately wind up in corporate America's hands.

Holy fuck....how can anyone call you an economist! More like a Chicken Little combined with Jethro Clampett!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You dumb fuck....of course tax revenues are finally up....we dumped what 5 or 6 trillion dollars into the economy that would ultimately wind up in corporate America's hands.

Holy fuck....how can anyone call you an economist! More like a Chicken Little combined with Jethro Clampett! Originally Posted by WTF

so .. dumping trillions into the hands of slacker fucktards who wouldn't go back to work somehow increased corporate revenues? is that what you are fucking saying? gotdam old man do you even know anything?

here's something to consider. lowering corporate taxes in fact gives more profits to reinvest and grow revenue which even with lower corporate tax rates increases total gross corporate tax revenue.

why is that so hard for you to understand?
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  • WTF
  • 04-30-2022, 04:58 AM
so .. dumping trillions into the hands of slacker fucktards who wouldn't go back to work somehow increased corporate revenues? is that what you are fucking saying? gotdam old man do you even know anything?

? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes you dumb fuck....that is exactly wtf it did. Jesus, you're worse than lustylad.

Pray do tell what you think they did with the money? Did they not spend it on goods and services? Netflix? Robin hood? Or did they just bury it in their backyard? Is that wtf you did?
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  • 04-30-2022, 06:01 AM
What will that illiterate partisan hack WTF say now?

6?[/url] Originally Posted by lustylad
Are you going to make the argument (again) that income inequality is responsible for the gain in tax revenues like you did with the Reagan tax sham?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...why is that so hard for you to understand? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ain't got time for that shit. Taxes goin up this year anyway from Trump's "tax cut". Fuckin load of shit like usual. Originally Posted by royamcr
This is a good example of the Liberal Mind hard at work, lol.
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  • WTF
  • 04-30-2022, 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
This is a good example of the Liberal Mind hard at work, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17

While some TCJA supporters are touting that nominal revenues were higher in fiscal year (FY) 2018 than in FY2017, that comparison does not address the question of TCJA’s effects. Nominal revenues rise because of inflation and economic growth. Adjusted for inflation, total revenues fell from FY2017 to FY2018 (Figure 1). Adjusted for the size of the economy, they fell even more. The most appropriate test of the revenue impact of TCJA is to compare (a) actual revenues in FY2018 with (b) predicted revenues in FY2018 assuming Congress had not passed the legislation. In fact, the actual amount of revenue collected in FY2018 was significantly lower than the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)’s projection of FY2018 revenue from January 2017—before the tax cuts were signed. The shortfall is $275 billion, or 7.6 percent of revenues that were expected before the tax cuts took place. Given that the economy grew, unless one can find some other change that caused a large revenue loss, the data imply that TCJA reduced revenues (Figure 1) – substantially.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes you dumb fuck....that is exactly wtf it did. Jesus, you're worse than lustylad.

Pray do tell what you think they did with the money? Did they not spend it on goods and services? Netflix? Robin hood? Or did they just bury it in their backyard? Is that wtf you did? Originally Posted by WTF

Netflix and Robinhood aren't particularly good examples. and if you think all 5 trillion or the bulk of it when into idle pastime things like streaming services then i guess you also think a bunch of lazy slacktards also suddenly became stock investors too.

maybe they invested in Ben & Jerry's and Häagen-Dazs

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  • WTF
  • 04-30-2022, 06:13 PM
so .. dumping trillions into the hands of slacker fucktards who wouldn't go back to work somehow increased corporate revenues? is that what you are fucking saying? gotdam old man do you even know anything?

here's something to consider. lowering corporate taxes in fact gives more profits to reinvest and grow revenue which even with lower corporate tax rates increases total gross corporate tax revenue.

why is that so hard for you to understand? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes you dumb fuck....that is exactly wtf it did. Jesus, you're worse than lustylad.

Pray do tell what you think they did with the money? Did they not spend it on goods and services? Netflix? Robin hood? Or did they just bury it in their backyard? Is that wtf you did? Originally Posted by WTF
Netflix and Robinhood aren't particularly good examples. and if you think all 5 trillion or the bulk of it when into idle pastime things like streaming services then i guess you also think a bunch of lazy slacktards also suddenly became stock investors too.

maybe they invested in Ben & Jerry's and Häagen-Dazs

bahahahahahaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Please tell me specifically what you think it was spent on and I'll trace it back to some corporate profit.

In fact the fucking poor put it right back into the economy on necessities.

Were you and lusty shook outta the same test tube?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Please tell me specifically what you think it was spent on and I'll trace it back to some corporate profit.

In fact the fucking poor put it right back into the economy on necessities.

Were you and lusty shook outta the same test tube? Originally Posted by WTF

your article from the the Brookings Institute is from 2019. and only looks at 2018. i wonder what the author would say now?

this ..

"In principle, a tax cut could “pay for itself” if it spurred substantial economic growth. Revenues would rise from the combination of higher wages and hours worked, greater investment returns, and larger corporate profits. Under this scenario, that “dynamic” effect would more than offset the entire “static” revenue loss of the tax cut."

your contention that the stimulus bullshit dumped on people during covid is the largest single factor in the rise of both corporate revenue and corporate tax revenues is ridiculous. that is your contention isn't it?

While some TCJA supporters are touting that nominal revenues were higher in fiscal year (FY) 2018 than in FY2017, that comparison does not address the question of TCJA’s effects. Nominal revenues rise because of inflation and economic growth. Adjusted for inflation, total revenues fell from FY2017 to FY2018 (Figure 1). Adjusted for the size of the economy, they fell even more. The most appropriate test of the revenue impact of TCJA is to compare (a) actual revenues in FY2018 with (b) predicted revenues in FY2018 assuming Congress had not passed the legislation. In fact, the actual amount of revenue collected in FY2018 was significantly lower than the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)’s projection of FY2018 revenue from January 2017—before the tax cuts were signed. The shortfall is $275 billion, or 7.6 percent of revenues that were expected before the tax cuts took place. Given that the economy grew, unless one can find some other change that caused a large revenue loss, the data imply that TCJA reduced revenues (Figure 1) – substantially. Originally Posted by WTF
This country doesn't need high taxes to be successful. What this country needs most is people in power that care enough to do the right thing.
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  • WTF
  • 05-01-2022, 09:42 AM
your article from the the Brookings Institute is from 2019. and only looks at 2018. i wonder what the author would say now?

this ..

"In principle, a tax cut could “pay for itself” if it spurred substantial economic growth. Revenues would rise from the combination of higher wages and hours worked, greater investment returns, and larger corporate profits. Under this scenario, that “dynamic” effect would more than offset the entire “static” revenue loss of the tax cut."

your contention that the stimulus bullshit dumped on people during covid is the largest single factor in the rise of both corporate revenue and corporate tax revenues is ridiculous. that is your contention isn't it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
There was no significant rise in 2018 and 2019...

Yes that is anyone's with half a brains contention. Where do you think that 5 trillion give away went.

Please be specific.

WTF do you think happened to that money?

If you Lord and Saviours tax cuts were working as advertised ...you would have seen the results in 2018 and 2019.

I would love to hear from you and lusty just where all that free money wound up?
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  • WTF
  • 05-01-2022, 09:46 AM
This country doesn't need high taxes to be successful. What this country needs most is people in power that care enough to do the right thing. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Wtf does that philosophic bs even mean?

Your right thing may differ from another's right thing.

What they should do is stat reducing deficits and debt....something Trump lied about doing.