Would you rather have an affair or just be with a provider with no strings?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Affairs mean seeing the same one way too much and putting emotions into overdrive so it ups your chances for getting found out by the SO --NOT GOOD
No strings gets my vote.
awl4knot's Avatar
Affairs are too tumultuous and emotionally hurtful. I think the NSA is much better alternative if you're seeking something 'more'. It's a lot easier and less guilt. I think, anyways. Originally Posted by Shayla
Its a slippery slope now....what happens when the NSA evolves into an affair. Honestly most guys (& some girls) just cant seem to have relations (sexual, I mean) with another person for an extended period of time without believing that it is something more = affair. I say better stay out of that murky water altogether, give the stash & be sure to take your cash!
Just my .02 Originally Posted by SelenaAries
Shayla, yours is a nice idea in theory, but the problem with NSA relationships, as Selena sagely points out, is that they can lead to profound feelings that quickly and unalterably transform those "zipless fucks" (who knows where that phrase comes from?) into a tumultuous affair, with all the attendant joys, pains and disruptions.

Any relationship between men and women that is initially based on sex can have the unintended consequences of deep emotional involvement, even if it is one sided. Emotional involvement is largely uncontrollable and not easily capped when it froths over into your real life. And it always seems to come at such inopportune times.

Strangely, I find these words from that renowned expert on relationships, the late Michael Jackson, to be instructive:

People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do 'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth


whitechocolate's Avatar
I think having both works well.
Still Looking's Avatar
So, IV would you see me without a donation being paid? To me that's the definition of no strings. Just kidding with you Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Line starts behind me! LOL
Shayla, yours is a nice idea in theory, but the problem with NSA relationships, as Selena sagely points out, is that they can lead to profound feelings that quickly and unalterably transform those "zipless fucks" (who knows where that phrase comes from?) into a tumultuous affair, with all the attendant joys, pains and disruptions.

Any relationship between men and women that is initially based on sex can have the unintended consequences of deep emotional involvement, even if it is one sided. Emotional involvement is largely uncontrollable and not easily capped when it froths over into your real life. And it always seems to come at such inopportune times.

Strangely, I find these words from that renowned expert on relationships, the late Michael Jackson, to be instructive:

People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do

And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do 'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth


Originally Posted by awl4knot
Fair enough, I guess it depends on someone's character. For me, personally - sex and emotions don't go hand in hand.
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Awl4knot: "zipless fuck" -- see Erica Jong, Fear of Flying
renting is always cheaper and the understanding is that im not hear to stay forever. but the affair....heck...ur starting over again.....fling, bling, thrill, etc.....then it will eventually fade. hence the reason for the affair....
Still Looking's Avatar
Lol still lookin you sure have a way with words