We almost made it to Christmas without this stupid shit again

southtown4488's Avatar
That's the old testament - plus they left Egypt eventually. Originally Posted by DSK
ok, so to hell with the old testament. ur a good Christian.
in this Christmas season, we must allow the children their hope and their joy

we, as a nation, search for a leader and we find none but a dismissive and haughty Obama

but we can put off our woe for a few days
LexusLover's Avatar
Moses gives God’s law: “You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien; for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.”

When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

“Give the members of your community a fair hearing, and judge rightly between one person and another, whether citizen or resident alien.” Originally Posted by southtown4488
You are kind of a dumbass, aren't you?

Since you are a whining, taxing liberal excuse for a Democrat (you do call yourself a "Democrat" don't you?), you should accept the IRS definition:

"If you are an alien (not a U.S. citizen), you are considered a nonresident alien unless you meet one of two tests. You are a resident alien of the United States for tax purposes if you meet either the green card test or the substantial presence test for the calendar year (January 1-December 31).

That's YOUR LAW. If you're going to assert the THE BIBLE as LAW, then quit whining about Christian symbols in public areas and public buildings, and allow children to pray at sporting events if they desire.

  • DSK
  • 12-22-2015, 04:06 PM
ok, so to hell with the old testament. ur a good Christian. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Even a non Christian has heard about the new covenant.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You all go t it wrong.
there was this big ass concert festival near Bethlehem and every place was booked with all the groupies, and roadies, and all the people from everywhere. It was a huge pre-Christmas like three day festival with vendors selling t-shirts and other memorabilia. The T-shirts had 0 B.C. festival on both sides.

Joseph did not think that Mary would want to go since she somehow got knocked up and they were not really sure how. Anyway, Mary decided at the last minute (you know women) that she wanted to go and price3line couldn't find them a room at all. Mary insisted and said that things would work out and she didn't care if she had to sleep in as stable. Must have been some good bands playing.

So off they went to Bethlehem and sure enough like all women, she decided to go into labor about the time they got there. Joseph managed to score a manger at one of the4 local crash pads and the rest is history. that is why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th and one of the top if not the top band playing was Santos and the Clauses. He had some great pyrotechnics with this tree and a cool light show too. Most people could not hear very well over the music and when they were introduced on the stage everybody thought they said Santa Claus. In the production he had this chariot roil by being pulled by some miniature donkeys that had some sticks tied to their head. About that time there was a smattering of rain and one of the guys wife asked what that was (meaning the miniature donkeys) and he said rain dear (thinking she was asking about the rain). Well that spread around to become reindeer and there were eight of them. Oh yeah I almost forgot, in the chariot a dude had a t-shirt cannon and was shooting t-shirts out to the crowd and everybody was in awe because they were getting gifts from Santa Claus.

Meanwhile back at the manger Mary was giving birth and somebody heard here screaming and said real loud, Jesus Christ somebody give her some pain meds. Right then the baby popped out and both of them said in unison, Jesus Christ as they had never heard that expression before and decided to name the new baby Jesus.

They were not refugees at all but just some regular folk that was looking for a good time during the holidays.
JCM800's Avatar
Who were the other headliners?
LexusLover's Avatar
...just some regular folk that was looking for a good time during the holidays. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Aren't we all .... Merry Christmas!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They were a middle eastern family seeking shelter with a baby. . . now we just let them drown in the sea. The bible speaks directly to this point.

Moses gives God’s law: “You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien; for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.”

When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

“Give the members of your community a fair hearing, and judge rightly between one person and another, whether citizen or resident alien.”

not suprising republicans have a fundamental misunderstanding of their own religion. it is sad though. Originally Posted by southtown4488

So what religion are all republicans? That pain is you stepping on your own Rick.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
hahaha, the mentally unbalanced is angry that facts are used to point out hypocrisy. Originally Posted by southtown4488

You're saying all republicans are Jewish?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Well there were the Three Kings a group from the Orient.
The Wisemen mostly ballads and folk music.
The Sandals had everybody on their feet.
The Dung Beatles were rolling.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Reading from the scriptures after booing God not once, not twice but three times at their last convention.
  • DSK
  • 12-22-2015, 06:13 PM
Reading from the scriptures after booing God not once, not twice but three times at their last convention. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Booing God and cheering for faggots - makes for a great country in their opinion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Even a non Christian has heard about the new covenant. Originally Posted by DSK
Like you, JL?
You all go t it wrong.
there was this big ass concert festival near Bethlehem and every place was booked with all the groupies, and roadies, and all the people from everywhere. It was a huge pre-Christmas like three day festival with vendors selling t-shirts and other memorabilia. The T-shirts had 0 B.C. festival on both sides.

Joseph did not think that Mary would want to go since she somehow got knocked up and they were not really sure how. Anyway, Mary decided at the last minute (you know women) that she wanted to go and price3line couldn't find them a room at all. Mary insisted and said that things would work out and she didn't care if she had to sleep in as stable. Must have been some good bands playing.

So off they went to Bethlehem and sure enough like all women, she decided to go into labor about the time they got there. Joseph managed to score a manger at one of the4 local crash pads and the rest is history. that is why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th and one of the top if not the top band playing was Santos and the Clauses. He had some great pyrotechnics with this tree and a cool light show too. Most people could not hear very well over the music and when they were introduced on the stage everybody thought they said Santa Claus. In the production he had this chariot roil by being pulled by some miniature donkeys that had some sticks tied to their head. About that time there was a smattering of rain and one of the guys wife asked what that was (meaning the miniature donkeys) and he said rain dear (thinking she was asking about the rain). Well that spread around to become reindeer and there were eight of them. Oh yeah I almost forgot, in the chariot a dude had a t-shirt cannon and was shooting t-shirts out to the crowd and everybody was in awe because they were getting gifts from Santa Claus.

Meanwhile back at the manger Mary was giving birth and somebody heard here screaming and said real loud, Jesus Christ somebody give her some pain meds. Right then the baby popped out and both of them said in unison, Jesus Christ as they had never heard that expression before and decided to name the new baby Jesus.

They were not refugees at all but just some regular folk that was looking for a good time during the holidays. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Good one ! Kinda like Cheech and Chongs Christmas rif ! But the 3 Wise Men... were they still together after that gig ? Great ( x12) Grandpas to mebbe the Kingston Trio ?
LexusLover's Avatar
YouRong, the Chinese located an "endangered salamander" ... was it yours?