Provider Convo

Pillow talk happens. There are a lot of lonely people here who also like to talk. It happens. What irks me is when posters forget discretion and start posting personal information about peoples lives and families here on the board.

I wish we would all think a little more about what we post about people, especially the providers. Many of them have kids, ex-husbands, legal troubles, etc. We should be very careful not to give those with agendas ammunition to destroy lives. However, if a hobbyist or provider is out their fucking people over in all kinds of manners, I want to know.

Dannie, I don't pay them for the PR. I pay them to lie to me and tell me that Mr. So&So is the second best they have ever had; me being the first of course.

I have heard some pillow talk and I want to know what you Asian guys know because I hear nothing but how good you guys are in bed. I want to take some lessons in Carnal Fu!
mtabsw's Avatar
I have had a day when I had two appointments scheduled and when Gentlemen 1 arrives.. he says Gentleman 2 says to tell you hello. Originally Posted by reese foster
Precisely why I don't discuss scheduling with my esteemed hobbyist colleagues.

I don't know if I was half of that experience MsFoster, but I've felt the same awkwardness.

"SIGH ... I just saw MrWonderfulMineIsBigger...SIGH (with bosom heave)" - not MsFoster FYI

Talk about an illusion buster
PickUpSticks's Avatar
I wish we would all think a little more about what we post about people, especially the providers. Many of them have kids, ex-husbands, legal troubles, etc. We should be very careful not to give those with agendas ammunition to destroy lives. However, if a hobbyist or provider is out their fucking people over in all kinds of manners, I want to know.
Originally Posted by cpi3000
I agree with cpi, I cringe when I read shit about providers personal lives. As a group they are far too trusting with the personal info they share and guys should learn to shut the fuck up. But that is just my opinion.

To the Op's comments:

I am shallow and self centered and can easily ignore comments about the sexual prowess of my hobby brethren. In fact my ADD allows most things I hear to go in one ear and out the other. I admit to having just flat out forgotten to show up for appointments.

Besides I am hung like a mule and am a fabulous lover so no matter how good the other guy was, I will be better
Newb2010's Avatar
Thanks to all who have imparted their opinions. The pillow talk in question has always been initiated by the providers unprompted, as if I really needed to know how hobbyist x did position z and made her 'O' so manyyy times. Kind of dampens the mood, at least for me. Do the providers prep for the session this way to possibly make their experience more tolerable? It just really blows my mind some of the things that come out of their mouths, like there is no tact at all. Mind you these were well reviewed providers on the higher pay grade no less.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Which providers are you talking about? I've seen more women than I care to name (or could if I tried) and I've never had anything like that happen. They've talked about other hobbyists, but it's always been to bitch about them, or occasionally compliment them on being nice guys (clk1942 remains the only guy I've had multiple girls tell me is a great guy, unsolicited) never anything regarding their BCD skills or lack thereof.
Which providers are you talking about? I've seen more women than I care to name (or could if I tried) and I've never had anything like that happen. They've talked about other hobbyists, but it's always been to bitch about them, or occasionally compliment them on being nice guys (clk1942 remains the only guy I've had multiple girls tell me is a great guy, unsolicited) never anything regarding their BCD skills or lack thereof. Originally Posted by TheBizzer

Same here. From reading this thread it sounds pretty common, but I've never experienced this. It's usually the opposite.
ppdoc's Avatar
  • ppdoc
  • 11-10-2010, 12:39 PM
I've also had similar experiences, not to your extreme with naming of names and activities but i think it was mostly tongue-in-cheek banter which i may have initiated. Anyhow, it happens and i deal with it and move on to next provider if the chatty one does not suit me.