What are the odds that they knew where Foley was before he was murdered.

How do you know ...

..."a special forces team was sent to Syria in a rescue attempt"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Other than the fact it is all over the net, and news ?
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  • WTF
  • 08-21-2014, 08:09 AM
Was this the same intelligence community that said there were WMD's in Iraq.
I thought Obama would have at least fixed that problem. Originally Posted by boardman
He did.

You didn't see him sending in 100k troops like we did in 2003.
boardman's Avatar
1 soldier, 1 special ops team or 100k...It was still based on bad information, right?

Furthermore, the ill advised and ill fated attempted rescue more than likely directly resulted in the beheading of Foley.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
To answer EVA (and some other floating turds), I posted this yesterday before any news release about a rescue operation or it was real close. I thought of Bergdahl and the news that the White House knew of his whereabouts months before they announced it but did not stage any rescue attempt. So I thought if Bergdahl, then why not Foley. Seems that I was correct. The White House was following Foley and now, after the fact, claims they did a rescue operation. Number one, they shouldn't have released that information for intelligence protection but now that they did, what are the details? What did they find? Did they rescue anyone? How did our intelligence fail? How long did it take Barry to sign off on a rescue? His track history is pretty damn bad for agressive action outside of politics.

Of course I watching Fox News this morning and I saw Eric Holder (what the hell does Justice have to do with this?) promising more of the same. This will be treated like a drive by shooting in Chicago. They will gather evidence for a courtroom, arrest this Englishman, and try him in the US. Hasn't that been our problem all along?

Barry needs to pull his head out of his ass and think of this as a war. I guess Barry didn't grow up playing cowboys and indians or cops and robbers. Maybe he grew up playing fascist pigs and hippies or the weathermen and the man.
To answer EVA (and some other floating turds), I posted this yesterday before any news release about a rescue operation or it was real close. I thought of Bergdahl and the news that the White House knew of his whereabouts months before they announced it but did not stage any rescue attempt. So I thought if Bergdahl, then why not Foley. Seems that I was correct. The White House was following Foley and now, after the fact, claims they did a rescue operation. Number one, they shouldn't have released that information for intelligence protection but now that they did, what are the details? What did they find? Did they rescue anyone? How did our intelligence fail? How long did it take Barry to sign off on a rescue? His track history is pretty damn bad for agressive action outside of politics.

Of course I watching Fox News this morning and I saw Eric Holder (what the hell does Justice have to do with this?) promising more of the same. This will be treated like a drive by shooting in Chicago. They will gather evidence for a courtroom, arrest this Englishman, and try him in the US. Hasn't that been our problem all along?

Barry needs to pull his head out of his ass and think of this as a war. I guess Barry didn't grow up playing cowboys and indians or cops and robbers. Maybe he grew up playing fascist pigs and hippies or the weathermen and the man. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're an idiot who couldn't shut his mouth for a few days to let the news come out.

If you HAD held your tongue, you would have learned that we did NOT know where he was because we conducted a raid and got the wrong place. Then you could have avoided this dopey thread.

But your Obama Derangement Syndrome took away all your self control. You just had to post, right?

According to the news reports, ISIS wanted a ransom of $132 million from his family and his news company. That is a ridiculous number that was never intended to be a serious offer. They intended to kill him as soon as they got him.
boardman's Avatar

According to the news reports, ISIS wanted a ransom of $132 million from his family and his news company. That is a ridiculous number that was never intended to be a serious offer. They intended to kill him as soon as they got him. Originally Posted by ExNYer

If that's the case, and it may well be, why are they(as I asked in another thread) releasing European hostages but beheading American journalists?
LexusLover's Avatar
You're an idiot ... Originally Posted by ExNYer
Actually, you are one, if you believe the recent bullshit. At best lame.

What else were they going to say? The truth?

This is the same guy who took credit for FINDING and KILLING OBL!!!!!!

They are still trying to find the video that created all the fuss in Libya, and

Foley gets to keep his doctor and his coverage if he wants to keep it.

Foley just doesn't get to keep his head!

We can't help the anti-government forces in Syria, but we can sneak in there an try to snatch a journalist from the Junior Varsity guys!!! AND FAIL!

The JV boys outsmarted the Editor of the Harvard Law Review!!!!


To answer EVA (and some other floating turds), I posted this yesterday before any news release about a rescue operation or it was real close. I thought of Bergdahl and the news that the White House knew of his whereabouts months before they announced it but did not stage any rescue attempt. So I thought if Bergdahl, then why not Foley. Seems that I was correct. The White House was following Foley and now, after the fact, claims they did a rescue operation. Number one, they shouldn't have released that information for intelligence protection but now that they did, what are the details? What did they find? Did they rescue anyone? How did our intelligence fail? How long did it take Barry to sign off on a rescue? His track history is pretty damn bad for agressive action outside of politics.

Of course I watching Fox News this morning and I saw Eric Holder (what the hell does Justice have to do with this?) promising more of the same. This will be treated like a drive by shooting in Chicago. They will gather evidence for a courtroom, arrest this Englishman, and try him in the US. Hasn't that been our problem all along?

Barry needs to pull his head out of his ass and think of this as a war. I guess Barry didn't grow up playing cowboys and indians or cops and robbers. Maybe he grew up playing fascist pigs and hippies or the weathermen and the man. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You blustering buffoon, is there nothing you haven't done, nowhere you haven't been before anyone else? Are you trying to tell me it isn't on the net or the news? Don't you have papers to grade? Or is thet to roll.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The year is young and homework is easy....or it is easy for some. I'm sorry to bring up bad memories EVA. I'm sure you tried your best even in the first week of school. It's okay, everyone fails at something. Some like you fail at more things than most people but that is unimportant. What is important is that the White House felt that they needed to mitigate the fall out of Barry going for the tee time instead of planning to kill off ISIS. A real president like *sarcasm alert* Jed Barlett from the West Wing would have have taken the hits, kept ongoing operations secret, and worked until there was a resolution. That is what a "real" president would have done. Now that the information is out there we have to look at past lies of this White House and ask for details to prove the attempted rescue did in fact happen. Barry should learn to quit shouting "wolf" in a crowded theater (mixed metaphor).
The year is young and homework is easy....or it is easy for some. I'm sorry to bring up bad memories EVA. I'm sure you tried your best even in the first week of school. It's okay, everyone fails at something. Some like you fail at more things than most people but that is unimportant. What is important is that the White House felt that they needed to mitigate the fall out of Barry going for the tee time instead of planning to kill off ISIS. A real president like *sarcasm alert* Jed Barlett from the West Wing would have have taken the hits, kept ongoing operations secret, and worked until there was a resolution. That is what a "real" president would have done. Now that the information is out there we have to look at past lies of this White House and ask for details to prove the attempted rescue did in fact happen. Barry should learn to quit shouting "wolf" in a crowded theater (mixed metaphor). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LMAO It's a TV show Judy.
LexusLover's Avatar
LMAO It's a TV show Judy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Unfortunately, it's neither laughable or a comedy.

Obaminable is a Joke, though, but not to Foley. He can now claim ..

"I killed OBL and FOLEY."
Unfortunately, it's neither laughable or a comedy.

Obaminable is a Joke, though, but not to Foley. He can now claim ..

"I killed OBL and FOLEY." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Idiot another pisser and moaner. Why don't you watch Judy's TV show with him so you will know how a (real) president works.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did you miss the point again EVA? That a TV president is so much better than Obama (and it isn't funny).
If that's the case, and it may well be, why are they(as I asked in another thread) releasing European hostages but beheading American journalists? Originally Posted by boardman
Because we are bombing ISIS. The Europeans are not.
Actually, you are one, if you believe the recent bullshit. At best lame.

What else were they going to say? The truth?

This is the same guy who took credit for FINDING and KILLING OBL!!!!!!

They are still trying to find the video that created all the fuss in Libya, and

Foley gets to keep his doctor and his coverage if he wants to keep it.

Foley just doesn't get to keep his head!

We can't help the anti-government forces in Syria, but we can sneak in there an try to snatch a journalist from the Junior Varsity guys!!! AND FAIL!

The JV boys outsmarted the Editor of the Harvard Law Review!!!!

MISSION UNACCOMPLISHED .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wow. What was that rambling BS about? Was there an argument in there somewhere?

Normally one only sees posts this stupid from JD or Whirlagay.