Vasectomy discussion

Havre it on a Friday so you'll have a couple of days to recover. It's probably less painful now.
I had it about 25 years ago, I was sore for a week. But the first time back was worth the wait.
Absolutely no effect on content or libido at all. Made me horny as hell for a while.
Mr_LongStick's Avatar
I still have mine...but I jack off like my dick is glued to my hand...
Famous words from Johnny Dare.
Every chance you get take matters into your own hands.

So when I get with a provider I last a little longer.
I really don’t like the one pop and done girls.
I was reading up on taking the little blue pill.
See if that will make me last longer it all comes down to money.
My money and their time…
Longermonger's Avatar
Thanks all! I started this thread because I wanted to know what the hobby might be like in the future. Right now HIV is the #1 thing that keeps people in the hobby from doing BBFS. But an HIV breakthrough in the next decade might change that. Next up would be HPV & HSV. HPV already has a vaccine for 4 strains, and you probably already have HSV1 (cold sores). Next come the bacterial STDs, with antibacterial "super" gonorrea becoming the biggest threat.

Curing any or all of those is a major task, but it might actually get done. For example, if an HIV cure is discovered, then HIV researchers could focus their attention to HSV2. That effect would accelerate research towards a total victory over STDs. (I like to call that future day 'V-D Day'.)

After V-D Day, the only remaining obstacle is pregnancy. A vasectomy would then allow worry-free BBFS. This hobby of ours would be 100x more popular.

Right now this is just wishful thinking. But consider the questions that will pop up after the HIV cure is found. Will hobbyist or providers risk the other STDs if the killer one is obsoleted?
I had one last week it was 475 without insurance
Mine was about 25 years ago, and gave me an interesting story to tell...

Day of the procedure I am lying on the table with my crotch at eye level with the Doc (very very strange lol) and I am eyeing the tray of needles and scalpel nervously, and the Doc starts probing my balls with his gloved hand. I sigh, close my eyes, and get ready for the needle and he stops and tells me to sit up. I apparantly had a vas that was difficult for him to manually locate and he said it woul be painful if he had to dig around to find it, so he scheduled me for outpatient surgery at the local hospital a few days later. I got knocked out and cut, and when I woke up afterward the nurse cracked up as I tested my voice to see if it had gotten girl (hello, HELLO! lol).

I was a happy camper because I had zero pain and just some soreness over the weekend, and my sperm count has been zero ever since. Oh and the ejaculate looks the same as always, it just can't make babies :-)
BobInKC's Avatar
My insurance paid for it. It wasn't painful at all. For a day or two it was a little painful moving around and such but the frozen peas did the job. I haven't noticed any difference in my ejaculation. Women's reaction? Relieved that a baby won't be in the future.