ashamed of my body

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Work out. Drink less alcohol.Don't eat fast food.
Not only will your body feel better, your mind will, too. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Bullshit, if that's gonna make me fat I'll just deal with it.

Yea, thats not gonna happen in my lifetime. Smoking and drinking are two of my three favorite things to do. And I've managed to stay in damn good shape considering, but I do lead a rather active lifestyle.
I've gained weight over the last few years. I feel embarrassed about it sometimes when I visit providers. I was in good shape a few years ago. Do you guys ever feel this way? Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
Not at all. Many of the guys that are members of this site are older and/or slightly overweight to obese, not to mention not the prettiest boys either (receding hair line, ect.), which is more than likely one of the reasons that they pay for sex and usually the reason her favorite position is K-9, so she does not have to see you!

Seriously tho, relax and pick a provider you want to see (the Dallas area has the most, at least on Eccie), and have a good time. The majority of providers are nice and do not care how much you weigh and/or that you may not be the handsome stud that she would fall head over heels for. As long as you are respectful and have excellent hygiene, you should be good to go and if she is really good at what she does, she will make you feel like you are a stud for the time you are with her.
sparrow1122's Avatar
We all have something. Me, I am fat, little dicked and hairy. I have to apologize after the session for the shedding.

The good news is that these wonderful professionals have seen worse.

The best is great exercise!!!
cheatercheater's Avatar
We get paid to look good and fuck don't, so your good sweetie! Originally Posted by BDS

Im in the same boat as the OP. Slowly getting past that embarrassment of undressing in front of a hot woman. Between my weight, lack of endowment, and finishing shortly after penetration, it makes me question why I would go through with a visit. After all of that, I have yet to have an encounter where any of my faults have led to less than an enjoyable session.
Go get your test levels checked if your over 40
There's a reason every 50+ yr old guy in the gym looks like he is 25
Visit your Dr.
  • EZ.
  • 01-15-2015, 08:19 AM
I think it would bother me more knowing I couldn't do the things I used to be able to do when I was in shape, rather than not feeling like I was attractive to the opposite sex. But that's just me running through it in my mind. Hell, in reality it might bug the shit out of me.

Shit jimmy, everybody is a good lookin mofo when they got a stack of benjis in their hand. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
I'm not even a shadow of what I used to be. I used to be 5'9" and weighed 187. Now, I have shrunk a half an inch. I'm down 30 lbs but with the same 32 inch waist. Six pack is long gone, replaced with a jelly donut.

Before they confirm the donation, they want me to come by for a written estimate. It's a bitch being old.
Before they confirm the donation, they want me to come by for a written estimate. It's a bitch being old. Originally Posted by EZ.
Hey, at least you get a comped inspection visitation, the only downside is you might have shave for a non-appointment.
  • EZ.
  • 01-15-2015, 11:25 AM
Hey, at least you get a comped inspection visitation, the only downside is you might have shave for a non-appointment. Originally Posted by phildo
Oh, you think it's free?
daty/o's Avatar
We get paid to look good and fuck don't, so your good sweetie! Originally Posted by BDS
Very nice, sweetheart.

Many of the guys that are members of this site are older and/or slightly overweight to obese, not to mention not the prettiest boys either (receding hair line, ect.), which is more than likely one of the reasons that they pay for sex and usually the reason her favorite position is K-9, so she does not have to see you! Originally Posted by davidfree986
Sad, but true. But when you are inclined to feel sorry for yourself, consider this; when men get older and/or less attractive, we have options. When women reach that point, they really don't. We are all paying for sex, but at least we are having sex.
dtx/tn's Avatar
Not at all. Many of the guys that are members of this site are older and/or slightly overweight to obese, not to mention not the prettiest boys either (receding hair line, ect.), which is more than likely one of the reasons that they pay for sex and usually the reason her favorite position is K-9, so she does not have to see you! Originally Posted by davidfree986
No clue what you are talking about. I am sexy as fuck!
We get paid to look good and fuck don't, so your good sweetie! Originally Posted by BDS
Very classy reply!
I feel your pain friend this winter has been brutal for me!!! Originally Posted by 8701
I'm just praying for some of that Ebola to come thru again and knock off my winter padding.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
nothing wrong with winter padding love the feel of a soft woman and more to play with.

but on us guys its not sexy just no bueno.
We get paid to look good and fuck don't, so your good sweetie! Originally Posted by BDS
Come on guys. These girls don't give a shit what you look like. They want your money! Don't take this so freaking serious. It's very simple. Money for pleasure. Don't think about it so much. Just make sure you wipe your ass and brush your teeth. Everything else will workout just fine, if you bring the proper donation. ;-)
I'm just praying for some of that Ebola to come thru again and knock off my winter padding. Originally Posted by thathottnurse