What is your favorite beer

GUINESS is my fav.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Choctaw Originally Posted by bigtex
damn, you really are an Okie

Belhaven from Scotland...awesome beer...drank a bunch of it when I was in Scotland a few years ago. Some of the better liquor stores carry it (two styles of it).

And what's with Shiner (also good) not being a domestic??? Don't they have a giant brewery off Hwy 77?
damn, you really are an Okie

http://www.petes.org/ Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I was born and raised in Texas and have never lived in Okiehoma. My family has a long history in the area though. I have been drinking Choc since I was a teenager. My Dad did before me and his Dad before him and so on and so forth! Hank Jr. would call my family and Choc a "Family Tradition!" At the time Choc was bottled in 1 qt Pepsi bottles or whatever kind of bottle they could find. The first time I ever got drunk was a Choc drunk! At the time, the "settlings" would be 1-2" thick in the bottom of the bottle! Damn, that beer was good back then.

But it was not a good hangover!

It is still a very good beer today (and of course, it is now legal) but I would say it had much more character when you would buy it (with a wink and a nod from local law enforcement) in the back yards of various Italian family's throughout Krebs and McAlester. As for your link, Pete's is one of the finest Italian Restaurants to be found anywhere. I never fail to stop in when I am in the area. I obviously recommend it highly! And don't forget to pick up a case or two of Choc prior to leaving the restaurant. You will not regret it!

Just tell 'em Bigtex sent ya! Enjoy!!!!!
bojulay's Avatar
Shiner Blonde.
Bud Lite.
Coors taste like poodle piss.
Pearl used to have concentration puzzles under the
caps. Anyone remember those? Pearl tasted like
strained out water from a mud puddle.

The first beer I drank was a Schlitz my old man
gave me when I was eight. It used to be a pretty
decent beer, back in the day. Look on the internet
their trying to make a comeback.
budman33's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Abita Amber
Samuel Adams
Artois Stella
St. Pauli Girl
Murphy's Irish Stout
Chimay Blue

mertz's Avatar
  • mertz
  • 12-14-2011, 01:28 PM
Shiner Bock
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
#1. Guiness
#2. Chimay blue
I am surprised to see so many answers with Abita from Louisiana!

St. Pauli Girl is my favorite.

Honorable mention: Purple Haze from Abita.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I am surprised to see so many answers with Abita from Louisiana!

St. Pauli Girl is my favorite.

Honorable mention: Purple Haze from Abita. Originally Posted by Maleman
actually, not very many abitas, only 3 count.