Driver or pimp?

Driver, manager, handler, pimp, whatever you guys and gals say, lol it is still sage advice to just drive yourself or catch a cab/Uber....
A lady always tells me "Nothing for Nothing"... and I believe her.
I find it a sad reality that you see everything as quid pro quo. I am not that jaded. My friend has been waiting nearly twenty years for this ultimate payoff that you speak of. That's the longest con I've heard of. He is my best friend and is gay.
Doesn't that Uber driver then need an orange fedora of their own?
I wasn't calling you jaded MM. I was referring to Boudin. The uber humor was however directed at you.
I have friends I care for deeply, but not going to drive them around for safety sake while they do something illegal. He is getting something out of it. Friends might do this once or in a special circumstance but not on an ongoing thing. He wants something or is getting something. If he really cared for you, he would ask you to stop putting yourself in dangerous places. You know which clients are safer and when your taking more risk. Stop the risk and just see safer dudes. Originally Posted by Boudin3112
As for the risks that I take. My screening is very thorough and NEVER leads me to a meeting that hasn't been deeply researched. No advice necessary there darling. And you think of all of the ladies on here as victims?
Just save and get your own car, or use UBER to drop you off... That way no one waits around and has the guys freaking out and loosing their nerve to see you...If you are that scared to see guys in out call settings, then by all means text a friend to say hey I am here at so and so, and then text when you are safely in your car or UBER leaving the appt. Just my .02
M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Despite the fact that I have only had one client freak out over my friend, I am going to follow your sage advice about UBER since I don't have nor want a drivers license.
I've driven a lot of these ladies around and I'm not a pimp. I've only drove a couple to an out-call and that is because they asked me to after our date, I didn't wait either just dropped them off.

The only one that ever paid me out of all of them was bigbootylicious and she always paid with sexual favors, usually during the drive lol. I'm starting to think I was taken advantage of by everyone else. I did get called a pimp once with her also. I was helping her bring up her clothes and stuff into her room(which was like 6 damn suitcases full) and on the way back down in the lobby some fat ugly bitch who was obviously mad because she wasn't getting any told me to get a real job lowlife pimp. Oooh boy my fucking blood boiled but I let it go with a simple eat shit cunt.

Bigbooty was such an obvious hooker though lol, it was hilarious. I miss her and her services. I hope she makes it back this way. We always had a blast from the moment we got together to the moment we parted, no matter what kinda mess we got into it was always fun.
annie@christophers's Avatar
A full grown woman is capable of making desicions. Of course I get called a pimp regularly. Lol. Ann
albundy's Avatar
A full grown woman is capable of making desicions. Of course I get called a pimp regularly. Lol. Ann Originally Posted by annie@christophers

Glad you're back, Annie. You fucking rule!

I need to start a stable. My hoes would just love me. I'd be the best pimp around. I wouldn't take a cent from them, I'd set up appointments, and then drive them to the tricks.

No fee, just all the pussy I can eat.
I think you a person like the rest of us, that more than likely has people that loves her in her life. Your mother more than likely loves you very much, but I doubt she would drive you around to see men just for your safety. You asked is it reasonable that someone care so much, the answer is YES. It is not reasonable that he care so much that he sacrifices so much of his own life more than your own mother will sacrifice just for your safety. I know my example is a bit extreme but still true. He is getting something out of it, and if not then no it is not reasonable. Either something very wrong with him or could bbe yourself. If you cared for him back so much you would not want to manipulate his time, how selfish is that? What is reasonable is on certain exceptional sessions where you feel unsure or u safe you ask him to go and he does but this not a daily thing nor even regular thing.
If you think what you do is safe even when it is a long time regular you are refusing to see the truth What happens when the dude that you have known for years decides to smack your ass so hard that it bruises? And if your not into that can you just leave? Can you bitch him out? Can you call the cops? The reasonable answer is no you are stuck and have to start using other manipulative tactics to disarm him so you can leave when appropriate and he will not increase his violence. Here is another scenario what if he does not want to pay? Can you call the cops? Can you file suit? Not physically dangerous but very close to rape if you ask me. Darling you take risks every day and I do realize some can be more trusted than others, I mean look at Menagon9, think anyone trusts him? Mriley would probably feel safer. But you are in a risky business and your friend is not driving you around out of just concern on a regular basis. That is reasonable.He does care enough for you for these unusual situations and that is a nice thing and he would be a good friend.
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
When I hear "pimp", I'm usually thinking human trafficking or a man forcing a woman or girl into a situation they really don't want to be in and demanding their money and only giving them enough to get by or get high. I see nothing wrong with independent provider having a man to ensure safety as long as it's a mutual agreement of services and the lady not being coerced or forced against her will. While it may make the session a little uneasy if the john realizes that there is a man or men in the room next door that are there for her. I once had a sliding glass door open in while in a hotel room while I was balls deep in a hooker, startled the hell out of me. I jumped off the bed heading for my clothes, the lady ran to the door and handed whoever was on the other side the money and tried to ensure me that it was only her guy that keeps her money so she doesn't have all of her money in the room to be either robbed or LE finding all her cash if busted. I asked are you sure he's not your pimp because if you are being forced to do this I would not like the idea of contributing to the situation. She said she was independent and wanted to continue the session and she locked the sliding glass door to put me at ease. I hurried and finished in doggy and was out looking over my shoulder the whole time. I would have been much more comfortable if I knew ahead of time and she personally brought the money to him before starting the session. In my mind I was eithe about to be arrested or attacked, but neither happened. I will never see her again but I get a good chuckle out of it now .
If one of the girls ever trusts you enough to spend time outside the hobby, off the clock, whatever. Especially in your vehicle, know each others first names and have a solid story you both stick to. The first thing cops will do is separate you and start the interrogation. Cops ain't dumb they know exactly why an old dude is with a hot young chick.

Even after all that if I seen a chick with a male driver I would assume it's a pimp. I wouldn't care though as long as he doesn't bother me. We all make our own choices.
myren1900's Avatar

If the cops start interrogating you, shut the fuck up. Take the fifth. Give them your name NOTHING else

If the cops start interrogating you, shut the fuck up. Take the fifth. Give them your name NOTHING else Originally Posted by myren1900
No doubt. It starts with a simple "Do you know why I pulled you over?" because i have a hooker in my truck is not a good answer lol. Really though I don't mind answering non incriminating stuff. If you plead the fifth off the bat for a traffic stop with a hooker in your vehicle, you're going in for questioning. It sounds silly but cops know, they do it all day everyday, they can feel it.

The big thing is know each others names. As long as you know each others names, and have the same story they will usually let you go besides any traffic ticket or whatever. If you're caught in the act lol, you're fucked, then yes clam up and get a good lawyer.

If you don't know each others names or your stories don't match you're probably going to get searched, which could be really bad depending on the lady. And you're definitely going in for questioning.
No doubt. It starts with a simple "Do you know why I pulled you over?" because i have a hooker in my truck is not a good answer lol. Really though I don't mind answering non incriminating stuff. If you plead the fifth off the bat for a traffic stop with a hooker in your vehicle, you're going in for questioning. It sounds silly but cops know, they do it all day everyday, they can feel it.

The big thing is know each others names. As long as you know each others names, and have the same story they will usually let you go besides any traffic ticket or whatever. If you're caught in the act lol, you're fucked, then yes clam up and get a good lawyer.

If you don't know each others names or your stories don't match you're probably going to get searched, which could be really bad depending on the lady. And you're definitely going in for questioning. Originally Posted by radio109
Best bet would to not say anything period other than your name and for YOU to ask why you're being pulled over, after showing your liscense,ins, and registration the only thing you should say is I'm free to go? Its not a crime to have a hooker in your car.