Witnessed a pretty sad thing the last few weeks.

milfy2002's Avatar

Bad manners be damned, my oldest has called me maybe once in the last two years. And she was in a car wreck. Suppose I should have let a shaken-up twenty-something year old girl go to voicemail...NOT.

I will literally text my youngest as I sit down to a movie or dinner and tell her that I am about to be off the grid and not to expect texts to be answered, so if she calls then she must really need something.

Again, sorry but I'M NOT SORRY. I know you're paying for our time but we are also human beings. I would never text, FB, google, or take random calls during dinner or post session clean-up but my family is so important to me that I am never going to just "leave my phone in the car" to soothe someone's ego.

Rant over

I do agree that all the random phone conversations I hear out in public are annoying as hell, I myself prefer text so that the whole universe doesn't know my business.

It is quite a struggle to maintain etiquette as far as cell phones are concerned. We are an ever evolving society, surely we will get it right one of these days!

Whispers's Avatar
I have witnessed on TWO occasions the last two weeks grown men throwing temper tantrums and pouting fits at restaurants because the provider they brought out in public received a phone call while they were together. Not answered! Received and closed on both occasions. One was a provider for sure because I've seen her ads on here. The other was almost surely a provider or sugar baby. The amount of shit you girls have to put up with is insane! Anyway, that is all. Originally Posted by RNB
Why are you assuming that the whore was on the clock? Maybe the guy getting pissed was her boyfriend, friend, coworker, etc....

Not all whores charge for their time to have a meal....

If the guy was foolish enough to pay for her time having dinner with him he has every right to be perturbed..... She sold her time to him..... How is it any different than if she was on her back with her legs spread?

The WKs are starting to be more prevalent than cockroaches these days.....
TemptationTammie's Avatar

I do agree that all the random phone conversations I hear out in public are annoying as hell, I myself prefer text so that the whole universe doesn't know my business.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
I completely agree that texting is sooooooo much better in public or if anyone is around.

I have witnessed on TWO occasions the last two weeks grown men throwing temper tantrums and pouting fits at restaurants because the provider they brought out in public received a phone call while they were together. Not answered! Received and closed on both occasions. One was a provider for sure because I've seen her ads on here. The other was almost surely a provider or sugar baby. The amount of shit you girls have to put up with is insane! Anyway, that is all. Originally Posted by RNB
Am I the only one that noticed that the calls were NOT answered, only received? It's a different story if she had answered the call, but she didn't.

Bad manners be damned, my oldest has called me maybe once in the last two years. And she was in a car wreck. Suppose I should have let a shaken-up twenty-something year old girl go to voicemail...NOT.

I will literally text my youngest as I sit down to a movie or dinner and tell her that I am about to be off the grid and not to expect texts to be answered, so if she calls then she must really need something.

Again, sorry but I'M NOT SORRY. I know you're paying for our time but we are also human beings. I would never text, FB, google, or take random calls during dinner or post session clean-up but my family is so important to me that I am never going to just "leave my phone in the car" to soothe someone's ego.

Rant over

I do agree that all the random phone conversations I hear out in public are annoying as hell, I myself prefer text so that the whole universe doesn't know my business.

It is quite a struggle to maintain etiquette as far as cell phones are concerned. We are an ever evolving society, surely we will get it right one of these days!

Originally Posted by milfy2002
Dev Null's Avatar
I don't know what all the fuss is about. If I'm out with someone, I usually silence my phone, unless I have a good reason not to. If someone else gets a call and decides to take it, no big deal. I just whip out my phone and kill a little time reading until however long it takes.

Why do we feel the need to enforce our own standards of etiquette on others? Isn't that kind of control freakish and the opposite of polite?

In a session, I'd prefer for phones to be silenced, because it can be a boner killer. But I don't always remember to silence my own, and a limp dick usually recovers quickly with the right inspiration. Getting angry about it isn't likely to help.

A thousand other factors go into whether I'll want to see a provider again, and whether she remembered to silence her phone doesn't play into it very much if at all. At least I've never had an experience where it got to be a show-stopper.

But we all have different temperaments, so I suppose that some people will react differently to triggers like that.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Okayyy and wtf yall?? What if it was an accident she usually left it on silent maybe. I always forget so be sure to crucify me for a very human mistake -jeezus I forget how under a magnifying glass yall put us sometimes but leave it to co-ed to be sure to show your worst aspects Originally Posted by GingerLyn Harte
GLH, I bet I could hang my keys on those nipples, love the avitar

Treetop78759's Avatar
Remember who pays your bills! Therefore, unless you are given permission turn the phone off and don't check it if you want to be paid or tipped. No exceptions.
Remember who pays your bills! Therefore, unless you are given permission turn the phone off and don't check it if you want to be paid or tipped. No exceptions. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Bullshit. It's called having kids, and kids are known to have emergencies. No exceptions. If I was out with a client and something happened to one of my children and I didn't find out until the appointment ended, I would never fucking forgive myself, much less the asshole client who didn't understand the importance of being a parent. That shit may fly with the little 20-year olds, or providers who chose not to bear crotchfruit (and that is NOT meant as derogatory - people either reproduce or they don't, and I'm not judging), but for the providers who do have children, FUCK YOUR RULES. No exceptions. The babysitter knows to text if it's something small that can wait, and to call if it's urgent, and her number will ring through even when my phone is on DND. You can bet your sweet fucking ass I'm answering my goddam phone if she calls.

Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck happened to a thing called compassion?

When you decide to venture out past the spa scene and learn a thing or two about the real goddam world, let us know.
justaphase's Avatar

Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck happened to a thing called compassion? Originally Posted by Claire
Fuck compassion, what about common sense.
justaphase's Avatar
Hey! CSB: Common Sense, Bitch!
Hey! CSB: Common Sense, Bitch! Originally Posted by justaphase
LMAO! That's it, contest over, you win!
Whispers's Avatar
Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck happened to a thing called compassion? Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

It went out the window with NC/NS, lack of TCB skills, lack of IOP, outrageous expectations in regards to multi call systems, telling us where to park, how to dress, when to shit, shower and shave and most of all the never ending price increases.

I have more compassion for lawyers these days.
Dev Null's Avatar
Bullshit. It's called having kids, and kids are known to have emergencies. No exceptions. If I was out with a client and something happened to one of my children and I didn't find out until the appointment ended, I would never fucking forgive myself, much less the asshole client who didn't understand the importance of being a parent. That shit may fly with the little 20-year olds, or providers who chose not to bear crotchfruit (and that is NOT meant as derogatory - people either reproduce or they don't, and I'm not judging), but for the providers who do have children, FUCK YOUR RULES. No exceptions. The babysitter knows to text if it's something small that can wait, and to call if it's urgent, and her number will ring through even when my phone is on DND. You can bet your sweet fucking ass I'm answering my goddam phone if she calls.

Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck happened to a thing called compassion?

When you decide to venture out past the spa scene and learn a thing or two about the real goddam world, let us know. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
You go girl. That's common sense if anything is.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I have children.

I also happen to tour a great deal.

Turning my phone onto silent for an hour or two during a session is no different than turning to Airplane mode during a 2-4 hour flight.

My phone is always on silent. There is only one exception to this, and that is when I have an overnight. Anyone who schedules an overnight with me is told that I will be disappearing at a set time to go call home for 10-15 minutes. If they have a problem with that-- we simply either alter the schedule around my block of time, or we don't meet.

No judgment here for those who do things differently-- but I'm of the mind that I leave my children with competent adults... if something goes so sideways that they can't handle it-- then I'm not likely to be able to fix it over the phone, either.
TehRyc's Avatar
I have witnessed on TWO occasions the last two weeks grown men throwing temper tantrums and pouting fits at restaurants because the provider they brought out in public received a phone call while they were together. Not answered! Received and closed on both occasions. One was a provider for sure because I've seen her ads on here. The other was almost surely a provider or sugar baby. The amount of shit you girls have to put up with is insane! Anyway, that is all. Originally Posted by RNB
While I am definitely not questioning the validity of this story. And definitely not saying it sounds fabricated to think of being in a resteraunt and randomly finding a provider on TWO SEPARATE occasions! You have to ask if, on these completely non-made-up occurrences in which you were clearly able to identify the merchant/customer relationship AND able to identify the providers actions and ensuing arguement, were they bickering about her... or maybe they were bringing attention to the Forever-Alone Ball of wrinkles that was appairently staring at them through binoculars in the next table over instead of mind his own business?

But then had this, completely real and not-created, scenario NOT HAPPENED, how would he possibly be able to catalogue the occurrence and bring it to us in a dashing display and example of his earnest values and selfless heroism.

I, for one, want to thank you for this completely non self serving thread you started. You are not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need. I just dont know how you get around without people noticing that giant red cape!