No American Owes a Dime In Reparations

You really are stuck on your post count aren't you. Duplicate posts abound with little additional. There is an Edit button, FYI. Re-quoting yourself is getting funny. Almost like recycled candy.

But yeah, Anyone who has to listen to the racist rants of the left should be due something. Originally Posted by eccielover
It's called "shit posting."

To make utterly worthless and inane posts on an internet messageboard.
This guy loves to shitpost all over the forums. Look at this crap:

TrevorReznick> my posts are only 5.22% of the total posts on this forum
#post#messageboard#goons#troll #forum
according to my math, that makes her a one-third Octoroon!

Attachment 859763

I kid.

the whole reparations thing is absurd and unworkable. your situation illustrates that. the answer is for everybody to start being nice to each other going forward. if that solution sounds vague and unworkable, it's because it is. but it's all Mankind has ever had. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yet 47% of Democrats think this a top issue! 27% of all voters. That means 0% of non-extremist Dems think it's an worthy issue! Yet, we're hit over the head with it every day on the news and websites.

I liked Danai's look better on The Walking Dead.

lustylad's Avatar
...the answer is for everybody to start being nice to each other going forward. if that solution sounds vague and unworkable, it's because it is. but it's all Mankind has ever had. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
True dat!

Marianne Williamson agrees!

(Yes that's Mick Jagger in a Beatles vid...)
themystic's Avatar
More DTDS propaganda. Politics. Like Trumps wall, just a total fantasy that the DTDS believe. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The battle over extending the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, explained

By Catherine Kim on July 29, 2019 1:10 pm

Under the bill, $10.2 billion will be authorized for the fund for the next 10 years, then additional billions until 2090, essentially covering the surviving 9/11 responders for the rest of their lives. This is a major win for first responders, who have been pushing for permanent funding for over a decade.

Forty Acres And A Mule

Despite the efforts of Radical Republicans during the Reconstruction period, however, significant land redistribution measures ultimately were abandoned, and virtually all southern lands were returned to white owners. The resulting sharecropping system left the social and economic structures of slavery essentially intact in the South.

. . . those Radical Republicans had any pull in the South.

Don't use hooker logic.

Conservatives are the problem.
themystic's Avatar
True dat! Marianne Williamson agrees! Originally Posted by lustylad
Marianne is a personal friend. She can lean pretty far left on some things but she is actually a very grounded and pragmatic person. Shes open minded enough to listen to others views. She knows the problems of today need something besides Moscow Mitch & the current President
lustylad's Avatar
More DTDS propaganda... Originally Posted by themystic
Dude... why do you keep babbling about DDTs? They've been banned by the EPA since 1972.
themystic's Avatar
Dude... why do you keep babbling about DDTs? They've been banned by the EPA since 1972. Originally Posted by lustylad
DTDS and Moscow Mitch. Swamp Things
lustylad's Avatar
DTDS and Moscow Mitch. Swamp Things Originally Posted by themystic
Huh? You like to mix DDT in your Moscow Mule?

Sounds unhealthy to me, but to each his own.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Marianne is a personal friend. She can lean pretty far left on some things but she is actually a very grounded and pragmatic person. Shes open minded enough to listen to others views. She knows the problems of today need something besides Moscow Mitch & the current President Originally Posted by themystic

is she open minded enough to publicly state the main driving force for the African slave trade was intra-tribal wars? this is the inconvenient truth of black on black violence in Africa then .. and now. Africa is 96% Black. how ya gonna spin that on Whitey?

even Ecky9.5 can't do that, even with 40 acres and a mule articles.

let's see what Slate, that completely unbiased and centrist publication "spins" the truth .. after admitting the truth.

“Black people enslaved each other in Africa, and black people worked with slave traders, so …”

In a piece published in Vice magazine in 2005 (and still available on the Vice website), comedian Jim Goad offers a series of “feel better about your history, white kids” arguments. One of his salvos: “Slavery was common throughout Africa, with entire tribes becoming enslaved after losing battles. Tribal chieftains often sold their defeated foes to white slave-traders.”

Is it true?: This is certainly true. But, as historian Marcus Rediker writes, the “ancient and widely accepted institution” of enslavement in Africa was exacerbated by the European presence. Yes, European slave traders entered “preexisting circuits of exchange” when they arrived in the 16th century. But European demand changed the shape of this market, strengthening enslavers and ensuring that more and more people would be carried away. “[European] slave-ship captains wanted to deal with ruling groups and strong leaders, people who could command labor resources and deliver the ‘goods,’ ” Rediker writes, and European money and technology further empowered those who were already dominant, encouraging them to enslave greater numbers. Both the social structures and infrastructure that enabled African systems of enslavement were strengthened by the transatlantic slave trade.

Bottom line: Why should this matter? This is a classic “two wrongs make a right” ethical proposition. Even if Africans (or Arabs, or Jews) colluded in the slave trade, should white Americans be entitled to do whatever they pleased with the people who were unlucky enough to fall victim?

Uhh no, Slate. nice try. this is a classic example of "No black on black hatred and tribal violence, no market."

the question everyone should be asking is .. "Why does the Black race hate itself so much?"
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dude... why do you keep babbling about DDTs? They've been banned by the EPA since 1972. Originally Posted by lustylad
DTDS and Moscow Mitch. Swamp Things Originally Posted by themystic
Huh? You like to mix DDT in your Moscow Mule?

Sounds unhealthy to me, but to each his own. Originally Posted by lustylad

I don't think M is talking about DDTs.

I don't know what this DTDS crap he's talking about.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't know what this DTDS crap he's talking about. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Nobody does. Insecticides have eaten his brain.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Nobody does. Insecticides have eaten his brain. Originally Posted by lustylad

i figured that out in another thread... welcome back mystic....

hmm.. forgot to say something in that thread.