What would be wrong with letting each individual woman decide for herself whether to have a baby or not ?
No imposing on others.....no arbitrary decisions on when life begins......consistent with American ideas of freedom.
Why is that so difficult ?
Originally Posted by VitaMan
Number one, You've stepped on the toes of the woke...a woman? Where have you been? According to the left, anyone can get pregnant. Man, you are so last century.
How about we let someone decided if they want to kill their annoying neighbor. Let that person decide, right?
An abortion involved at least two people, the mother and the baby. Who speaks for the baby's life? The baby is alive or else it would classified as a still birth. So there is no question of life. There is just a question of personhood. That is the same question the democrats argued about slaves. They're not people.
The right has been consistent; babies are alive and they're people. Kind of means that they have a RIGHT to life.