Burisma and Grassley another nothing burger

It's all petulant bickering. Point is
stop with the endless grandstanding and just govern. That's both sides Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeh, after the fukin Democrats and their lackeys in the Main Stream Media spent over 4 years accusing Trump of every conceivable discretion including but certainly not limited to the entire RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA lie, they now expect everybody to just “get along and govern”.

Of course, the Democrats idea of compromise is to do exactly as they wish.

The Democrat’s and middle class college educated women gave us the most corrupt and sleazy President in my lifetime in Joe Biden. And that includes Richard Nixon and LBJ.

It’s not time for compromise. It’s time for revenge, and cleaning house.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...All to get airtime Originally Posted by winn dixie
At least you got that part somewhat right. Air time to cover up tracks and distract from what realy matters --> Biden family corruption and treason to the USA. Karoline Leavitt hits the nail on the head.
by Nick Gilbertson 22 Jul 2023

...The document, which refers to “the Big Guy” and dates back to June 30, 2020, alleges “President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden each received $5 million from Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until President Petro Poroshenko fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma,” as Breitbart News Politics reporter Wendell Husebø noted.

Leavitt called it the most significant “political scandal” the United States has seen, dubbing it “worse than Watergate.”

“This is Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist stuff, but the mainstream media doesn’t want to cover it. Our president is compromised by our enemies around the world and was involved in an international bribery scheme,” she said. “He and his corrupt <redacted> son accepting $10 million from a corrupt Ukrainian, Mr. Z as I like to call him, the founder of Burisma, and that man is a corrupt and very bad man. But he was right about one thing, according to this 1023 document. It’s that Hunter Biden is dumber than his own dog. These people don’t respect Joe Biden and they were using him to funnel him cash, and he sold out the integrity of the United States and our national security in this bribe. It’s really unbelievable.”...

...“There are no coincidences in the swamp. The first federal indictment from Jack Smith and Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s henchmen, using the full department and the weight of the Department of Justice to target Donald Trump, that first indictment came hours after House Republicans revealed the damning evidence of the wire transfers, the money from the Ukrainian national into Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s bank account,” Leavitt said. “And now that second indictment, the target letter, was sent to President Trump on a Sunday night! Look, I worked in the Washington swamp for a couple of years; I can tell you bureaucrats don’t work on Sundays. They clock out at 5 pm, and then they rip the American people, taxpayers, off. But Jack Smith sent that letter on a Sunday night to get ahead of the release of the 1023 documents.”

“It’s all to muddy the waters, and it’s to give the mainstream propaganda press another narrative to talk about, which they capitalized on after the target letter was sent to Donald Trump. CNN, MSNBC, the mainstream networks covered that nine times more than they covered the House GOP oversight committee’s hearings this past week,” Leavitt added. “In fact, ABC News World News Tonight, that hackery show, didn’t even cover the House GOP oversight committee’s hearing, so they need another narrative to push against Donald Trump to cover up for Joe Biden’s crimes, but again, the people are seeing through it.”...
Who said it better and more accurately?:
  • Fvck Joe Biden said: My son Hunter is the brightest guy I know
  • Mr Z, who paid Fvck Joe Biden and his son $10Million in bribes said: His own dog is smarter than Fvck Joe Biden's son.
It's all petulant bickering. Point is
stop with the endless grandstanding and just govern. That's both sides Originally Posted by winn dixie
The only thing they are going to Govern is their criminal life style. They aren't working for the masses. They will just fill your head with bullshit and make you think they have your back.
... Yet-another "nothing burger" in the Land of Denial.

... Surely nothing but guesswork on the part of the
Congressional Investigation Committee...

... No longer being disputed by the liberal media.
Now they just run away from reporting it.

Gotta surely wonder just how many retractions
we might see from the sorry likes of CBS-News,
ABC and MSNBC and CNN... Seeing-as they've all
been so correct on things from the start.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
That's right. Just another gotcha nothing burger. When are both sides just gonna sit down and govern?
Nothing will come of it.

All to get airtime Originally Posted by winn dixie


As riled up as I have been over the Reussia-Colusion and other liberal-left attaqcks on Pe4sident Trump, I still have not seen "The Kraken" or anything else touted by republicans (20K mules) as dirty work by Democrats.

From what I have herd about Hunter Biden and the rest of the family, there are skeletons buried in the basement . . .but again nothing has really been brought forward. The FBI informant has not produced any physical evidence. No recordings or e-mail etc . . .and I think he is currently in jail in Cyprus for gun running.

Don't tell me you have the goods till you actually do.
ICU 812's Avatar
Remember, with the Nixon Watergate investigation . . .They eventually got the Oval Office recordings which broke it wide open.

Ok, so that was before many here, in the press and in Congress were born, but it is political history.

What no-one does recall is that the Democrat leasd "Ervin Committee" on campaign finance reform was, in the end, fully supported by the Republican minority with the ranking Republican, Sen Baker (R-TN) in full support of their efforts.

The evbidence was so damning to any one listening that Nixon resigned rather than face a sure impeachment and conviction.
Redhot1960's Avatar
What happened to YassyRapper?

biomed1's Avatar
To Remain on Topic . . .
6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

As riled up as I have been over the Reussia-Colusion and other liberal-left attaqcks on Pe4sident Trump, I still have not seen "The Kraken" or anything else touted by republicans (20K mules) as dirty work by Democrats.

From what I have herd about Hunter Biden and the rest of the family, there are skeletons buried in the basement . . .but again nothing has really been brought forward. The FBI informant has not produced any physical evidence. No recordings or e-mail etc . . .and I think he is currently in jail in Cyprus for gun running.

Don't tell me you have the goods till you actually do.
Originally Posted by ICU 812

... No, mate - they DO have the evidence... Banking records
as well as VP Biden actually meeting-with some of Hunter's
business partners... The FBI and DOJ have HID the evidence
for so long - and NOW they surely fear that it's all
catching up to them.

... It's ALL coming out... And is A LOT MORE than
a nothing-burger. ... The Dragon is on the roof.
And the American people surely know it.

#### Salty
  • rcusa
  • 07-26-2023, 09:56 AM
The Form FD1023 documents that Joe and Hunter EACH took $5M in bribes to keep Burisma "out of all types of trouble." That is in addition to the over $4M for Hunter (and a cut for "the Big Guy," Joe) to be on the Board of Directors, knowing and doing nothing of value for that Ukrainian Oil & Gas Company.
Further, the FBI not only knew, but also CORROBORATED these facts not later than Summer 2020.
Seems like a something-burger, and bribery is explicitly impeachable.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nothing is gonna come of this. Just more talk.
from what i understand

the hunter plea deal is having birth pains

the doj is trying to save face perhaps

hunter wants his deal to cover everything, even things that haven't yet been charged

and there is doj resistance to that because, well, the flashlight is on them and while they will bend and bend for dimocrats, they know they cant totally break, even some in the doj have a bit of self-respect
winn dixie's Avatar
When will we stop spending millions on these gotcha nothing burgers and GOVERN?
oilfieldace's Avatar
When will we stop spending millions on these gotcha nothing burgers and GOVERN? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Ask the Dems they were the orinator.
winn dixie's Avatar
It's gotta stop somewhere.
Just govern