Review: Vanessa

gateswarm's Avatar
I don't normally comment in these situations but....For what it's worth....I think Vanessa is a great provider and my time with her was a pleasure. I'm sorry Mr. Thrax had a bad experience. I hope he can work it out or get past it. I appreciate his sharing....why this board exists...but it wasn't my experience at all with Vanessa. As they say YMMV. Peace my friends and be safe.
I've seen Vanessa a couple of times and this is entirely out of character for her. I wouldn't hesitate to see her again. Hero47 was right on the mark with the crap that some people will say. If you've had experience with Vanessa then chime in good or bad as its what these forums are for. If you don't have experience than shut the fuck up.
Chinese proverb:
I smart man talks when he has something to say. A Fool talks to say something!
I always keep away from these discussions and white knighting. I just wanted to comment on Vanessa because when I saw her I was not expecting to have as great a time as I had and it was based on some of the so so reviews here. I'm glad I gave her a try because I believe she is one of the stellar providers out there. To each his own but I can highly recond her based on my experience.
I have to chime in too. This experience is the exact opposite of what I encountered. Honestly with her looks I half expected a bad attitude and maybe some issues but it's the reverse. She truly is a sweetheart and very easy to communicate with in person, on the phone, pm or text.

I'm not saying things didn't go bad in this situation. It just won't change my opinion or my wanting to see her again one bit.
Shouldn't this be moved to co-ed? NCNSs go there. The money that was loaned (or gifted) is not directly applicable to this specific encounter, i.e., no money exchanged hands here and no services were provided.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Correct sir....moved from reviews, no activities took place.