Anyone here belong to any white nationalist organizations?

  • grean
  • 02-27-2019, 10:24 AM
google is your friend.

Originally Posted by MCScatCat
You made the statement claiming vague measures & events were destroying white men. Give me a specific example, other than that kelgeri non sense and I'll Google it.

What are Jews doing to that is causing all the bad things to happen in the west?
MCScatCat's Avatar
OP, is interracial marriage one of the things you feel are destroying the white man? Originally Posted by grean
Marriage? Most people who breed with negro men have no idea who the father is, let alone get married. But anyhow, yes, interracial breeding is bad for white people, good for non whites.

Assup, I need a drink. And a fresh roll of soft toilet paper.
Oh that is no leftist , it is friendly fred or originally JL.

He loves white people and Israel. Originally Posted by WTF
I wonder how he felt about Sammy Davis Jr.
MCScatCat's Avatar
Specific example? Look at Germany. Merkel gets the Kalergi prize. 2 million dollars. Thats her thirty pieces of silver. Now Germany looks to be in complete ruin.

Thats just one example, but its a big, obvious one.
  • grean
  • 02-27-2019, 10:30 AM
Marriage? Most people who breed with negro men have no idea who the father is, let alone get married. But anyhow, yes, interracial breeding is bad for white people, good for non whites.

Assup, I need a drink. And a fresh roll of soft toilet paper. Originally Posted by MCScatCat

Could you elaborate how interracial relationships are bad for white people and good for non whites?
MCScatCat's Avatar
Since the IQ of blacks is lower than whites, having a mixed baby would be of lower intelligence than having a white baby. Thats just a start. For every neil de grasse tyson, there are a million retards.
  • grean
  • 02-27-2019, 10:36 AM
Specific example? Look at Germany. Merkel gets the Kalergi prize. 2 million dollars. Thats her thirty pieces of silver. Now Germany looks to be in complete ruin.

Thats just one example, but its a big, obvious one. Originally Posted by MCScatCat
Germany has close to 4 years of economic growth since 2015. Economies go up and down. It's normal to have a decline every so often.

How exactly has Merkel become Germany's Judas?
bamscram's Avatar
OP, is interracial marriage one of the things you feel are destroying the white man? Originally Posted by grean

Do you? Scat cat seems to think so.
  • grean
  • 02-27-2019, 10:43 AM
Since the IQ of blacks is lower than whites, having a mixed baby would be of lower intelligence than having a white baby. Thats just a start. For every neil de grasse tyson, there are a million retards. Originally Posted by MCScatCat
Awesome. I can work with that... I'll google, "Is there a link to race and IQ?"

Would you, in the mean time, go ahead and link your source for your claim that blacks have lower IQs than whites, please? Is it just blacks though? You said non whites earlier, let's be specific. Do you mean, asian &hispanic as well?
MCScatCat's Avatar
"economic growth"????? More people need more things. And Germany has had a very sharp sudden surge in population. DUH.

The downside outweighs any temporary gains in "financial growth". This is the real world, not Sim City.

I already explained how Merkel was Germany's Judas. She imported the third world population to destroy, eliminate and replace the native Germans. Germany will have to face civil war or civilization collapse.
Importing third world peoples to replace the white native population is a VERY BASIC PRINCIPLE of the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan. If this paragraph doesnt make sense to you, try re-reading it several times, or have a literate adult explain it to you.
  • grean
  • 02-27-2019, 10:45 AM
On the off chance, I find that scientists have proven there isn't a link between race and IQ, is there anything else, or is that it?
MCScatCat's Avatar
On the off chance, I find that scientists have proven there isn't a link between race and IQ, is there anything else, or is that it? Originally Posted by grean
There is a link between race and IQ, yet somehow I think all the proof in the world wont change your mind.

Since you apparently have difficulty using google, here you go.

Nobel Prize winner speaks the truth, angering delusional idiots.
  • grean
  • 02-27-2019, 11:11 AM

No genes, the things that detemine eye color, height, hair color, skin color, likely hood to be a fatty or a rail, have been conclusively linked to intelligence.

Your guy's thesis is based on correlation which is not causation.

Wanna try again?
  • grean
  • 02-27-2019, 11:18 AM
"economic growth"????? More people need more things. And Germany has had a very sharp sudden surge in population. DUH.

The downside outweighs any temporary gains in "financial growth". Originally Posted by MCScatCat
Would you agree that more people, simply means more people and that had the population increase been of white people it would have caused the same issue?
MCScatCat's Avatar
An increase of white people would have caused financial growth. But not a spike in the crime rate.

The world doesn't need more population. Especially from the third world.

Race and iq are related. If there was no difference, then Africa wouldn't be a third world shithole. Mexico would be a third world shithole. The middle East would be no different than 1990s Europe.
And there wouldn't be a disproportionate amount of Indians and Chinese people winning spelling bees