Kim Jong Dung wants to meet with President Trump

How would you know?

Eight years of Clinton, blah, blah, blah, while he was getting his knob polished on the taxpayers' dime.. Originally Posted by LexusLover
But you see, that was OKAY with Dimms. In fact, they ALL applauded Slick for being such a "potent" leader; finding time to play hide the salami with his intern during a little down time.

If anything, helped us all understand the word "is" can have more meanings than one....
themystic's Avatar
How would you know?

Impaired, retarded people like you have cognitive issues.

You don't like firearms?

You're just used to decades of empty threats and fake lines in the sand. And in a month or two you'll be whining and squealing about "more inspections" .. blah, blah, blah. That's what got us in Iraq the 2nd time. Eight years of Clinton, blah, blah, blah, while he was getting his knob polished on the taxpayers' dime.

We know where their shit is in NK. We verify with GPS. Lock and load with confirmed GPS locations. When they balk. Pulverize their shit. Don't give them 2 seconds to move a sand bag.

What irritates me is pukes like you, who put your hatred and disappointment above the best interests of the United States. You should not even be a part of the discussion.

Oh, this statement is absolute partisan bullshit:

Go harvest and stay out of the way. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're an idiot. Its not to late to join Reality, you stupid little maggot. Iraq was a bunch of Bush Bullshit. Now we have a new GOP fear monger. You are a pathetic loser
bamscram's Avatar
Events seem to be moving fast on the Korean Peninsula. It seems South Korea is acting as a middle man and has informed the Administration that Kim wants to talk, and might be open to abandoning his nuclear program with a guarantee that his Regime will not be threatened.

Is this for real. Is Kim just repeating the tried and true policy of pretending to cooperate while continuing his business as usual approach to building nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.

Should the President of the United States even meet with this thug? We are almost at the point where we have no choice, thanks to the inept actions of past administrations, both Democrat and Republican. These actions have allowed North Korea to become a bona fide threat. The proof is in the fact that Kim now has nuclear weapons and might be within a year of having a missle capable of carrying one to our shores.

What should President Trump do?

I think it's a shame that the President of the United States should be forced to be lowered to the level of meeting with a leader of a Thugocracy. It's in a sense blackmail. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Long time till actual meeting date, plenty of time to flip flop.
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  • 03-09-2018, 08:32 AM
Little Rocketman, The Orange One and mutual friend, Dennis Rodman all in the same room... Hijinx ensues... Must see TV!!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
That is basically all it is...minus Dennis Rodman. They really need to bring him to the table. That is probably who the go between os!
Long time till actual meeting date, plenty of time to flip flop. Originally Posted by bamscram
That would not bode well for Jong In to do that. Should he pull a last-second "Lucy" on Trump (only to embarrass or humiliate him) methinks our Commander in Chief will not take it so well.

LexusLover's Avatar
You're an idiot. Its not to late to join Reality, you stupid little maggot. Iraq was a bunch of Bush Bullshit. Now we have a new GOP fear monger. You are a pathetic loser Originally Posted by themystic
Losing the discussion are you? You're really ineffective.

But you've known that for some time, haven't you?

So, what did Clinton do there in his 8 years ...?

Kill goats? Or did he only blow up baby milk factories?

That's right .. he killed goats in Afghanistan ... while the Taliban were meeting with his buddy Ken Lay in Sugarland, Texas, to negotiate a pipeline to India to feed Lay's electric plant that the Clinton administration helped him get built (the one that blew up?)!

Better hurry up and harvest before the "rainy season"!
Hotrod511's Avatar
My post was fact. Try to refute it. You are an idiot, a moron, a stooge. But, by all means, carry on. Originally Posted by bambino
How would you know?

Impaired, retarded people like you have cognitive issues.

You don't like firearms?

You're just used to decades of empty threats and fake lines in the sand. And in a month or two you'll be whining and squealing about "more inspections" .. blah, blah, blah. That's what got us in Iraq the 2nd time. Eight years of Clinton, blah, blah, blah, while he was getting his knob polished on the taxpayers' dime.

We know where their shit is in NK. We verify with GPS. Lock and load with confirmed GPS locations. When they balk. Pulverize their shit. Don't give them 2 seconds to move a sand bag.

What irritates me is pukes like you, who put your hatred and disappointment above the best interests of the United States. You should not even be a part of the discussion.

Oh, this statement is absolute partisan bullshit:

Go harvest and stay out of the way. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're a habitual, lib-retard liar, mistake.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Losing the discussion are you? You're really ineffective.

But you've known that for some time, haven't you?

So, what did Clinton do there in his 8 years ...?

Kill goats? Or did he only blow up baby milk factories?

That's right .. he killed goats in Afghanistan ... while the Taliban were meeting with his buddy Ken Lay in Sugarland, Texas, to negotiate a pipeline to India to feed Lay's electric plant that the Clinton administration helped him get built (the one that blew up?)!

Better hurry up and harvest before the "rainy season"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Looks like you are batting 1000 mistake
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like you are batting 1000 mistake
LIPSTICK Originally Posted by Hotrod511
He just hasn't figured out that those old worn out personal attacks and lame bullshit faded years ago ... like all the race and gender cards played the past 8-9 years ... worn out and useless, just like he is. But I'm wanting him and his ilk to keep up the pace.
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  • 03-09-2018, 01:39 PM
personal attacks and lame bullshit faded years ago...

But I'm wanting him and his ilk to keep up the pace. Originally Posted by LexusLover
themystic's Avatar
He just hasn't figured out that those old worn out personal attacks and lame bullshit faded years ago ... like all the race and gender cards played the past 8-9 years ... worn out and useless, just like he is. But I'm wanting him and his ilk to keep up the pace. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lexus Liar aka Mr KIA Douche Bag

Hot Rod aka The Mystics Son
LexusLover's Avatar
He just hasn't figured out that those old worn out personal attacks and lame bullshit faded years ago ... like all the race and gender cards played the past 8-9 years ... worn out and useless, just like he is. But I'm wanting him and his ilk to keep up the pace. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Still applicable.
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like you are batting 1000 mistake LIPSTICK Originally Posted by Hotrod511
It's actually ZERO! A ZERO FOR A ZERO!
bamscram's Avatar
As long as Kim doesn't piss Trump off to where he grabs the football dialed in a code for Kim and blows his ass up.
LexusLover's Avatar
As long as Kim doesn't piss Trump off to where he grabs the football dialed in a code for Kim and blows his ass up. Originally Posted by bamscram
If it's "Kim"!
bamscram's Avatar
How do you make a hooker, gun control , tariffs, Russia investigation disappear from headlines? Make an announcement you will meet with North Korea. LOL