The Walking Dead (Spoiler Sort of)

Glenn isn't dead...he'll be back
Glenn isn't dead...he'll be back Originally Posted by pimpnezz
Yuuuup. He's a Terminator.
Glenn has to stay alive long enough to meet Lucille. Originally Posted by Hélène Stone
I think he survives because he has the flare gun to distract.
playerplano's Avatar

THN is killing me LOL ! I think it's a good twist to have him survive ...... Then kill him !
Hey I literally screamed NO at my tv as he was falling off the dumpster. It was shock and awe in my living room. I wanna see Glenn live too but I just can't imagine how he does given the fall. But the gentleman above gave a plausible scenario so perhaps he lives on for a while.
I bet they dont bring up glen again until after the fall break
Hey I literally screamed NO at my tv as he was falling off the dumpster. It was shock and awe in my living room. I wanna see Glenn live too but I just can't imagine how he does given the fall. But the gentleman above gave a plausible scenario so perhaps he lives on for a while. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

Rick made it out of a RV surrounded by a herd of walkers... so why couldn't Glenn?

Lucille should have been allowed to kiss him...
dallasfan's Avatar
But they are limited on how they can save glenn if they do....remember that michone and the rest of the group were in the same area so a flare gun or loud music would be heard by the rest of the group.
Hélène Stone's Avatar
According to very reliable spoiler sources I just read we will be hearing from Glenn again (via walkie talkie) RIGHT at the end of the next episode, cliffhanger style.
You're source was right.
Timeline wise, we know it is the 'next' day already when they get the distress call. This is getting interesting.

Question is - what are the chances of the guy that stole Darryl's crossbow being Dwight from the comics? Even though - his face is still kind of 'intact'...
Hélène Stone's Avatar
I watched it last night. Even though the spoilers said it was Glenn on the other end of the walkie-talkie, it didn't sound like him to me. Maybe it was Jesus.
Ya I'm gonna have to watch it again. I missed right before the oh fuck moment when they took daryls bike. What happened that made his light bulb go on all the sudden? Admittedly, I did not stay up for Talking Dead. Maybe they covered it there.

I'm ready to see sasha and rosalita throw down now. Hahaha. Cockblocking drama is the best kind of drama.