S0 Texas is opening back up.. What are you doing??

Yes, but those in their 60’s with diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc. have no business being out and about. And if we c9ntihue on this path, we will essentially become homebound until We reach her immunity levels (which will,occur before a vaccine, at the current rate spread).

It looks like with the R0 of 3 - 3.5, herd immunity should start around 65%. So that’s about 215M Americans getting infected. Even if you take the lower end if the mortality rate of 0.5%, that’s over one million deaths in the US. A LOT of people have reason to fear. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yes, that is true and the old timers with those comorbidities should protect themselves, and we as a society should also exercise appropriate caution around them.

Different states and cities should open up in different ways, each according to their ability, and each according to their disease.
Until there’s either a vaccine or some better treatment options than “stay home and try not to die”....I think I’ll continue social distancing.
I'm going to social distance as well - unless some lonely and very hot skinny girl wants some companionship! Then, I will show her comfort and affection!
I'm social distancing, practicing good hygiene, wearing a mask if I need to go out and looking for a massage.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
So many minds have been altered.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-05-2020, 11:21 AM
So many minds have been altered. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Some of these tricks have lost their mind not being able to nut, the corona has them locked in the house 24/7
I’m going to workout! I’ve gone to work everyday. I’m not afraid of COVID. It’s a virus like the flu I’ll get it sooner or later if I haven’t built antibodies already. Maintaining good health will help fight off infections.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I'll continue to wear mask and gloves when I go out and I'll keep as close to the house as I can.
My gut is that with opening starting this weekend we will see a spike in cases about the 20th.

TexTushHog's Avatar
I'll continue to wear mask and gloves when I go out and I'll keep as close to the house as I can.
My gut is that with opening starting this weekend we will see a spike in cases about the 20th.

https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/from-our...-misconception Originally Posted by Poppa_Viagra
It’ll be a gradual buildup, I suspect. Incubation period, time to decide you’re sick enough to get care. Texting issues including shortage of tests, delay getting result back, etc. But we surely should see a significant up tick by first part of June. The real question is how sharp will it be. Will we revisit hospitals being overwhelmed in hot spots, etc. and then we start all over having lost the Small amount of progress we worked so hard to eek out the first time. Hopefully any subsequent shutdowns will be more robust with fewer people and businesses being deemed essential.
There should be an uptick in cases in a couple of weeks, that was the pont of the term flattening the curve, to spread out the cases and not overwhelm the hospitals. Staying at home for 1 to 2 years until there are enough vaccines for everyone isn't really an option.
playerplano's Avatar
It’ll be a gradual buildup, I suspect. Incubation period, time to decide you’re sick enough to get care. Texting issues including shortage of tests, delay getting result back, etc. But we surely should see a significant up tick by first part of June. The real question is how sharp will it be. Will we revisit hospitals being overwhelmed in hot spots, etc. and then we start all over having lost the Small amount of progress we worked so hard to eek out the first time. Hopefully any subsequent shutdowns will be more robust with fewer people and businesses being deemed essential. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This is very common sense. I believe we know more about the virus and we will be able to focus the efforts where we see upticks. The testing will only get better , some people will have already had it and a real treatment might be very close. Vaccine is not coming soon so we will still need some social distancing and masking /hand washing. Sorry no giant crowds but televised sports should be ok.
TexTushHog's Avatar
There should be an uptick in cases in a couple of weeks, that was the pont of the term flattening the curve, to spread out the cases and not overwhelm the hospitals. Staying at home for 1 to 2 years until there are enough vaccines for everyone isn't really an option. Originally Posted by Bigtexguy42
Yes, staying at home for two years would be extremely difficult and should be avoided. The way to do have a three to four month SERIOUS social distancing policy, and then to test everyone every week or so. Isolate or even quarantine those who test positive. And track and trade all of their contacts within a minimum period. Then everyone Who has had any contact with them is isolated for 15 days.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Yes, staying at home for two years would be extremely difficult and should be avoided. The way to do have a three to four month SERIOUS social distancing policy, and then to test everyone every week or so. Isolate or even quarantine those who test positive. And track and trade all of their contacts within a minimum period. Then everyone Who has had any contact with them is isolated for 15 days. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Obviously that is not going to happen.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-07-2020, 03:36 PM
Obviously that is not going to happen. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
I'll give up my list of the last ten whores I've stuffed the past month, who's gonna chase them and their tricks around?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Obviously that is not going to happen. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
It should happen. But Trump is too incompetent to pull it off.