Possible Guide for Newbies

blackbird_nevermore please write the guide. No need necessarily to retire first. The more information the better, knowledge is power, etc.. Maybe something along the lines of one made for strip clubs that was posted to the internet years ago, you can download it here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mhrxk...anual.pdf/file
Amen to that BBNM. I have told myself many a times, after a disappointing encounter, that I am done and gonna invest my monies in another hobby. So far I have always found myself looking at the ads and wondering if there isn't one more out there that could be the best I have ever had.
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will the cover look like this ???
Pcolaman, well, my journey in the hobby will be different than yours. We all have different reasons on why we hobby and what we’re looking for.

I have had A LOT OF FUN with on my many misadventures. Have I completed my bucket list? No. But, if I retired today, would I be content? Yes.

The following is a blanket statement, and isn’t direct at you, Pcolaman.

For me, the hobby is like a roller coaster. It has the highest highs and the lowest lows.

I look at the hobby similar to personnel management. You have the right person for the job.

You have your dependable girl, who almost always delivers.

And then you have some that are situational, good under the right circumstances.

I like to reward those who treat me well and take care of business. Lately, the amount of reputable, good providers is dwindling down.

If a girl burns me, I don’t go back. (Unless she has a DAMN good reason. Life happens. But, these occurrences should be occasional and not the norm). I’m unforgiving and uncompromising in this.

My thoughts are I had to work and build everything I have from nothing. I have to manage projects, programs and personnel.

I have to be perfect all the time. All day, everyday. Win. Win. Win. Failure is always an option, but it is never an acceptable one.

I make 1/5 of what these girls make an hour before taxes. I look at all the business meetings I have to deal with and the level of support I have to provide.

From suit and tie in dealing with businessmen and politicians to blue jeans and boots while working in the trenches.

So, when I try to book an hour of fun with a girl and pay her a princely wage, it infuriates when she can’t have the courtesy to tell me that she has to cancel. Instead I’m ghosted and my time is wasted.

If you are okay with having your time wasted and will let these girls walk all over you, then cut off your balls and hand them to her.

These girls demand courtesy and timeliness from us, but don’t extend us the same. It’s a double standard... Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
This must be the manifesto to the beginner guide haha.. all hail king Blackbird
I believe the guide warrants a "sticky" - what do you say...Mods?
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