They tried to impeach President Trump over what Senile Biden just did

berryberry's Avatar
Quid pro quo to influence an election.

But watch the media fall all over themselves to try and cover it up for President Potted Plant.
berryberry's Avatar
While the mainstream media try to bury this

Dude, you must really have no life at all. I can’t imagine being so angry and so radical that I’d sit online all day, posting political crap and raving about everything the Democrats do and say. It’s sad, to be honest.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I enjoy b^2s articles.
berryberry's Avatar
I enjoy b^2s articles. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Thanks. I appreciate that.

We know that Democrats do count on their voters to be dumb and ill-informed. Just doing my part to help inform others and expose left wing bullshit exposed.

I mean what type of person does not want to be more informed?