How Did The. Caravan Get Here So Quickly?

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  • 11-21-2018, 08:22 PM
The journalist-killers in this caravan are not from Saudi Arabia. They're from Mexico.

The Mexican Cartels killed some nine journalist so far this year: twelve journalists last year.

Have you ever done a web search for videos depicting Mexican Cartel machete beheadings of those they consider to be snitches? Very gruesome.

Wanna bet that the Mexican Cartels rival the Saudis in butchery?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So the Mexican Cartel is coming to take out the Lame Stream Media?
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  • 11-21-2018, 08:25 PM

Several of our Liberal posters stated during the elections that it would take months for the Caravan to reach the southern border of the US.

They're here. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think Trump wanted them here BEFORE the election
I B Hankering's Avatar
So the Mexican Cartel is coming to take out the Lame Stream Media? Originally Posted by WTF
They kill pretty much everybody that gets in their way. Octavio Atilano Román Tirado worked for ABC. Jaime Zapata worked for ICE.

They're behind many of killings in Chicago every week.

Anything Trump can do to stop even one of these killers hidden in these caravans from entering this country in the name of sanctuary is justified.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Nope...I was playing the GOP blame game. It's their fault the wall wasnt built and trump sucks Originally Posted by Tsmokies
So it wasn't democrats and a few never trumpers who continue to block funding?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump is playing golf after he called out the military to protect America from this invasion? Happy holidays to our troops Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Are you fully prepared to eat shit?

They are estimating as many as 10,000 in the next weeks.

Perhaps Mexico should have put forth a little more effort in stopping them at their southern border.

Several of our Liberal posters stated during the elections that it would take months for the Caravan to reach the southern border of the US.

They're here. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Dozens of busses, all iirc provided for by various charities. People jumping busses or trucks.. That's how.
OH and the mexicans HELPING them.

Tijuna is going to get so bad. There's no room for all those people. I've been there once - it's a shithole. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

We saw that big protest BY tijuanans against them, many shouting the SAME as we protestors here did "GO home, come here legally, illegal aliens we don't want you" etc..
I wonder. WE saw all the usual suspects lambast US for being 'bigots, xenophobes' and the like
WILL ANY of the media, claim the same for those protestors?
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  • 11-22-2018, 07:11 AM
So it wasn't democrats and a few never trumpers who continue to block funding? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall.

Maybe the invading caravan was here to build it and Mexico won't pay them!
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  • 11-22-2018, 07:15 AM
They kill pretty much everybody that gets in their way. Octavio Atilano Román Tirado worked for ABC. Jaime Zapata worked for ICE.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
But look at all the jobs they are providing like the Saudis...why would Trump care about a few casualties as long as they are employing our youth!
  • oeb11
  • 11-22-2018, 07:47 AM
The caravan situation shows the failure of our immigration laws and policy- a Constitutional responsibility of US Congress. Both political sides have knowingly punted immigration reform as a political football - and blamed the other side.

we have a right a country to control our borders, and exlude those coming illegally - the "asylum" provision is abused by these thousands of illegal immigrants.
Why- the situation in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala - is a choice between MS13 and other gangs or grinding poverty and death. The governments do not provide a safe standard of living s the gangs have taken over.

Legally - "asylum" does not include fleeing from MS13
The US is seen as the only possible option for people seeking to live a life free of the gangs.

We cannot fix Central America - or other American hemisphere countries.

Fixing our appetite for drugs and removing the money from the gangs and cartels would be a start.

Meanwhile - time to get Congress' attention.

There are quite a number of illegal alien advocate organizations - rent some buses, collect all possible of these illegals - and bus them to the home neighborhoods of Congressional leaders - Pelosi, Schuner, Schiff, Maxine, McConnell, and others.

That will get their attention in short order - dump a bunch of MS13's at their doorstep and see how their tone changes.

Reality is that unless conditions improve in their home countries, people will continue to risk their lives to escape their horrendous living conditions into the US. On an individual basis - can't say I blame them for trying to find a better life. Doesn't mean I feel we can support "open borders" and uncontrolled immigraation into our country.

A country without borders cannot exist.
The DPST dream of a borderless Amerikan hemisphere is a disaster waiting to happen.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Tijuna is going to get so bad. There's no room for all those people. I've been there once - it's a shithole. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I have been there many times. It is a complete shyte hole.
I have been there many times. It is a complete shyte hole. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
I was there over 50 years ago.

As I recollect, it was better when they picked the scabs out.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So it wasn't democrats and a few never trumpers who continue to block funding? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Republicans currently hold a 42 seat majority in the House. Maybe if they can't get funding for "the wall" there is something wrong with the request. From what I can tell, the majority of the people in this country do not want the wall built as proposed by Trump.
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  • 11-22-2018, 10:27 AM
Republicans currently hold a 42 seat majority in the House. Maybe if they can't get funding for "the wall" there is something wrong with the request. From what I can tell, the majority of the people in this country do not want the wall built as proposed by Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
They had both Houses and Trump in the WH... and still couldn't get the funding. Maybe it was because Trump told everyone before the election that Mexico was going to pay for the f****** wall
Legally - "asylum" does not include fleeing from MS13
The US is seen as the only possible option for people seeking to live a life free of the gangs. Originally Posted by oeb11

And when many of those gangs, ESPECIALLY MS-13 are now IN the states, thanks to us letting in hondurans and the like, for the past 5+ years, how can they be fleeing it, when they are the ones bringing them in??

Reality is that unless conditions improve in their home countries, people will continue to risk their lives to escape their horrendous living conditions into the US. On an individual basis - can't say I blame them for trying to find a better life. Doesn't mean I feel we can support "open borders" and uncontrolled immigraation into our country. Originally Posted by oeb11

Then why does the US spend so much ON those countries trying to make them "better", if its not doing a damn thing to improve things?
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  • 11-22-2018, 04:14 PM
Are you fully prepared to eat shit? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Wtf does this mean?