Al Gore is back.

fun2come's Avatar
There is a 95% probability that climate change is caused through human activity. Not that it is or isn't happening. I'm citing Wikipedia ..fuck it Originally Posted by hungryhippo
global warming <> climate change, don't confuse the two.

climate change is caused by humans and all living life forms, including plants, why do you think we are here? YUP, THX to Climate Change.

Consider this:
Dinosaurs passing wind may have caused climate change

So stop farting.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If there's a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response. It's not about our analysis ... It's about our response. - Dick Cheney

There is a 95% probability that climate change is caused through human activity. Not that it is or isn't happening. I'm citing Wikipedia ..fuck it

Only 1 of 9136 peer reviewed authors have rejected that climate change is happening. That is .01% ..source

So you all telling me that uber wealthy politicians who's only motives are to fatten their bottom line are more trustworthy than 9 thousand scientist.

wow Originally Posted by hungryhippo

9,000 scientists? Is that all? Our colleges graduate over 100,000 people who could be called scientists every year. Your "scientists" are less than .01 percent of all scientists in this country.

Had a new colleague last semester. Don't think he is going to last. He lost his goverment grant of $4 millions and now he had to teach. A little bitter and he is a "scientist" who made a living on global warming.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Of course climate change is real. It's been real for 3 billion years. Humans haven't caused it, and humans can't stop it. It is happening. It just is.
Gore is great, he makes right wingers crazy. They spin in circles and tear at their hair.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Gore is GREAT! That is how you're supposed to say it EVA. Accent the GREAT!

Now you're right up there with the "dear leader", "der fuehrer", and "uncle Joe".
Gore is GREAT! That is how you're supposed to say it EVA. Accent the GREAT!

Now you're right up there with the "dear leader", "der fuehrer", and "uncle Joe". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
thanks Tony....
global warming <> climate change, don't confuse the two.

climate change is caused by humans and all living life forms, including plants, why do you think we are here? YUP, THX to Climate Change.

Consider this:
Dinosaurs passing wind may have caused climate change

So stop farting. Originally Posted by fun2come
Consider this....

It will only get better since India and China are getting a taste for a more western diet.

9,000 scientists? Is that all? Our colleges graduate over 100,000 people who could be called scientists every year. Your "scientists" are less than .01 percent of all scientists in this country.

Had a new colleague last semester. Don't think he is going to last. He lost his goverment grant of $4 millions and now he had to teach. A little bitter and he is a "scientist" who made a living on global warming.
I said peer reviewed scientist. ..Not scientist. Are we not to trust the entire scientific community and methods? Or, are you choosing just this one category of scientist and they conned everyone? Yes, there are cases of scientist making things up. Remember the stem cell debacle in south korea?
But, to say that all climate scientist are greedy conmen is a stretch.

9 out of 10 of the most authors who cast doubt on climate change have ties to ExxonMobil. Exxon also has ties to funding grassroot climate change denying organizations

The Deniers have former tobacco industry consultants on their side to spin and debunk climate change. These are the same guys that tried to spin smoking as not being that bad.

Do anyone of you all think it is happening? not happening? happening and not man made? If it's not man made then what other theories do you all have?
fun2come's Avatar
Consider this....

It will only get better since India and China are getting a taste for a more western diet. Originally Posted by hungryhippo
Spread the word: EAT more COWS !!!
I'll go on a world wide tour and have you put me in for a Nobel Prize, OK?
Ducbutter's Avatar
Consider this....

It will only get better since India and China are getting a taste for a more western diet.

I said peer reviewed scientist. ..Not scientist. Are we not to trust the entire scientific community and methods? Or, are you choosing just this one category of scientist and they conned everyone? Yes, there are cases of scientist making things up. Remember the stem cell debacle in south korea?
But, to say that all climate scientist are greedy conmen is a stretch.

9 out of 10 of the most authors who cast doubt on climate change have ties to ExxonMobil. Exxon also has ties to funding grassroot climate change denying organizations

The Deniers have former tobacco industry consultants on their side to spin and debunk climate change. These are the same guys that tried to spin smoking as not being that bad.

Do anyone of you all think it is happening? not happening? happening and not man made? If it's not man made then what other theories do you all have? Originally Posted by hungryhippo

Clearly there is some warming going on but it's been going on for some time now, though there's been none for approx. the last 15 years. I've seen articles showing that the planet has been warming for about the last 300 years. I'd say there's very little chance that the cause of that trend was anthropogenic, though I'm also sure we are contributing to a slight degree. However, AGW activists and scientists overestimate the CO2 sensitivity of the atmosphere as a driver of climate change. Things like the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation along with solar activity look like greater influencers than CO2, especially as it's portrayed in the models of AGW activists. All of them overestimate CO2's effect by as much as %75 as compared to real world measurements.
And that meme that 97% of all scientists agree about AGW has been debunked ad nauseam. Read some of the papers or blogs from people like Bill Gray or Judith Curry for a more measured approach to the subject.
That being said, I'm all for a cleaner planet (though CO2 is not a pollutant) but I'm just not in favor of hamstringing US businesses with over burdensome regulation to "fix" a problem that poses no imminent threat.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Consider this....

It will only get better since India and China are getting a taste for a more western diet.

I said peer reviewed scientist. ..Not scientist. Are we not to trust the entire scientific community and methods? Or, are you choosing just this one category of scientist and they conned everyone? Yes, there are cases of scientist making things up. Remember the stem cell debacle in south korea?
But, to say that all climate scientist are greedy conmen is a stretch.

9 out of 10 of the most authors who cast doubt on climate change have ties to ExxonMobil. Exxon also has ties to funding grassroot climate change denying organizations

The Deniers have former tobacco industry consultants on their side to spin and debunk climate change. These are the same guys that tried to spin smoking as not being that bad.

Do anyone of you all think it is happening? not happening? happening and not man made? If it's not man made then what other theories do you all have? Originally Posted by hungryhippo

You have to love it (that's sarcasm). I'm accused of saying that all global warming scientists are "greedy" and then the author of that slur goes on to say that 90% of ALL global warming critics are on the payroll of the oil company. Sorry but that is hypocritical and twisted. You can call that an attack but it is an observation of hypocritical behavior.

If you go and look at the list of climate "scientists" who worked on the UN report, in England, or in the US a lot of them have degrees and specialties that are hardly germane to the discussion. Look at the grand daddy of them all...Al Gore. What is his degree in? Where did he do his research? Can you name a peer reviewed paper that he published?
Al Gore is back. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who said he left?
Gore is great, he makes right wingers crazy. They spin in circles and tear at their hair. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Nobody tears at their hair over Gore. He's nothing but a crackpot. If the affects of Climate Change/Global Warming is in any way caused by the activities of Humans, nature has a way of compensating. We are all tearing at our hair because nature is fucking with us, and we don't truly understand the ways of nature, nature always wins.

I said peer reviewed scientist. ..Not scientist. Are we not to trust the entire scientific community and methods? Originally Posted by hungryhippo
Like I said in an earlier post, the IPCC scientists have already been caught lying for each other.

Also, "peer reviewed" doesn't mean "established scientific fact." It is like going into an AMP and asking mamasan which girl gives a great massage. They all do!