Review or not to review? which is better?

mssassy's Avatar
lol Okay Sadie let me clarify something in case anyone on here thinks I am still a "bleeding heart" while I am interested making sure that everyone stays safe on here . We all should share that same goal. You know keeping everyone out of the pokey whether we like them or not or whether or not we agree with them.

Shorty I am playing nice trust me I am I am working hard very hard at playing nice lmao

Southernborn I raised the question for any hobbyist and new providers who might read this. This community can be tough on new people especially if you dont play the politics and even harder on new providers who dont meet the so called "criteria" that the community has in place or who dance to their own tunes as a provider. It had been my hope that this would have a thread that would be more informational and helpful instead of what it was.

In all honesty after this I would rather sit in a room full of men who beat their wives and children and try to teach them how to stop battering then continue this. At least that meeting might have been helpful to least one of them which was my intent of this thread. To help new hobbyist and new providers.

Huck please close this. Once again I regret opening this thread. It is apparent I was wrong to try help new hobbyist and new providers.

Proud to be a central ark domestic violence survivor and not another ark fatality
  • sadie
  • 11-17-2010, 02:30 PM
Otay Sassy Master. Intentions can be good, but actions speak volumes. ehh? Enough said about that.

I didn't know we could claim brownie points for domestic violence! Add me to the list.


Proud to be a central Ark domestic violence castration perpetrator.
mssassy's Avatar
I almost posted something to Sadies response but I have decided not to. I just cant. Its not worth it. I will tell you this and let it rest. My abuser was let go and has been let countless times by lr le despite being on parole for dv. Lr Les focus was at the time and still is on the hobby not violent crimes which is where it should be. there is a reason that my abuser keeps walking but that is not public information. Lr les focus was on me as a provider not the fact that I was being abused and that is wrong. I am not the only one who that has happen to and that is wrong.
So if being proud of being a provider who has surived dv in central ark makes sadie and everyone else mad so be it. I dont care. If it helps one woman who is a provider who is being abused behind closed doors then it is so worth it.

I dont care about brown points as you put it sadie . I do care have always care about helping others.

Once again this thread was about helping new providers and new hobbyist.

Huck please I beg of you close this thread. or help me build a cement playpen to take this too
  • sadie
  • 11-17-2010, 03:55 PM
This thread wasn't about domestic violence in any fashion. Am I correct? My post was speaking of your history, and decisions made then after. Not worthy of the nightly news... everyone already knows.

Where is is Huck or Random?? She said close the thread peoples!
mssassy's Avatar
we all have past sadie and people change u did, i sure did we all do. your right it was about to review or not to be and instead it turned into something close to cat fight which was pointless. my decisions of late have been exceptional. I admit to make rash decisions in the past but hey i am allowed. arent we all ?
we all have past sadie and people change u did, i sure did we all do... I admit to make rash decisions in the past but hey i am allowed. arent we all ? Originally Posted by mssassy
Problem with that is...people rarely change, despite their desperate hopes to project the impression that they have.

It's pretty difficult to develop honor & backbone. You either have it or you don't. Some of us were around to witness the lack of the aforementioned qualities. Have you forgotten? We haven't.

You can't unring a bell, dear. It just doesn't cooperate. Unlike some...

Now, I'm the last person that would ever jump up & scream, "Sadie's right!" Apparently, hell has officially frozen over. I've got my skiing gear out & I'm ready to go!
Pamelatoo's Avatar
Sold my Winter wear at the Yard Sale. Bad Pam... Bad Bad Pam. Oh well....I'll be in the Lodge.