Racist, homophobe Abbott

Flair4Drama's Avatar
He's simply the tool of a political party of whores using him to get ignorant fucks to vote for them and their morally bankrupt agenda. Originally Posted by jokacz
Says the guy hoping for a 4th term for Oblama
He's simply the tool of a political party of whores using him to get ignorant fucks to vote for them and their morally bankrupt agenda. Originally Posted by jokacz
And coming from a guy that backs an actual whore who fucked her way to get to the top, has no morals or true agenda and knows absolutely nothing about anything.

Ignorant much? Lol

He's simply the tool of a political party of whores using him to get ignorant fucks to vote for them and their morally bankrupt agenda. Originally Posted by jokacz
it was 8 years of

living through Hussein

and with the last 4 of Hussein

its even worse
jokacz's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Of course.... more people died from covid under Biden than Trump.
Google it Jok

Flair4Drama's Avatar

This! Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Full disclosure.....Dims lie about everything.... including working at McDonalds as it turns out.

You can bet they are lying if their lips are moving.....

And even the Dimwits are.... scratch that, they aren't smart enough....

Funniest thing though.... and no one seems to be catching on..... but.... there is a small sliver of undecided voters. Historically this group is usually more informed than the general population on policy....

They aren't being fooled by the absence of media presence. The Dims thinck they are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes with this charade. They are going to be surprised this November.

Look for a landslide of Reagan proportions come November.....
jokacz's Avatar
Of course.... more people died from covid under Biden than Trump.
Google it Jok Originally Posted by Flair4Drama

Once again, meaningless.

The orange moron's inaction, misinformation, and general stupidity were the prime causes of the pandemic.

You're all just a bunch of scared old white boys (I'd say men, but you never grew up) clinging to your pistol permits and paying to fuck fat pigs.
jokacz's Avatar
Ignorant much? Lol Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Seriously? There is nothing in this world more ignorant than a Trumptard.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Seriously? There is nothing in this world more ignorant than a Trumptard. Originally Posted by jokacz

All those with TDS are poster children for ignorance.....
jokacz's Avatar
Of course.... more people died from covid under Biden than Trump.
Google it Jok Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Once again, meaningless.

The orange moron's inaction, misinformation, and general stupidity were the prime causes of the pandemic. Originally Posted by jokacz
How in the fuck is what F4D said meaningless? It’s the truth…it’s a fact. Look it up.

And now the pandemic is the orange moron’s fault? You gotta be kidding me. Of course China had nothing to do with it right? Or Fauci? Or the fact that Trump tried to shut down people traveling to our country from China and was called Xenophobic by the Dems? And the orange moron should have seen it coming? The only misinformation and/or disinformation was pushed by the Dems on their good friend’s social media sites. Even ole Zuck has finally admitted to it. And regarding inaction. Operation Warp Speed is what brought about the vaccine so quickly that the Dems said wouldn’t take it (The Trump Vaccine as they called it at the time) prior to winning the 2020 election, but then flipped and pushed it down our fucking throats, mandated it, fired people for not taking it, and tried to get us to believe it was them that came up with the vaccine.

And of course there’s the 4 or 5 boosters they tried to also shove up our asses because the Dems are in bed with Big Pharma who ended up making billions. But, all of this is ok with you I suppose?

Blaming anyone other than the originator of the pandemic is ridiculous. Talk about a meaningless post.

The hate is blinding many of you from the actual facts.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
jokacz is very funny and a talented communicator, easily the most entertaining liberal on this site.

I disagree with him on the contrived bullshit coronavirus hysteria.

Don't know what he thinks about burdensome commercial regulation, parasitic illegal immigrant invaders, irritating income redistribution, white guilt, mainstream media scumbags, transvestites, or any of the other host of destructive democrat party insanity.

Irrespective of this he is one effective shit talker and I respect this.

End of sermon.
Man Trump lives rent free in the libtards head lmao. TRUMP2024 bitches
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I find myself curious if the creepy democrat party loyalist idiots have flip flopped on the issues like Harris, the whore, has.

Or if they believe the bullshit out of their manufactured male lesbian vice presidential nominee dickbreath's lying yap.

Prolly not.

They just hate the elderly, successful white man so much that nothing else matters.
