Thread age and closings

ElumEno's Avatar
Well its been going on for awhile locally and I for one am tired of it. Originally Posted by KenMonk
It is not only locally.. but yes I agree.
KenMonk's Avatar
It seems worse on a local level, but I am more vested locally.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
ElumEno's Avatar
Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
DAMN - That crowd seems familiar...
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 01-13-2013, 06:23 PM
Come on guys...I told to hang on and you kept on commenting. Anyhow 'Bumping' concept applies only to reviews (Independent, Agency, Spa, Club, etc). If someone bumps the thread that is beyond 30days old then mod is going to close the thread. Concept of bumping is not to give any false (intentional or what ever you call) advertisement to the provider of any given review.

Bumping & Closing is not going to apply for other threads, but please try to stick to the subject of the thread (and that is the reason why I have merged all the photo threads). I have documented in Staff Room which is going to help for the future mods (unfortunately you guys can't see them.. ).

A mod can close the thread based on
1. Requested my OP
2. If someone hijacks the thread and refuses to stay with in the subject of the thread, if so the mod can award the points as per the board guidelines. This closing is going to be temporary to bring the situation under control.
+ due to some on fly constraints.

Hope this clears up.
ElumEno's Avatar
What - your not going to close it... sorry could not resist.

I believe that almost everyone agrees that there are times that threads need to be closed.
But when closing them please at least give a reason.

As for when a mod can close the threads...
1. Requested by OP - Just because it is requested does not mean the mod should.
2. If someone hijacks the thread and refuses to stay on topic... No i do not believe the thread should be closed.. if someone refuses to stay on topic point them, if they still refuse.. BAN THEM.

Little off OP topic but since you brought it up.. In my personal opinion the merging of threads is just plain damn especially the way it was done..
I know your reasons behind merging all the photo threads into one.. but what is next.. you can use the same logic to merge all of my reviews into one thread. that is just my opinion.

Now modda, please take this as what it is meant to be - constructive criticism.
You are doing a damn fine job and I for one appreciate all the hard work you have done.
KenMonk's Avatar
Come on guys...I told to hang on and you kept on commenting. Anyhow 'Bumping' concept applies only to reviews (Independent, Agency, Spa, Club, etc). If someone bumps the thread that is beyond 30days old then mod is going to close the thread. Concept of bumping is not to give any false (intentional or what ever you call) advertisement to the provider of any given review.

Bumping & Closing is not going to apply for other threads, but please try to stick to the subject of the thread (and that is the reason why I have merged all the photo threads). I have documented in Staff Room which is going to help for the future mods (unfortunately you guys can't see them.. ).

A mod can close the thread based on
1. Requested my OP
2. If someone hijacks the thread and refuses to stay with in the subject of the thread, if so the mod can award the points as per the board guidelines. This closing is going to be temporary to bring the situation under control.
+ due to some on fly constraints.

Hope this clears up. Originally Posted by modda
So now when told to hang on we can't comment on threads? Reviews aren't to be bumped, that was never the issue. The issue was closing threads simply because someone commented on it past 30 days. In some cases the posting was relevant to the topic, and an update. The thread was closed anyway, and I'm not talking about just recent issues.

Also a case can be made for nearly any post that is made in a thread thats its an attempt to hijack or move the topic of discussion. Thats how discussions work. You start on a topic, and over time the topic changes through natural evolution. I haven't seen a temporary closing, just an "I'm closing it and thats that". Even when discussed in private that was the answer I have gotten.

Also reread the guideline I linked, simply closing a thread, even at the OP's request, in the middle of a discussion is not how I believe it should be done. If someone starts a thread, and it doesn't go the way they want it to go, but discussion is still taking place why close it? Simply because the OP is crying foul on the can of worms they opened themselves? While I agree you have to make decisions on the fly, you shouldn't just close threads on a whim because its easy to do.
KenMonk's Avatar
No I am not. It is a good thing that membership takes it upon themselves to police themselves in a postive and constructive way. What you did was perfectly fine and how I believe it should go. You questioned why someone would bump an old thread. I concede that Lana's post was in no way productive, but instead of editing her post to remove forbidden topics, the post was closed, and her comments were untouched.

My point, and issue is that for awhile now local mods have been quick to close threads and slap the hands of those who bump old threads and tossing in their input. Membership as a whole has policed this themselves in the past, and have done a fairly decent job of it, even when it happens to reviews. Just because a thread is bumped, doesn't mean it should be closed. Originally Posted by KenMonk
To bring it up the forbidden topic is still left untouched. This has been sitting there how long?
malwoody's Avatar
I think Modda is merely working to interpret the rules as close to literal as possible. If someone is meant to be a mod that person should enforce rules even when they think they are bs...

Just my take and I don't think pounding on his interpretation is productive..
He didn't coin the rule(s)
malwoody's Avatar
To bring it up the forbidden topic is still left untouched. This has been sitting there how long? Originally Posted by KenMonk
It's all'll be ok. I know what's really ailing you..
I mean if I were a Tiger fan right now, I'd be pissed as well...........OMG..di d I say that??.....LMAO....Rock Chalk....

As for when a mod can close the threads...
1. Requested by OP - Just because it is requested does not mean the mod should.
2. If someone hijacks the thread and refuses to stay on topic... No i do not believe the thread should be closed.. if someone refuses to stay on topic point them, if they still refuse.. BAN THEM. Originally Posted by ElamEno
KenMonk's Avatar
It's all'll be ok. I know what's really ailing you..
I mean if I were a Tiger fan right now, I'd be pissed as well...........OMG..di d I say that??.....LMAO....Rock Chalk....

Originally Posted by malwoody
lol thread hijacker... and yes my butt still hurts from that loss...
Omahan's Avatar
I never believed in closing threads just because the OP asked. I always felt that the thread belongs as much to the others who posted as to the OP - except for setting the topic. I wouldn't close a thread just because the OP put his foot in his mouth and was catching hell for it.
Omahan's Avatar
Where does it state that one can't bump a thread older then 30 days? The only thing I can find is that it is frowned upon to bump reviews older then 30 days UNLESS new relevent information is provided. In fact that rule states threads are allowed to flow on and be timeless, so closing those threads is not needed and a bit of a stretch.

Not only have the local Kansas City mods stated to not bump old threads, you have closed them. Most recent example:

This has been happening more and more as of late and its something I strongly disagree with based on the information being relevant.

#13 - In our review forums, be mindful of the 'maturity' of threads you are posting to, ie. the date of the last item posted. We ask that you refrain from posting to a review in which the last post was made 30 or more days ago. Some exceptions may apply if you are providing relevant, valuable or updated information about the provider, but as a general rule of thumb, this can best be accomplished by writing a new review altogether and avoiding the bumping of old ones. This applies to our review forums, in particular, as discussion threads are often allowed to flow for an unspecified length of time. Originally Posted by KenMonk

Ken, generally mods discuss differences about moderating in the mod forum rather than here. Did modda or Adeptus go into the chat room and complain about how you moderate there?
Sometimes a newbie comes on and comments on a half dozen very old threads. Its a pain in the ass...haveway through the first post it sounds familiar, and you figure out its a year old. I have no problem with a mod or member admonishing the thread bumper....its just a courtesy thing, no matter what the rules technically allow you to do.