Clinton jabs again at Sanders, says he didn't unite party
The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee said in a podcast interview that aired Friday that Sanders didn't try to unify the party after losing the primary to her four years ago and that he and his supporters contributed to her loss to Donald Trump in the general election.

Asked by Emily Tisch Sussman of the podcast “Your Primary Playlist" what Sanders could do this time to unite the party against Trump, Clinton replied, “Well, he can do it, for one.”
“That's not our experience from 2016,” Clinton said.
Clinton's comments come just days before the first-in-the-nation caucuses in Iowa, where Sanders is bunched at the top of the polls with former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. The remarks are yet another reminder of the lasting scars of the the brutal 2016 primary battle between Sanders, whose supporters believe the contest was rigged in Clinton's favor, and Clinton, who has begrudged Sanders for not supporting her candidacy quickly enough after she clinched the nomination.
Just last week, Clinton raised doubts about whether she would endorse Sanders if he wins the 2020 Democratic nomination to face Trump. Clinton told The Hollywood Reporter in an interview that she's “not going to go there yet,” but later took to Twitter to say her priority was to defeat Trump, “and, as I always have, I will do whatever I can to support our nominee.”
The Sanders campaign didn't immediately respond Friday to requests for a reaction about Clinton's comments. Last week, Sanders refused to comment on Clinton's critical remarks, saying only in a statement, "Together, we are going to go forward and defeat the most dangerous president in American history.”
In Friday's podcast, Clinton contrasted the conversations she had with Barack Obama in 2008 about unifying the party after he became the nominee with the conversations she had with Sanders in 2016 after it became clear she would come out on top. They were “like night and day,” she said.
Although there was “no question” about her nomination, she said, Sanders' “campaign and his principal supporters were just very difficult and really constantly not just attacking me but my supporters.”
At the Democratic National Convention, she said, Sanders' supporters were "booing Michelle Obama, John Lewis. It was very distressing and such a contrast between what we did to unite in ’08.”
“All the way up until the end, a lot of people highly identified with (Sanders’) campaign, were urging people to vote third party, urging people not to vote — it had an impact,” she said.
Clinton, who narrowly defeated Sanders in Iowa in 2016 but lost the state to Obama in 2008, also criticized the caucus process as “an undemocratic way of picking the nominee.”
“I’ll be happy to see the primaries start rolling around because that’s a much easier way for people to participate and for the outcomes to be much clearer,” she said.

H.... is keeping her presence in the campaign process - and harping (harpy) on Bernie again.

She plans to be the 2020 Fascist DPST nominee.
H... - is running - ftw, j666, YR - your heroine is back!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
That bitch does hold a grudge!
You dumb ass mother fuckers act as if the exact same thing wasn't going on in the GOP in 2015-16.

The only thing hanging closer to the floor than you idiots nuts are Ellen's tits. Originally Posted by WTF
I'll bet Cougar High is even embarrassed at how stupid you are!

You are a stupid motherfucker!

Not only that, but Lucas tells me you suck cock worse than Assup!
Her "experience" with POTUS campaigns is ...... LOSER!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
She is a two time loser and I hope she aims for strike three!
I think Sanders made a mistake running as a democrat. he should be running as an independent democratic socialist. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He should run as a fucking commie!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You dumb ass mother fuckers act as if the exact same thing wasn't going on in the GOP in 2015-16.

The only thing hanging closer to the floor than you idiots nuts are Ellen's tits. Originally Posted by WTF

you need to stop wanking.