How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

VitaMan's Avatar
I would have to say the thread topic is a false premise.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Would someone please give us some examples of the downward spiral referenced in the original post. It’s hard to comment on such nonspecific things. Or perhaps to defend against.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...some examples of the downward spiral ... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
  • DEI.
  • Price of gas anyone?
  • Men in women's sports much?
  • BigMac meal-deal for a mere $18.
  • Try going to a grocery store to feed the family
  • Prosecuting political opponents during an election cycle
ICU 812's Avatar
Ummm . . . .
High Crime
High Cost of living
Low levels of education despite record spending on sam
Cities approaching ruin.
ineffective foreign policy
Society devolving into Third World status.

There is more, i just ran out of coffee
VitaMan's Avatar
Nothing mentioned qualifies to put American in a downward spiral.

And a lot of what is mentioned is conjecture.
ICU 812's Avatar
Conjecture? No. It is extrapolation and following a trend. The trends I see point down.

There isd no conjecture to high crime. The decline of our major cities is not in question.

One can point to the rise in the stock markets. I say that is an indicator of how much our money has been devalued. The high price of Gold is another indicator of the devaluation of our money along with its reduced buying power for everyday commodities.

Are we better off today than ever before?

Are we today closer to being a third world country than ever before?

In what ways does the future look brighter for our children and grandchildren than the reality of today?

How does admitting twenty million foreign nationals to our society benefit those of already here? How does that strengthen our national security?

Just saying, " . . .it isn't so . . ." does not make the converse statement true.
VitaMan's Avatar
If you buy into the premise, getting rid of Mr. Trump would reverse it.

For the last 4 years, he has planted distrust and distributed lies to the American people.....destroyed the Republican party.....made America look weaker to our allies.
If you buy into the premise, getting rid of Mr. Trump would reverse it.

For the last 4 years, he has planted distrust and distributed lies to the American people.....destroyed the Republican party.....made America look weaker to our allies. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Now that's conjecture.
VitaMan's Avatar
Maybe extrapolation....How many crimes has Mr. Trump been indicted for ? And how many of his administration have pled guilty, and served, or are serving time ?

And a constant 4 year barrage of lies. No one knows what to believe.....Mr. Trump pardoned many like Roger Stone, who is on tape talking about snuffing out opponents.

American lost faith because of Trump.

To reverse the possible downward spiral, the Republicans need to reinvent and take back their party.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'll post it again.
Stopping the downward societal trend is easy! Elect Haley!!
Time for a female president.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I'll post it again.
Stopping the downward societal trend is easy! Elect Haley!!
Time for a female president. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You can say it till the cows come home, she will not be that woman! The more she talks the dumber she sounds,. None of the above by a 2 to 1 margin gotta love it!!
oilfieldace's Avatar
Nothing mentioned qualifies to put American in a downward spiral.

And a lot of what is mentioned is conjecture. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Conjecture? If you think Biden is doing great, then vote for him assuming he is on the ballot.
Maybe extrapolation....How many crimes has Mr. Trump been indicted for ? And how many of his administration have pled guilty, and served, or are serving time ?

And a constant 4 year barrage of lies. No one knows what to believe.....Mr. Trump pardoned many like Roger Stone, who is on tape talking about snuffing out opponents.

American lost faith because of Trump.

To reverse the possible downward spiral, the Republicans need to reinvent and take back their party. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Trump was attacked by the media and the Democratic Party from the moment he announced his Presidential run in 2016. Things started getting worse for Trump as it appeared he was doing well in the polls. Once Trump won in 2016 the Democrats came up with the Russian Collusion Fairy tale and it's been down hill ever since. I have to question anything and everything the Democrats come up with about Trump. The Democratic Party is nothing but a crew of conniving unpatriotic morons that have been responsible for where we are today in this country. The only way this country can regain it's original status is for the people to vote them out, ignore them and let them know we aren't interested in their hideous agenda. That actually goes for the soy boys on the Right that don't have the guts to stand up to these assholes.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump was attacked by the media and the Democratic Party from the moment he announced his Presidential run in 2016. Things started getting worse for Trump as it appeared he was doing well in the polls. Once Trump won in 2016 the Democrats came up with the Russian Collusion Fairy tale and it's been down hill ever since. I have to question anything and everything the Democrats come up with about Trump. The Democratic Party is nothing but a crew of conniving unpatriotic morons that have been responsible for where we are today in this country. The only way this country can regain it's original status is for the people to vote them out, ignore them and let them know we aren't interested in their hideous agenda. That actually goes for the soy boys on the Right that don't have the guts to stand up to these assholes. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump is NOT the answer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump is NOT the answer. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I beg to differ.

If the question is, who is the greatest threat to American Democracy since the Civil War, Trump IS the answer.

There are a ton of questions for which Trump is the answer.

Most of them are punchlines, though.

Just ask the people of Alabama who looted local stores for bottled water, toilet paper and Sharpies to avoid a hurricane that had no chance of striking them...