Tucker Carlson Attacks ‘Vacuous Little Totalitarian Moron’ AOC, Mocks Her Fears During Deadly Capitol Assault: ‘Sandy’s Heart Is Still Beating Fast’

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-16-2021, 03:31 PM
truth and Facts are not changeable to the socialist doctrine.
that is the DPST problem.
just as don lemon thinks all Trump voters are guilty of sedition
Orwellian groupthink and doublespeak is founded on accepting propaganda and ideology over truth and facts. Originally Posted by oeb11
Do you not see your hypocrisy and irony.

You calling everyone left of you DPST and Don Lemon?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Do you not see your hypocrisy and irony.

You calling everyone left of you DPST and Don Le'mon? Originally Posted by WTF

ftfy! he wants to be called that. lol.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-16-2021, 08:36 PM
the problem with your post is obvious

that you seem to feel (notice I said feel and didn't say think) there is a "my truth" and not an objective truth

any sort of "my truth" is usually nothing but desire Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So are you saying Carlson the Clown is the person who knows the "objective truth" about what someone else was or was not feeling at the time? What one is feeling is almost always known only to the person feeling it, and need not be based in reality at all.

And somehow Carlson the Clown thinks it hypocritical to be scared at the moment, and then thank the police later when the fears did not become actualized?

Neither of those makes much sense.
matchingmole's Avatar
txdot-guy's Avatar
Truth and Facts are not changeable to the socialist doctrine.
that is the DPST problem.
just as don lemon thinks all Trump voters are guilty of sedition
Orwellian groupthink and doublespeak is founded on accepting propaganda and ideology over truth and facts. Originally Posted by oeb11

Groupthink and Doublespeak are the base platform for the new T.R.P. or Trump Republican Party. Out with the GOP and in with the TRP.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2021, 05:20 AM
Sad - to see One so deluded by the DPST/CCP by censorship, groupthink, and Doublespeak are just another tool of teh terroist arms of teh DPST/CCP party - comrade Xi is so pleased.

Orwellian dystopia is coming - from the Biden crime family and the marxist paarty of Lenin, mao, Stalin,

and dictators everywhere in the world who hate freedom and prosperity. The role models of teh leftist marxists.

Your own post indicated One's extreme discomfort with the DPST/CCP anagram - why is that , txdot Guy?

do you believe in re-education camps, censorship, terrorist violence on teh part of Antfa and BLM???

do you agree with AOC and her support of 're-education camps' for those who dissent your own opinion???

Freedom is dying at the hands of the DPST/CCP party and its terrorist arms - and when them come for You - Will You have already incinerated those who you know are the object of hatred of teh Leftists - yet would die for your own right to Free speech and to carry Weapons legally and peacefully. ???
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2021, 05:26 AM
Do you not see your hypocrisy and irony.

You calling everyone left of you DPST and Don Lemon? Originally Posted by WTF

Thank you wtf -

do you agree with AUC and her support /proposal of -re-education camps?
if a Conservative wrote that - what would your reponse be?

Please consider that - and look in a mirror at your own Hypocrisy!
i believe in the Constitution, Bill of rights, and Freedom of speech and legal firearms.

Rights the hateful DPST/CCP party will remove in its zeal to subjugate Amerika to its own One party marxist Rule.

DPST- Democrat - Progressive-socialist - Totalitarian - It pretty much is a One shoe fits all!


3 days to Go - until the DPST/CCP Reign of Repression and Subjugation of America's Freedoms Begins!!!
So are you saying Carlson the Clown is the person who knows the "objective truth" about what someone else was or was not feeling at the time? What one is feeling is almost always known only to the person feeling it, and need not be based in reality at all.

And somehow Carlson the Clown thinks it hypocritical to be scared at the moment, and then thank the police later when the fears did not become actualized?

Neither of those makes much sense. Originally Posted by Old-T
you're correct ..what you posted doesn't make much sense

I was responding to the post of wtf where he indicated truth was relative and there is a my truth and a your truth
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-17-2021, 08:40 AM
you're correct ..what you posted doesn't make much sense

I was responding to the post of wtf where he indicated truth was relative and there is a my truth and a your truth Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Truth is relative.

People like you believe the election was stolen from Trump despite no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Your 'truth' is based in relative fantasy.

Tucker Carlson can go fuck himself....as can any of his so called 'truth' followers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Carlson continues to be a raging piece of shit.

Meanwhile, I’m looking for any of that shit oeb11 says was proposed by various elected officials and can’t find them.

Could it be that he’s merely parroting other people’s opinions with no fact or truth behind theM?

We all know the answer
Truth is relative.

People like you believe the election was stolen from Trump despite no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Your 'truth' is based in relative fantasy.

Tucker Carlson can go fuck himself....as can any of his so called 'truth' followers. Originally Posted by WTF
my goodness, you are an election fraud denier

that's shocking

and as to truth being relative,,,,all that means is you think there is no truth, absolutely

that no claim is either good or bad, or right or wrong as there is no truism or that any claim or any other thing can be true along side its opposite which can be equally true , as there is no absolute

the beginning of common understanding is first accept and agree upon the definition of words but in your world there is no true or real or constant definition

I see why all this time its been such an exasperation trying to ever pin you down

your thinking is malleable and serves only to serve you in the moment

and what I don't understand is why you take sides on anything, for tucker has his point of view and so does aoc, and one cant be any better than the other according to you
winn dixie's Avatar
Those deniers all have tds! Trump did more good for them than they'll ever know or admit! So sad we have so many vindictive people!
They just wanna spew hate and fear monger!
HedonistForever's Avatar
the problem with your post is obvious

that you seem to feel (notice I said feel and didn't say think) there is a "my truth" and not an objective truth

any sort of "my truth" is usually nothing but desire Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

You are right of course about the "my truth" and "your truth" which is opinion most of the time but objective truth doesn't change.

I like Tucker, I watch him every night but I think he lost the objective truth about Sandy Cortez as he likes to call AOC and made un-necessary personal attacks that I thought were not helpful to the discussion.

What he was trying to get at, in my personal opinion, was the idea that when law enforcement was there to protect her, they were wanted and appreciated but when it comes to others, the cops are all racist and storm troopers. He was pissed about the double standard so obvious when it comes to critiquing law enforcement.

Tucker made a very strong argument on that by pointing out "the fact" that Jacob Blake, was armed with a knife when the cop shot him seven times which was, again in my opinion, not necessary to subdue the man. Then showed clip after clip after clip of every single reporter on CNN, MSNBC and headlines in the NYT and WP saying Blake was an unarmed Black man even after they had concrete proof that Blake was armed with a deadly weapon but they were not about to give up on the false narrative that they depend on. They lied and they knew they were lying. This is not in anyway to say that the "other side" doesn't lie, they do but it is important to acknowledge when either side does and in this case as in so many other similar cases, they lied for a reason not because they were unaware of the facts.

In a recent interview of Blake, he admitted he had a knife in the initial skirmish with police. He was tasered and he dropped the knife. He then picked up the knife and began to walk away from police who were giving him orders to stop and drop the knife which could be heard in the audio recording. In the interview, he admitted that he was wrong to walk away but he said that "in his mind" he just wanted to open the car door, place the knife inside the car and then he was going to "give himself up" to the police. Sure, sounds like a completely reasonable thing to do, not!

Once again and in about 99% of instances, doing what the police ask you to do will not end up in your being shot. Don't resist, you don't get shot.

With a few exceptions, Tucker usually tells us things, facts, that the leftist media does not report. Tucker was the only media to report a third party testimony in the Hunter Biden case. If he had been testifying about Don Jr., every media outlet in the country would have asked for that interview but nobody else did. Tells you all you need to know about how the MSM acted for 4 years. Their narrative was more important than merely doing the interviews of news worthy individuals and letting Americans make up their own minds as to what they were hearing but in the Hunter Biden case, airing credible information, from an honorable, well respected man would get in the way of getting the man they wanted elected. Truth be damned.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-17-2021, 02:29 PM
my goodness, you are an election fraud denier
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yes and I'm a Tooth Fairy denier too.

I suppose you believe in both
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-17-2021, 02:39 PM

and what I don't understand is why you take sides on anything, for tucker has his point of view and so does aoc, and one cant be any better than the other according to you Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I like to point out irony any hypocrisy.

Be like if you called someone a cocksucker and I pointed out you had Trumps dick in your mouth an hour ago.

I'm not taking sides....I'm pointing out irony.

Can you understand that Chief? Or do you need further explanation? Let me know bub....I'm guessing the latter.