
Dang SAP I understand posting a thread means comments are fair game but still really really really. ADS i wish you well I am sure we will still be in contact
Bye..... Sorry to see you go
ADS....I've not had the opportunity to make your acquaintance, however considering those who are stepping up to bid you a hearty fare well, you evidently must be one of the good ones. And taking into consideration the list of ladies you gave reviews to during your time in the community, there's no doubt you know quality. Well done, sir.

So I, too, would like to wish you well as you move forward. Hope you find what you're looking for.
mm-good's Avatar
Best wishes! Thanks for participating and writing reviews etc. great fun and good memories. If you change your mind...you know where to find most of us
The exit doors from the hobby are clearly marked.
Are you searching for a hug?
Originally Posted by SweetAterPie

Ya stepped in it again....lol. You should stick to posting silly little pictures.
Thanks for your input on the board. I think we all wonder if we will have to bow out at some point. Hope you had great times here that you can keep in your memories a long time, and best of everything in the future.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 05-27-2013, 01:11 PM
Hey adistantsecond, I wish ll the best for you..................good luck
ADS, I appreciate your transparency and well chosen words in informing us of your decision to leave the hobby. I doubt if you posted so that you could get a hug, but I hope that there are enough supportive people in this community to give hugs when they are needed. I've noted your positive contributions to the board, and those will certainly be missed. I hope the best for you and those affected by your decision.
I wish you the best in life. Take care.