No Jan 6 "tourists" were armed...

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I figured most would have figured out the choreography of the J6 psy-op by now. J6 was scripted for one single purpose only. It was to demonstrate a fully functional weaponization of an entirely corrupt and evil Empire that could crush any and all Resistance that dare to stand up for their sorry-assed beliefs.

It showed that they will unleash the full force and weight of the completely corrupted "all of government" power, which ironically we are footing the bill for, against all enemies of the evil in charge, whether small or big, rich or poor. No method or penalty will be withheld in destroying the Empire's enemies with impunity. Gheeze! Pay attention.

Does kinda look like O'Biden without the aviator glasses...
ICU 812's Avatar
What ever happened to that guy who is seen in several videos trying to get people to " . . .go into the Capitol Building . . ." on Jan 5th as well as Jan6th?

That was broadcast on mainstream news outlets not ultra-right nut job sites.

That sounds like inciting a riot to me. . . .where is he now?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What ever happened to that guy who is seen in several videos trying to get people to " . . .go into the Capitol Building . . ." on Jan 5th as well as Jan6th?

That was broadcast on mainstream news outlets not ultra-right nut job sites.

That sounds like inciting a riot to me. . . .where is he now? Originally Posted by ICU 812
Stewart Rhodes. Current reports have him being tortured repeatedly.
Deservedly so.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Deservedly so. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I don't recall our Republic being based on treatment as such. Welp... sure would be a shame if the shoe lands on the other foot. Will be good, gilt-free, times fo sho. I can't hardly wait. Eh Comrade?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
CAUTION: Death Star Activated!

This is EXACTLY why they choreographed the J6 review and dance routine. Be afraid, very afraid. Futt Buck 'em. Told ya so...
Here We Go: FBI Agents on the Hunt for ‘Domestic Terror Threats’ Ahead of Trump’s Florida Court Appearance

by Jim Hoft Jun. 11, 2023 3:00 pm

As former President Donald Trump prepares for his upcoming court appearance in Florida on Tuesday, FBI agents across the country are actively looking for possible ‘domestic terror threats,’ according to a CNN report citing law enforcement sources.

This follows reports that pro-Trump groups are making plans to travel to Miami to show their support for the former President as he faces bogus federal charges in the classified documents case.

The Biden regime announced they were going to indict the leading Republican candidate in the 2024 election, President Donald Trump, on Tuesday. The radical left Marxists are terrified of President Trump saving America from their reign of terror in 2024.

Kari Lake is reportedly headed to Miami for President Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday to support him in his fight against the radical Marxist Biden regime.

“We know that these extremist groups, they’re not going to target the former President, their adherence of his message. But the question comes down to what about everyone else? What about the people who work in that courthouse? What about members of the prosecutorial team who we know have faced threats? CNN reporter Josh Campbell, a former Comey lackey, told anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Five law enforcement sources have allegedly confirmed to CNN that so-called domestic terrorism agents and analysts are actively working to identify any potential threats surrounding Trump’s court appearance. The monitoring reportedly extends to online platforms and includes confidential human informants reporting on these groups’ activities.

“That’s why this work by federal law enforcement is so important across the country trying to determine, are there potential threats, looking online, looking to sources, anyone who might have information? said Campbell. “Federal law enforcement will certainly respect First Amendment-protected activity at the courthouse if people want to come and protest and support Donald Trump. But something they certainly won’t abide is any violence. So we’re told they’re working to try to disrupt, dismantle any types of groups who might be planning that.”

Former CNN and 60 Minutes correspondant Lara Logan blasted her former network for “effectively pushing the narrative that anyone who votes for Trump is a terrorist.”
She added that “citing the FBI is a signal to millions they’re being set-up for political reasons yet again. Don’t show support for Trump or we’re coming for you.”...
I figured most would have figured out the choreography of the J6 psy-op by now. J6 was scripted for one single purpose only. It was to demonstrate a fully functional weaponization of an entirely corrupt and evil Empire that could crush any and all Resistance that dare to stand up for their sorry-assed beliefs.

It showed that they will unleash the full force and weight of the completely corrupted "all of government" power, which ironically we are footing the bill for, against all enemies of the evil in charge, whether small or big, rich or poor. No method or penalty will be withheld in destroying the Empire's enemies with impunity. Gheeze! Pay attention.

Does kinda look like O'Biden without the aviator glasses...
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
  • cc314
  • 06-12-2023, 09:05 AM
So, the Defendant scripted J6 to demonstrate...[what you wrote]? All those arrests of "true patriots." Sounds like a Lord Farquaad moment for the Defendent, "That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." A sacrifice of others, for his purposes.

Here's something to chew on...The Defendant could have pardoned the J6 defendants, but he didn't. Those "true patriots" are being "persecuted," thanks to his inaction. He did pardon Stone and Bannon and some celebrities. Go figure. So much for caring about We the People.

I guess he was too busy packing boxes.
... Uh... WHEN was Trump gonna pardon them? ... The 6 Jan people.
Most of those arrested or facing charges were not charged
until AFTER Trump was off as President.

Or were YOU not aware of that?

### Salty
  • cc314
  • 06-12-2023, 07:22 PM
Was Nixon charged before he was pardoned? Pretty sure he wasn't, but feel free to provide a link from a credible source.

We're talking about someone that can declassify documents WITH HIS MIND.
We're talking about "THE STABLE GENIUS."
Are you doubting the Defendant?

He could have done a blanket pardon. It probably wouldn't have been by the book, but he isn't known for that, is he? Even if a blanket pardon was thrown out, it would have been a better look than what he did: nothing for "his people." Nope, he spent his time packing boxes.

Be Best
Salty doesn’t know anything. He’s just spouting nonsense as usual. Sadly he doesn’t even know he’s clueless.
I figured most would have figured out the choreography of the J6 psy-op by now. J6 was scripted for one single purpose only. It was to demonstrate a fully functional weaponization of an entirely corrupt and evil Empire that could crush any and all Resistance that dare to stand up for their sorry-assed beliefs.

It showed that they will unleash the full force and weight of the completely corrupted "all of government" power, which ironically we are footing the bill for, against all enemies of the evil in charge, whether small or big, rich or poor. No method or penalty will be withheld in destroying the Empire's enemies with impunity. Gheeze! Pay attention.

Does kinda look like O'Biden without the aviator glasses...
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Liberals won't consider that possibility for a second. Freddy Krueger was involved, AKA Donald Trump lol.
I can only speak for myself.
No consideration now because still no evidence. You and your ilk on this forum (or on national scene) keep promising and don't deliver.
You demand we consider your bullshit while you ignore national, confirmed, multi sourced stories.

I laugh at your claims, but in the interest of "free" speech, keep posting.

Liberals won't consider that possibility for a second. Freddy Krueger was involved, AKA Donald Trump lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
ICU 812's Avatar
How many people died on Jan6th due to violence?

How many died through the direct act of any civilian?

Numerous mainstream news outlets have referred to the Jan6th event as "bloodyt". Just how bloody was it?
I'd say it was bloody bad for the basic tenet of lawful and peaceful transfer of Presidency as intended by our founding fathers and the Constitution. Bloody or not is irrelevant. Cherry clipped videos, or not, anyone with ounce of respect for the electoral process that has served the US well for over 200 years should be appalled that day by a bunch of inflamed was aired on live TV...they were not fucking tourists...they were fucked up idiots. We probably all watched it and I suspect many of their "defenders" here were also appalled at the reality borne out by inflammatory rhetoric.
... Yes, and me favourite part of those "cherry clipped" videos
were of the "Shaman" bloke - called "The FACE of the Insurrection"
- as he was surely led-about that capitol there, as a guest of the police.

He surely reminded me of the "Star Trek" show on the telly.
When "Abraham Lincoln" was given a tour of the Enterprise.

As we viewed the 6th Jan clips - it was rather apparent that the
Shaman fellow - garb and all - was NO Threat to anyone as the
police showed him the building... The Shaman also DID A PRAYER
there with some others, THANKING the capitol police.

Rather a shame that videos was HIDDEN by the FBI/DOJ and
the barrister for the bloke was NOT able to show video
at his trial. ... OR maybe he doesn't get the heavy sentence.

But no matter - almost half-a-mo after Hunter showed the videos
(4 days??) the Shaman was OUT of prison and headed to a half-way house.
And may be released already.

... Glad to see Trump surely plans to pardon the lot of non-violent
people there doing the protests... Pardoning them from the sad and
obvious over-charging by the government. ...

#### Salty