pyramider's Avatar
Just for the record RD, I always shake my legendary 1.3" of dangling death three times after every piss. l believe in shaking not stirring.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
My point is and always was that the mention of she who shall not be named
drives bothe sides up in arms. Originally Posted by rduke4923

I nominated boardman to be the last horcrux
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Me thinks if you PM Chris BD he might show you XO's strap on.
My point is and always was that the mention of she who shall not be named
drives both sides up in arms.

My second point was that whatever position you took you will be attacked.

My last point was that if you are for or against beware, however her name recognition
keeps growing.

..... Originally Posted by rduke4923
I'm still not very clear of your position...but I think what you're saying is that great pussy can frazzle a man....

.....and not getting it...or only someone else getting it....can piss a man off.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
A long time ago some old sweaty guys in white wigs got together in Philly.
History shows most of the enjoyed the hobby.
They debated on free speech and the question was "can you say anything"?
The example of the day was yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.
The reason: Fire is such a powerful word in that specific circumstance
that what was more important the rights of the one, or the many?
Yes I know it sounds like Star Trek so put your red shirt on and die like
it says in the script.
My point was and is that AXOXO has a name on this board that has the ability to cause emotions to run high and that both sides think the other are
pond scum.
The whole post had NOTHING to do with her but rather EVERYONE else on this board but her.
Malice, Outing, reprinting rules????
Shake yourselves. Originally Posted by rduke4923
I like this guy, he's giving some of you fuckers a taste of your own medicine, and you can't stand it.
John...your a smart man and may have figured some of this out. Can you be more specific on which fuckers?

This guy speaks like a religious zealot....but aXoXo can do that to a man....maybe even just reading about her.

Or....maybe....he's just in love with the Constitution and Lt. Uhula.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
I'm sorry but a Google search came up on Lt. Uhula.

Can you help on that one
Oops. Uhura

boardman's Avatar
Who is AXOXO? Originally Posted by dearhunter
A long time ago some old sweaty guys in white wigs got together in Philly.
History shows most of the enjoyed the hobby.
They debated on free speech and the question was "can you say anything"?
The example of the day was yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.
The reason: Fire is such a powerful word in that specific circumstance
that what was more important the rights of the one, or the many?
Yes I know it sounds like Star Trek so put your red shirt on and die like
it says in the script.
My point was and is that AXOXO has a name on this board that has the ability to cause emotions to run high and that both sides think the other are
pond scum.
The whole post had NOTHING to do with her but rather EVERYONE else on this board but her.
Malice, Outing, reprinting rules????
Shake yourselves. Originally Posted by rduke4923
It's inaccurate...

The debate over falsley crying fire in a crowded theater was in the Supreme Court in the early 20th century.

Therefore this is a

Useless Thread....
boardman's Avatar

I nominated boardman to be the last horcrux Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I make all you bitches immortal.
rduke4923's Avatar
It's inaccurate...

The debate over falsley crying fire in a crowded theater was in the Supreme Court in the early 20th century.

Therefore this is a

Useless Thread.... Originally Posted by boardman
I make all you bitches immortal. Originally Posted by boardman
Wow huge missed point.
Please edit "the most used example of the day" with
" a example of this is...."
Yes I know where SCOTUS is and where the original work was done.

Lesson learned is that trying to make a neutral point about certain red light
Marketing will get you pegged in one corner or the other when your
Point was the rise in BP on both sides.

Longer story short Friday for me is hobby day and it could not cum soon enough
Fancyinheels's Avatar
If I cared any less, I would be asleep.

If you people have time to keep track of all this nonsense, you are NOT having enough sex. Back away from the computer and get back in the bedroom.

(Although I second DG's nomination and support boardman's "immortal" platform. More time for debauchery. )
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Fancyinheels's Avatar
He keeps pestering me for another catnip cocktail. I can't resist; that vibrating purr makes my tail wag.

Sarunga's Avatar
Those gifs are absolutely awesome!