Why are so many providers racist?

KellyKiss's Avatar
I think it’s more of a matter of character as his account looks like it’s frozen
Personally, when a person chooses not to associate with me, or others, based on generalizations such as race or age, I am very pleased. I just saved money and time.

Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn't fully appreciate his/her presence.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Personally, when a person chooses not to associate with me, or others, based on generalizations such as race or age, I am very pleased. I just saved money and time.

Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn't fully appreciate his/her presence. Originally Posted by Billogoods

Not only can it be about race, age or physical appearance, but also the generalizations can be made with assumptive theories about people.

One thing you have to remember is rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots. Not to mention, a lie doesn't become truth nor does a wrong become a right just because it is accepted by those idiots.
As a former business owner, I support the right to refuse service to anyone. As a consumer, I support the right to take my business elsewhere. The "reason" is unimportant. All parties must be willing participants. If any individual is not happy to be involved, no one will be pleased with the result.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I don't want to have sex with black men for free or money. Does that make me racists and homophobic?

My body, my choice
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I don't want to have sex with black men for free or money. Does that make me racists and homophobic?

My body, my choice Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
The race card is used by many AA people not necessarily because there is a racist remark, but many times the ones who do use it do so as an excuse simply because they do not get their way.

In the hobby world, providers do not see AA hobbyists because they are racists, but rather because their pimp will not allow it and if they are pimped, then the pimp is who you're going to be talking to whenever you are setting the appointment to see her. I encourage all AA hobbyists who feel that it is not right if you wish to see a provider who is pimped to discuss that with the pimp during your communication or ask him to meet you in person for a civil face to face discussion and see how well that goes over.

The providers who are not pimped who answer their own phone when you contact them have other reasons that I do not ask about because I'm not AA, but I highly doubt it has anything to do with being a racist.
Buckwiser's Avatar
Admiral Gigs nailed it. Fear, not racism, is why some ladies are NBA. I myself fear black men and gay men--especially in a prison setting, where there's no escape. If that makes me a racist or bigot, so be it.

I don't want to have sex with black men for free or money. Does that make me racists and homophobic?

My body, my choice Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
ahab11's Avatar
Interesting in that this subject came up today while visiting a Studio provider who is very popular.

I asked why she moved from Studio to Studio and she said because she refuses Black Men and that upsets the people who Manage.

I just let her talk and she said they have too big a dick and it's hard like hammer. "Sometimes after see Black Man sore for several days and sometimes take the next day off".

I know it is stereo typing but I have heard other girls say that they have refused guys whether Black or White if they are too big just to save wear and tear on the money maker.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There are many providers that believe anything as gold that anybody tells them even if the person saying it has not seen or met a person they talk negatively about.

Same go with AA hobbyists. The stereotype is that not only could they be pimps but also that they beat women into submission among other things.

So to play it safe, anything that is said regardless if it is fact, fiction or agenda related, it is all the same to those who do not know how or choose not to think for themselves.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
It's gotta suck being automatically disqualified from consideration based on something so seemingly simple as skin color. I try to empathize and imagine what it might feel like but I will never be able to fully understand. I'm white and my skin color has never been a deal killer right out of the gate. Hell, once that profile puts up "No AA", AA guys aren't even allowed to be at the gate, let alone be able to advance out of it. Gotta suck is what I'm saying and I try to be empathetic. So many times when these threads come up, we see some folks think they can just throw down a "Don't question it, just move on to the next one", but that's not the way and the people saying that line aren't even AA themselves. Ultimately, the AA guy reading the "no aa" on an ad has to move on, but I say let the discussions commence, let the frustrations be aired out in as much open air as possible. You know, let people vent when it comes to something like racism. But to tell guys just to "move on" is down right wrong in my book as it doesn't welcome a conversation but instead tries to dictate silence.
ManSlut's Avatar
Well said Bryan!…Maybe the best response I have ever read on this age old subject.

But it is a Hobby/Profession of SELECTION…Clients choose who they wish to see based on their ‘selection’ requirements- young, mature, body type, race, convenience, etc…

It may not seem fair, but Providers have the same right, just different angles of reasoning.

Personally, I do wonder how much it effects the Denied Individual when there is so many others available without race requirements, being DFW is such a large market for P4P?

One thing I feel sure about, nothing will change, no matter how much it is discussed.

Damn I need to DATY a sexy black girl right now!
TinMan's Avatar
Agreed, Manny. I tried to say basically the same thing, but nowhere near as well. Thanks, Bryan, for speaking up.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-18-2023, 04:21 PM
I have to disagree, You can't force anyone to offer their body just because they do it with other people, I would agree if it was a business where you wanted to get a bite to eat or watch a movie. That's like forcing someone to take it raw just because xxxxx gets it.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I mean-- look at the bright side...

In a market the size of Dallas-- you're spoiled for choice. If one says no, move on to the next.

In the market I'm currently in, there are very few well known, reviewed ladies that see AA. Very very few.

I know it sucks-- but I promise you that there are lovely ladies that will tick all of your boxes that will see you. However, if you're constantly building a cross and getting up on it yelling about how you're continually wronged-- it narrows your pool considerably.
TinMan's Avatar
I have to disagree, You can't force anyone to offer their body just because they do it with other people, I would agree if it was a business where you wanted to get a bite to eat or watch a movie. That's like forcing someone to take it raw just because xxxxx gets it. Originally Posted by BLM69
I’m sorry, but this is different. We are talking about people making decisions purely based on someone’s race. How is it any different than if I said I won’t hire black folks because they “tend to have attitudes”? I’ve heard that one before, although thank God not in a very long time.

Let me add one caveat: I have sympathy for folks who profile for safety reasons. I don’t endorse it, but I’m sympathetic, whether it’s a sex worker or a cop. I don’t know how you bridge that gap, but we need to figure out a way to do it.