More police brutality...

Source................stop the bullshit and provide a link to this statement...............

This is to be expected. The average IQ of a police officer is 103. Originally Posted by lostincypress
His right hand is still tucked in under his stomach; cops are likely yelling stop resisting and put your hands behind your back..he was resisting and likely not obeying police orders.......

From the CNN video YOU posted; "one hand behind his back"........

The video report only shows the the guy emptying his pockets; how do you know they did a through search ?

"the cops know he isn't armed"..............fucking idiot you know for a fact that the cops did a pat down search ?

Answer: You don't. And the police don't know what he is carrying concealed !

Like the CNN expert said; appropriate use of force. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
All that is immaterial ya have any idea why? This kid left the area as he was instructed to do at the beginning of the video. Although his quest to irritate and taunt the police while he was across the street would piss any police officer off. They made the big mistake of crossing the street and beating this kid above and beyond what would be normal. Now good cops, well trained cops might have done the same thing but the only exception would be they would have put this kid on the Pain Train without ever leaving a scratch. That type of cop is everywhere but you never really hear about it cause they don't leave their victims all scuffed up.
You don't know why the police crossed the street; the cops likely had a legitimate reason to take the kid down to the ground.....

But you assume otherwise.................

I suspect they could have easily arrested him the first time for public intoxication; but they were being decent cops and let the asshole go....he walked across the street and mouthed off to them.....maybe he said "you fucking idiot cops didn't even search me; for all you know I could've be carrying a concealed gun and shot you fuckers"....who knows what he yelled....the cops pursued, ordered him to comply, he didn't, canine showed up, the suspect was subdued and cuffed.

Appropriate use of force.

Now the ambulance chasers smell money $$$$$$$$$$$............and the taxpayers of AC will foot the bill.......the kid was an asshole in the wrong............but the American litigation lobby system will fuck the taxpayer.

All that is immaterial ya have any idea why? This kid left the area as he was instructed to do at the beginning of the video. Although his quest to irritate and taunt the police while he was across the street would piss any police officer off. They made the big mistake of crossing the street and beating this kid above and beyond what would be normal. Now good cops, well trained cops might have done the same thing but the only exception would be they would have put this kid on the Pain Train without ever leaving a scratch. That type of cop is everywhere but you never really hear about it cause they don't leave their victims all scuffed up. Originally Posted by acp5762
You don't know why the police crossed the street; the cops likely had a legitimate reason to take the kid down to the ground.....

But you assume otherwise.................

I suspect they could have easily arrested him the first time for public intoxication; but they were being decent cops and let the asshole go....he walked across the street and mouthed off to them.....maybe he said "you fucking idiot cops didn't even search me; for all you know I could've be carrying a concealed gun and shot you fuckers"....who knows what he yelled....the cops pursued, ordered him to comply, he didn't, canine showed up, the suspect was subdued and cuffed.

Appropriate use of force.

Now the ambulance chasers smell money $$$$$$$$$$$............and the taxpayers of AC will foot the bill.......the kid was an asshole in the wrong............but the American litigation lobby system will fuck the taxpayer. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If these officers could have made an arrest at the time they first made contact with the suspect they should have. From the information in this video it doesn't really indicate he was intoxicated, it only reveals he had entered an establishment that serves alcohol and he was underage and was escorted out by police. He was also permitted to empty his pockets which is poor police practice. The suspect should have been given an outer clothing pat down for weapons for police safety as well as the suspect. He didn't appear to be noncompliant, abusive or combative. Suspect left on his own power and didn't appear unstable from intoxication. The Officers crossed the street, not to further any investigation it was because this kid just simply pissed them off. He wasn't a danger to himself or the officers or any pedestrians the video didn't show anyone even around. Those officers just said fuck it and rolled his ass. It happens all the time. If the officers would have just held tight this dummy would have moved on. Once they crossed the street they rushed him like Linebackers going in for a SAC. Hardly justified just for a mouthy ass kid.
Officer's use their discretion in writing tickets, making arrests, charging suspects, complain that they should have been hard nosed cops and made an arrest of this scumbag is a laughable.

They were being decent cops and letting a drunk go home for the night ! He wasn't driving, so there was no issue, other than the suspect's own belligerent attitude !

I would say the kid was intoxicated; based on his behavior...............if not, then he was off his meds !

You are clueless as to what the kid said and why the cops pursued; you just assume the cops pursuit was baseless....I don't !

But if you have more information, please post.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
If these officers could have made an arrest at the time they first made contact with the suspect they should have. From the information in this video it doesn't really indicate he was intoxicated, it only reveals he had entered an establishment that serves alcohol and he was underage and was escorted out by police. He was also permitted to empty his pockets which is poor police practice. The suspect should have been given an outer clothing pat down for weapons for police safety as well as the suspect. He didn't appear to be noncompliant, abusive or combative. Suspect left on his own power and didn't appear unstable from intoxication. The Officers crossed the street, not to further any investigation it was because this kid just simply pissed them off. He wasn't a danger to himself or the officers or any pedestrians the video didn't show anyone even around. Those officers just said fuck it and rolled his ass. It happens all the time. If the officers would have just held tight this dummy would have moved on. Once they crossed the street they rushed him like Linebackers going in for a SAC. Hardly justified just for a mouthy ass kid. Originally Posted by acp5762
Ohhhh edgy images; in reality the suspect was more like this:

and this extreme anti cop attitude........

You don't know why the police crossed the street; the cops likely had a legitimate reason to take the kid down to the ground.....

But you assume otherwise.................

I suspect they could have easily arrested him the first time for public intoxication; but they were being decent cops and let the asshole go....he walked across the street and mouthed off to them.....maybe he said "you fucking idiot cops didn't even search me; for all you know I could've be carrying a concealed gun and shot you fuckers"....who knows what he yelled....the cops pursued, ordered him to comply, he didn't, canine showed up, the suspect was subdued and cuffed.

Appropriate use of force.

Now the ambulance chasers smell money $$$$$$$$$$$............and the taxpayers of AC will foot the bill.......the kid was an asshole in the wrong............but the American litigation lobby system will fuck the taxpayer. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Making shit up AGAIN.

Where does it say he was intoxicated? He was thrown out of the casino for being 20 instead of 21.

The start of the video is edited and shortened, so I can't say they did a pat-down.

But, even in the short clip, he put his hands behind his back so they can look for bulges in his shirt of waist band. They were probably satisfied there were no gun bulges under his shirt/pants. That only left his pockets, which is why they had him turn them out.

So I will repeat what I said before - they knew he wasn't armed.

Do you know how else I know that?

When they came after him and when they were fighting with him, NOT A SINGLE COP PULLED HIS GUN - not even as a precaution. With an unknown suspect who is fighting, at least one cop always draw his/her weapon.

You wrote: "the cops pursued, ordered him to comply, he didn't, canine showed up, the suspect was subdued and cuffed".

Pursued? Really? When exactly did he run? He was STANDING on the street yelling at the cops. Believe it or not, in this country, you have the RIGHT to talk back to "the man".

You also omitted saying that he was already pretty much subdued BEFORE the canine showed up. A few more seconds and they would have had the cuffs on him.

And, oh yeah, there was no report that he threatened the cops. That is more shit you made up.

You can bet you last dollar that if he had threatened them, the police chief would not have been withholding comment pending the investigation. He would have reported that the suspect threatened the officers and they then tried to arrest him. But he didn't say that, did he? At the very least, the police report would have stated that he threatened the cops. But there was no statement about that either.

This statement of yours encapsulates the whole incident: "...he walked across the street and mouthed off to them..."

Yep, that is the ONLY relevant thing you said. He got beaten up for mouthing off. And the cops should be fired.