Is It just ME? Or have the time-wasters MULTIPLIED???

cubsoxbull's Avatar
I's unfortunate that these type of things happen, but it also happens to us Men who schedule appointments as well. Just a few of the excuses I have run into the past few weeks when it came to seeing a provider.

1) Appointment was scheduled for 2:00pm, confirmed at 12:00pm. Was waiting for directions or a phone number and never replied, Not wanting to be late, I send a final email and tell the provider I'm heading towards the general area and to please call me with directions. I stop at Goody Goody to get her a nice bottle wine and I'm on my way. Well no phone call and no email. Get home later and get an email at 4:00pm, saying her calendar was screwed up. I said no problem let me know what time is good for you. Never heard back from her.

2) This one was funny, I sent a few emails through P411 and we were communicating back and forward through P411 email. I finally send an appointment request for 11:00am. Well never heard back. I send her another email after that and asked her if she changed her mind . Well two days later I get another P411 email from the provider and she states she doesn't check her P411 account appointments, only her P411 email. Well I thought that was funny since she has to log into P411 in order to view emails from P411. Well needless to say another time wasting opportunity.
true_whatever's Avatar
Interesting thread. It seems like everyone is different and what some would consider "unnecessary" others might consider simply getting-to-know-you communication. Sometimes I send out a PM to a lady just to reference or compliment on a forum post of hers. I don't bother sending PMs simply to compliment looks. The latter is a waste of time. The former falls in line with what forums are traditionally for - discussion.

This is what I do when trying to setup something with a lady:

First email/PM
I send an initial email to say "hi" and ask them to check out my P411 profile and see if they'd be interested in seeing me during a certain date range. (I travel a lot) The ones I don't hear back from I either dismiss or possibly try them again a month or so later.

Second email/PM
This one comes with, or immediater after, the appointment request. I try to find more common interests so we have something to start the conversation with when I show up. This may go back and forth over the course of 2-3 emails, max, only if the lady seems interested.

Third email/PM
Day of or day before, confirming the appointment, asking for initial directions, making sure she has my contact number, etc. Logistics.

That's it. I'll bet some ladies would consider this "too much", and that's their opinion, but without some level of initial contact I cannot get into a session and I won't see the lady or will only see her once. Any lady that actually engages me mentally above and beyond these emails is likely to get tips, gifts, etc.

For those who believe (guys and gals) that it should be appointment only then nothing else until I walk in the door...that's just showing up to bang a hot chick. No thanks. If I am in that mood, I'll save myself time and $100 and just visit an AMP.
I am just a total waste of time, I don't call, text or email.

Just p411, if no response just find some one else to play.
berkleigh's Avatar
Ugh...I think I became more of a bitch because of the TIME WASTERS
Clearly stated in my showcase what I expect.
No Bullshit.

I'm Low Volume NOW

I prefer EMAIL screening, then you can call or text

I travel ALOT now, so everything has to be pre-booked in advance

yeah I know, I am difficult but it works for me and my schedule
  • Leta
  • 05-03-2011, 11:07 AM
I understand.

I just shorten my communication until they are standing right in front of me. I do enjoy a little get to know you email or text, But after so many. Its a waste of time.

I guess I am a straight to point kinda gal.

I find the serious guys do not send numerous texts, emails, or call me. I guess they are straight to the point kinda guys.

Im sorry you had to go thru that pretty lady. I hope it gets better for you.

Many hugs to you.
Lisa Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I totally agree with you! I do accept text and emails but the vast majority of those have never lead to a session. So I now limit how much I will communicate that way because they usually go no where. Anyone who is interested in seeing me calls and sets something up. I will return text and emails but I do not appreciate my time being waisted. If you know you do not plan on making an appoinment in the near future do not text me for a week then say you plan on coming to see me in 3 months when you come to Oklahoma. I'm like damn you should have said that a week ago.
NeedingMore's Avatar
I think it's a double edged sword. Guys will have to reach out to you to see if you're free, and in Paige's case, see what the special is. I think that drums up extra attention. But I assume that the guy also has 2-5 other providers in mind for the same day/time. Guys have to try and book a couple to which ones respond, then decide who to go with from there. Some guys also keep options (1-3) open, because providers NCNS.

No ladies, I don't know what happens, but guys have to have options because it's the ones that NCNS that make us set up the number appointments we need to feel comfortable that we have something lined up.

I don't know that best answer, but when I get a NCNS, I already have built up anticipation, and end up at a SC.

While there's no firm definition for NCNS, it happens, creating the multiple appointment beast for some. Yes, Rosey is always available, but she gets old after a while, and if you're not near another "outlet", you're SOL.

If you have specials, post them somewhere. This will minimize unwanted contact. Specials by nature will/should increase interest, but if you're not the first choice, there's still a chance of cancellation.

If we waste your time by contacting you, it's because we thought that was the best way to see if you were free, first choice or not. We can carry on to see if the appointment really will happen.

Sorry for the rambling...
pmdelites's Avatar
when i'm interested in consulting w/ a woman that i've never consulted w/ before, have not been referred to her by a fellow horndog, and have not met her in any setting, then i do the following....

* contact her as suggested in her ad, showcase, website [but not using those Contact Me forms], or p411 [preferred]. let her know i am interested in consulting w/ her, a general date/time frame, some basic info, and ask her if she's interested and available for that time. if she is, to pls let me know what other info she needs for her screening and the best way to contact her.

* if she is interested, then a few communications back and forth to settle on a date along w/ some flirting [depends on the woman].

* on the day before [if a mid-day consultation] or the morning of [if an afternoon or evening consultation], i contact her to confirm and let her know that i will contact her asap if anything gets in the way of my consulting w/ her [work, real life, illness, etc.]. i also ask for her ph# and give her mine, letting her know i will call/txt when i'm on my way or when i get there.

* when i arrive at her place, i contact her and start the consultation.

in my many years of consulting, no one has told me the above is too much communication. but then again, i have never NCNS a woman. if i cannot make it, i let her know as soon as i know i wont be able to make it. and only one time did a woman blowup when i told her i couldnt make it. and i told her 3 days in advance!!! and there have times when i wondered why i went thru all that for the less than deliteful consultation i received.

guys, read her ads, supply the info she's requesting, contact her via her desired media, schedule your consultation, show up clean, fresh, and sober; and have a deliteful consultation.

and if you dont want to supply the info, just want to contact her and talk, or just are fishing and do not intend on consulting w/ her, then just leave her be and move on.

ladies, pls specify in your ads what info you want, the best times and ways to contact you, the days/nites/weekends that you'll be available, your general location, and your consulting fees [via links to your showcase or website]. then communicate as best you can w/in a reasonable timeframe [12-24-48 hrs or less]. oh, and some sexy photos would be nice :^)

and if you dont specify some or all of this, dont be surprised if you dont receive many inquiries and/or communications.

it really can be this simple.

i, btw, do not setup backup plans b, c, d, e, .... i may setup appts for several days in a week or the weekend, but i dont generally have a backup plan. if the woman cannot meet me at my desired date/time, i see if another one i've already been talking w/ can or i just go without. not all guys "have to try and book a couple to (see) which ones respond." at the least, i dont.
  • Leta
  • 05-03-2011, 02:52 PM
when i'm interested in consulting w/ a woman that i've never consulted w/ before, have not been referred to her by a fellow horndog, and have not met her in any setting, then i do the following....

* contact her as suggested in her ad, showcase, website [but not using those Contact Me forms], or p411 [preferred]. let her know i am interested in consulting w/ her, a general date/time frame, some basic info, and ask her if she's interested and available for that time. if she is, to pls let me know what other info she needs for her screening and the best way to contact her.

* if she is interested, then a few communications back and forth to settle on a date along w/ some flirting [depends on the woman].

* on the day before [if a mid-day consultation] or the morning of [if an afternoon or evening consultation], i contact her to confirm and let her know that i will contact her asap if anything gets in the way of my consulting w/ her [work, real life, illness, etc.]. i also ask for her ph# and give her mine, letting her know i will call/txt when i'm on my way or when i get there.

* when i arrive at her place, i contact her and start the consultation.

in my many years of consulting, no one has told me the above is too much communication. but then again, i have never NCNS a woman. if i cannot make it, i let her know as soon as i know i wont be able to make it. and only one time did a woman blowup when i told her i couldnt make it. and i told her 3 days in advance!!! and there have times when i wondered why i went thru all that for the less than deliteful consultation i received.

guys, read her ads, supply the info she's requesting, contact her via her desired media, schedule your consultation, show up clean, fresh, and sober; and have a deliteful consultation.

and if you dont want to supply the info, just want to contact her and talk, or just are fishing and do not intend on consulting w/ her, then just leave her be and move on.

ladies, pls specify in your ads what info you want, the best times and ways to contact you, the days/nites/weekends that you'll be available, your general location, and your consulting fees [via links to your showcase or website]. then communicate as best you can w/in a reasonable timeframe [12-24-48 hrs or less]. oh, and some sexy photos would be nice :^)

and if you dont specify some or all of this, dont be surprised if you dont receive many inquiries and/or communications.

it really can be this simple.

i, btw, do not setup backup plans b, c, d, e, .... i may setup appts for several days in a week or the weekend, but i dont generally have a backup plan. if the woman cannot meet me at my desired date/time, i see if another one i've already been talking w/ can or i just go without. not all guys "have to try and book a couple to (see) which ones respond." at the least, i dont. Originally Posted by pmdelites

Your method is very appropriate. Kudos to you. Call and inquire, set something up, confirm, consult!

As far as scheduling 4 appointments and keeping 1 and cancelling 3--- you have just waisted 3 ladies time. That is just not right.