One Condition of Capitalism: You Must Produce More Than They Pay You!

lustylad's Avatar
But the poor artist cannot sell the paintings because the government has deemed that you do not need more money and thus cannot afford it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Or because your art is deemed too bourgeois, decadent and counter-revolutionary. Art flourishes more under capitalism because the artist enjoys more freedom of expression AND more freedom to reap the fruits of his/her own labor.
lustylad's Avatar
Oops... double-post!
I work a lot. I own a business. I make a very good living.

I also employ 14 men who all have Famillys. They all work a lot, make a good living, and are enjoying life.

They all benefit from my initiative.

What's wrong with that?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is North and South Korea, can you tell which one is which?

Whatever! Why are we so convinced "capitalism" is the way? It doesn't work for the whole of society. It's "immoral". I guess "Karl Marx" is a bad word, but he's absolutely right. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Christ you are an idiot.

You are now directly quoting communist texts, but calling it "socialism", as if history never happened.

Karl Marx advocated for the idea of a "dictatorship" of the proletariat that would take over the property of the capitalists and create a workers paradise.

Well, he got his wish - and the result was a disaster. Tens of millions dead and freedom crushed.

I don't care if you establish a dictatorship of the plumbers or a dictatorship of the Sierra Club, or a dictatorship of the Animal Control agents (i.e., dog catchers), the result will always be disaster. When you give all the power to one party, they NEVER give it up and will kill those who try to take it away.

You are obsessed with some people having more that others in a capitalist society, but did you ever look at the standard of living in communist and heavy socialist societies?

Even the poor in capitalist societies have a better standard of living than average person in a communist or heavily socialist society.

India and Britain were both socialist basket case economies until both began jettisoning socialist policies in the 1980s and gave greater rein to free markets.

The same has occurred in China, which essentially operates a quasi capitalist free market economy with a single party in control of most other aspects of society.

And yet YOU want to go back to a centrally controlled economy because you read some sweet-sounding words from Karl Marx?

Lots of thinks look good on paper, but are disasters in the real world. Communism is one of them.
Hey Debbie, I have a question for you. Please try to answer it. Even a weak answer is better than no answer at all.

Let's assume you take a job in a widget factory. The factory uses old machinery that only lets you produce 2 widgets per hour. The widgets sell for $5 a piece. Does that mean your labor is worth $10 an hour?

Now hold that thought. Let's assume an engineer designs a new machine that can produce 10 widgets per hour. He sells the design to a company that builds these new machines. The owner of the factory buys the machine and installs it for you to operate. Now you are stamping out 10 widgets per hour. Does this mean your labor is suddenly worth $50 an hour? What did you do to earn such a big raise? If 100% of the production value goes to you, how do the engineer, the machinery maker, and the factory owner get paid for their labor, intellectual capital, investments and risk-taking?

Ok, that's more than one question but I hope you will give it your best shot. Originally Posted by lustylad
You are wasting your time.

She will probably ask "What's a widget"?
rioseco's Avatar
Whatever! Why are we so convinced "capitalism" is the way? It doesn't work for the whole of society. It's "immoral". I guess "Karl Marx" is a bad word, but he's absolutely right. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

If you truly believed that socialism is the way and that capitalism is evil then you would be giving 'providing" your ass up for free to all takers !
Give all you have "for the greater good" and let the government take care of you if they decide you are a worthy cause. You know, if you vote correctly, if you are the correct ethnic group, if you swallow all their bullshit and don't ask questions. Get the idea yet ?
You are wasting your time.

She will probably ask "What's a widget"? Originally Posted by ExNYer

Or she could say "widgets are racist" or "Republican War on Widgets"? Who knows what's going to come out of her mouth?
I think you had better look up what happened to the pilgrims Deb. When they came to the new world they agreed that everyone would share equally in the crops that they planted and harvested without regard how much food you produced. This was socialism pure and simple. The only problem was that one by one the pilgrams only worked as hard as they thought the next guy was working because no matter how hard you worked you still got just as much as the guy who goofed off. They almost starved the first year until Peter Bradford changed it all up. Each farmer would get a portion of their crops to sell to make profit for themselves. Farmers started doing more to produce food because it benefited their wallets. The Indians showed them some tricks of the trade but it was the pilgrims who put in the hours and they thrived under capitalism instead of dying under socialism. In fact, 42 of the 102 died that first winter. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

LOL. Then in the name of Capitalism they eventually killed all the Indians and made Africans slaves
Whatever! Why are we so convinced "capitalism" is the way? It doesn't work for the whole of society. It's "immoral". I guess "Karl Marx" is a bad word, but he's absolutely right. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
NOTHING works for the "whole" of society - whatever that is.

The only relevant question is what works best for the greatest number. The poor in the US were far better off than the majority of 'average" people under communism. Only a very small number of the politically connected did well in Russia and other communist countries.

You should know that, but apparently you haven't read a newspaper or watched a news report in the last few decades.
LOL. Then in the name of Capitalism they eventually killed all the Indians and made Africans slaves Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Africans were already slaves when they were in Africa. Then they were still slaves when they arrived here. Think of it as a job transfer. Same job different location.

Africans were already slaves when they were in Africa. Then they were still slaves when they arrived here. Think of it as a job transfer. Same job different location.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
;-) In your haste as is typical you miss the point. Again in the name of "Capitalism" and technically not ALL Africans in Africa were slaves but the one transferred to "America" were. Get your shit together lad if you want to debate me. ;-)
;-) In your haste as is typical you miss the point. Again in the name of "Capitalism" and technically not ALL Africans in Africa were slaves but the one transferred to "America" were. Get your shit together lad if you want to debate me. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You can't make a point with inaccurate information.


and that goes for you too Eva No Dick