old school reviewers/posters--where are they now?

Slotgoop's Avatar
Whatever happened to Porthos, subject matter expert on all things related to Joy.
  • Booth
  • 06-19-2010, 08:46 AM
Tjuan had one of the most touching goodbye posts ever. Left the hobby to care for his elderly mother. Ladies swooned and gentlemen tipped their caps.
Danger Mouse's Avatar
It is unfortunate that the "peculiar" nature of this board demands anonymity. So, yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if people decided to reinvent themselves or just decided not to register anywhere else after ASPD died out.

One person I miss a bit on the Austin boards would be bluemax. He came off a bit aggressive in his posts, but he really was a pretty damn nice guy. It looks like somebody out of Virginia registered with his handle, though. I doubt that's the same guy. There's a bluemax7.5 out of Plano as well. Doubt that's him too.

I also wonder if there are people out there who don't even KNOW about ASPD being down yet. One of the old school posters/reviewers that I know doesn't live in Texas anymore, but he comes down in the Fall 3-4 times a year for UT games so the only time he accessed the site was when he was planning his trips. We try to get together every time he's in town so I'm sure I'll get a call here in a couple of months saying, "What the hell happened?" I hesitate to mention him by handle though since I noticed it hasn't been registered yet, and I really wouldn't want anybody using it. It would be blasphemy if someone else did, right? LOL!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Tjuan? The guy in the straight jacket who couldn't scratch his nut sack? Originally Posted by Carl
An old fav of mine, I always hope that he is around and we just don't know what the new handle is.... as is Mambolah, who I'm sure will always be around in one name or another. all other names I recognize I'm sure the same. and may we laugh as much with them as before we just think it is another name we now recognize as another.

You change the picture from a guy with his head up his ass to something else and we will accept it as a new person but there is a small recognition deep down and we somehow have an affinity with what we think is a new person but actually someone we know well. Makes it fun. huh?
Jim Ed's Avatar
How about Jim Ed in San Antonio? His monthly hobby budget had to be 50 times mine! And his reviews were 50 times longer than most -- complete with pictures. He was sort of San Antonio's version of Monk. He once ran a contest, with the winner receiving a paid-for session with any Austin or San Antonio lady. Originally Posted by Ready2Rock
Naw it wasn't that much, I was just trying to keep up with Mambo...now that was the insatiable appetite. Remember the thread where Mambo and I visited the brothels of Nuevo Laredo and reported "live" on the action taking place? I never had so much fun in my life following him around that night. It's amazing we didn't get thrown in jail.

I've been gone a while, but thought I'd give her a go again. Good to see many of you "old timers" still around.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-09-2010, 08:32 PM
An old fav of mine, I always hope that he is around and we just don't know what the new handle is.... as is Mambolah, who I'm sure will always be around in one name or another. all other names I recognize I'm sure the same. and may we laugh as much with them as before we just think it is another name we now recognize as another. Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
Ah yes... Mambolah himself!

The guy had a knack for making your sides hurt for a week after reading one of his reviews. Always going on about a lady's "yabbos."

Now he was Entertainment Value!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar

How about Jim Ed in San Antonio? His monthly hobby budget had to be 50 times mine! And his reviews were 50 times longer than most -- complete with pictures. He was sort of San Antonio's version of Monk. He once ran a contest, with the winner receiving a paid-for session with any Austin or San Antonio lady. Originally Posted by Ready2Rock
I won that joke contest! We met in a bar and he paid me for the session to be given to whom I chose, since a body rub was 1/2 as much as an escort I ran a contest to give 2 gents a free session thanks to JimEd.

The joke was: .... now put down the drinks so no spraying on the keyboards...

A cucumber, a pickle and a penis were talking about what happens when them become big & fat & juicy.

The cucumber says when I become big & fat & juicy they cut me up and put me in a salad and eat me all up.

The pickle says when I become big & fat & juicy they cut me up and put me in a hamberger and eat me all up.

The penis says

wait for it........ (put down the drinks...)

when I become big & fat & juicy they cover me in plastic, shove me in a dark, tight room and bash my head against the wall until I throw up and pass out!

Wow, must be a real old-timer to show up here ... Originally Posted by Ezman
Your youth is still showing thru ..... I wish I could keep up with you...and Russ
oralee's Avatar
Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.

I won that joke contest! We met in a bar and he paid me for the session to be given to whom I chose, since a body rub was 1/2 as much as an escort I ran a contest to give 2 gents a free session thanks to JimEd.
....and I was the recipient of one of those sessions....still recovering!
The only person in Austin worth listening to is Big Jake. That fat fucker cracks me up.

Oh and Carl is a tranny.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 09-13-2010, 05:36 PM
Tranny? I prefer to think of myself as a slider clutch attached to a heavy duty shifting rod with a custom stroker kit thrown in.

On the other hand, you're the biggest drag queen anybody's ever seen.

You ought to change your handle to Man-Boob-lah.

That is true. But no one pulls off a size 13 EEEE Heel like I do.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 09-14-2010, 07:02 PM
That Allison Janney she-male from The West Wing comes close, but I hear (s)he's not that well hung. Just a four incher, but it's uncut. Just saying. If you're into that sort of kinky stuff.
On the old site, there was a provider from Austin who went by Claire (I believe). Busty brunette who was into muscle cars among other things. I never met her, but, after logging on and checking the provider ads, if I had time to spare, I usually wound up searching for her posts. They were always educational (she knew her stuff) and entertaining (especially the times she would calmly verbally slap someone silly).
Claire Sanders was an interesting poster from mid-decade. Also, many appreciated her for her non-verbal skills as well.