No, Jeb is NOT a good choice for the GOP in 2016...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of COURSE there'd be a Confederacy reference from only one person...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
....can we dig up Alf Landon?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Of COURSE there'd be a Confederacy reference from only one person... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Davis was a life-long dim-retard before he became a Confederate, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Hopefully other choices (Huntsman?) will emerge, but as a last resort: Jeb over Hildabeast any day of the week.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Davis was a life-long dim-retard before he became a Confederate, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Hopefully other choices (Huntsman?) will emerge, but as a last resort: Jeb over Hildabeast any day of the week.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What does THAT have to do with the fact that you felt compelled to make a reference the Confederacy, which you love so dearly.

And, of course, you refuse to explain what HDDB means and how you came up with it. Kinda childish of you, isn't it?
I B Hankering's Avatar
What does THAT have to do with the fact that you felt compelled to make a reference the Confederacy, which you love so dearly.

And, of course, you refuse to explain what HDDB means and how you came up with it. Kinda childish of you, isn't it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It's a completely relevant remark in regards to the topic of political dynasties, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. BTW, your memory is obviously shorter than your puny penis, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

HDDB means Hasa Digga Douche Bag. From Bambinos dictionary. Originally Posted by bambino

Let's shorten it for him. Hasa Diga Douche Bag. Or, HDDB. So HDDB is an expert on Ugandan culture and language. I knew he was the illegitimate by- product of Idi Ahmin and a local Ugandan spinner. HDDB hyena. Originally Posted by bambino
HDDB and DEM are distinctions the cum-gobbling golem fucktard justly deserves; hence, hereafter it shall be known as "the cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM"!

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Hasa Diga Ysswipes a douche bag. Much better. Originally Posted by bambino
I think all the dipshits are out to sneak in under the new, lowered bar. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hasa Diga Douche Bag. Originally Posted by bambino

Hey bambino, did you really "share" your avatar with this disgusting sicko who puts his shit in pierogies and eats them? I thought he hijacked it.

Hey IB, remind me what Assup's special titles are. Is HDDB Hasa Diga Douche Bag? Originally Posted by lustylad
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 12:25 PM
It's a completely relevant remark in regards to the topic of political dynasties, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. BTW, your memory is obviously shorter than your puny penis, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

you are one creepy son of a bitch.

The End
I B Hankering's Avatar
you are one creepy son of a bitch.

The End Originally Posted by CJ7
You're just plain ignorant, CBJ7.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
George Will misses the mark in this column:

Even if I knew to a mathematical certainty that Jeb would win and be a good president, I STILL would not vote for him.

What IS it with this country and family dynasties? What are we - a 3rd World country?

Repeat after me:

No more Bushes, no more Clintons, no more Gores, no more Romneys, no more Browns, and worst of all - NO MORE KENNEDYS.

Fuck Hillary, fuck Jeb, fuck George Prescott, etc.

It is just matter of time until we start to hear how brilliant Chelsea Clinton is and how she can help mold this country.

And after that, we will read putrid hagiographies in the NYT and on HuffPo of Malia and Sasha Obama and how they want to dedicate their lives to helping America through high level politics - with the special gifts that only they possess.

If you love your country, do NOT re-elect from the same family. It is a sign of national sickness.

Jimmy Carter's wife and daughter stayed out of political office. Ronald Reagan's wife and kids stayed out of political office.

That is the way it should be. Can we please get back to THAT? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I'm wondering who you're talking to. I don't think I've seen one person here speaking up for ole Jeb. The only people that are talking about him seems to be the media. Even his mother doesn't support the idea.

As I read down I noticed that EVA had to demonstrate his clueless nature again. I mean his has pointed out all the numerous people looking for the GOP nomination and now he says he can't think of one. Let me help him out with a partial list.
Marco Rubio
Sarah Palin
Chris Christie
John Bolton
Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Scott Walker
Mitt Romney
Rand Paul
Mike Huckabee
Ben Carson
Kelly Ayotte
Bobby Jindal
Rick Santorum
Rick Perry
Allen West

Now EVA, this is not the complete list but you should copy it and hold on to it for future reference. Of course, we could say that the democrats are so poor that they can only afford one candidate.
Yeah, cause you wouldn't want to visit a doctor from a multi-generational medical family or an attorney whose dad was also an attorney. Heaven forbid! No engineers, pilots, or bankers either who had family members as inspirations and mentors. That would be horrible!

In fact if each of those professions were limited to three two year terms in their jobs and had to change to another profession (and go back to school to learn it) the country would be in a whole lot better shape, right? Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook

I don't know what is worse - the fact that you don't realize how stupid that comparison is or the fact that you delivered it with sarcasm, as if it were a winner. Which it isn't.

There are TENS OF THOUSANDS of doctors/lawyers. None of them have any power over you. You can pick and chose any one of them to treat or represent you. And the get rid of them if you don't like them.

There are competency tests for doctors and lawyers. If a doctor can pass the medical exams or a lawyer can pass the bar, the occupation of his or her parent is irrelevant.

The individual doctor stands on his or her own competence.

The danger in politics is the POWER behind it, which is made MUCH WORSE by confining it to families.

There aren't tens of thousands of presidents and governors. There are only a handful of those positions. Even within states, there are only a handful of senators and representatives. And they have POWER over you.

There is no competency test for politicians. It is PURE horseshit to think that in a nation of 300 MILLION people, the person MOST qualified to lead a particular state or the entire nation just happens to be the wife or the child of a previous governor or president. The odds of that are astronomically small.

Gaining political power is all about making connections and gathering supporters. People looking for favors from government are drawn to whomever is in power in order to get favors dispensed to themselves.

And rent seeker prefer to keep power confined to a small number of hands. That way it is much easier to bribe and influence politicians.

Which is why political advocacy groups like to keep it in the family so to speak. They hate having to take a risk on some unknown newbie every 4 or 5 years.

Just as there is too much financial power held in too few hands among Wall Street banks, there is too much political power held by a small group of families.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 01:29 PM
I'm wondering who you're talking to. I don't think I've seen one person here speaking up for ole Jeb. The only people that are talking about him seems to be the media. Even his mother doesn't support the idea. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

well, this is a message board soooo ...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't think I was talking to you.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Of COURSE there'd be a Confederacy reference from only one person... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
But for slavery, it was nothing different from the American Revolution seeking to separate from England, merely seeking life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Self determination of one's government is a fundamental right of man, and the electorate should always have the right to throw off an oppressive government run by a dictator.
Wouldn't it be great if the Russians voted Putin out of office?
Ok I will go along, but who is left? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Seriously? We have LOTS of politicians that aren't scions or spouses of another top-level politician. And they are EVERY bit as competent as Hillary or Jeb or ...

People are just too lazy to pay more attention.

It is the system....not the families to blame. This is the system we have. What do you propose to change the system? Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, it isn't the system either.

At some point, you have to blame the people themselves. These "family heir" politicians would get nowhere if voters just told them "Get lost" right from the start.

The solution is simple. Do NOT vote for relatives of other politicians. Just on principle.

Now, my comments are obviously directed to high-level politician offices. There are 10s of thousands of small-level political offices. You can't exclude everyone who is related to ANY politician no matter how small the office.

But there is no real harm in voting for a gubernatorial candidate for Texas governor, for example, if his or her now deceased father was a two term mayor of Waco back in the late 1980s.

But that is wholly different that electing a governor whose father was governor or senator or POTUS.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How about judging each candidate by his or her accomplishments rather than obsessing over the magic of their name?
I'm wondering who you're talking to. I don't think I've seen one person here speaking up for ole Jeb. The only people that are talking about him seems to be the media. Even his mother doesn't support the idea. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you had read the article, you would have seen at least one person - George Will - speaking up for ole Jeb. Not to mention the other people and groups he discussed in the article.

My posts aren't addressed only to those who post in this forum. They are addressed to any one who reads this forum - even if they don't speak up.

Not everything is about you or addressed to you. Don't be so solipsistic.