Moral dilemma - a dog and a baby

Wakeup's Avatar
So my question to OP is how much do you love your dog? Originally Posted by willietgc
How much do you love your child?
"Accidently" let your dog lose in Bellaire... We'll take good care of him...
willietgc's Avatar
How much do you love your child? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I don't get ppl that thinks as soon as they have a child, then nothing/nobody matters except the child. I understand the child is important, probably the most important, but that doesn't mean everything else can be thrown away.

There's always a way to make things work, all depends on how hard are you willing to work to make it work.

Like i said, I am biased. Dogs/pets can't talk, they have no say so in your decision. They are always at your mercy. Just want OP to make sure he's comfortable with his decision, whatever that is.
  • 05-02-2012, 03:45 PM
Putting a healthy dog to sleep when there are Lab rescue groups who would take him in and foster him out for adoption? Ending the dog's life just because you can't bear to see him live out the latter years of its life somewhere else might be a tad selfish. A rescue group will take him in even in his advanced age.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I heard that the President was looking for a meal i mean new dog.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-02-2012, 04:15 PM
"Accidently" let your dog lose in Bellaire... We'll take good care of him... Originally Posted by KinkyNasty
LMFAO... glad your not in my neiborhood, my cat would have dissapeared along time ago....
HumbleHobbyist's Avatar
Putting a healthy dog to sleep when there are Lab rescue groups who would take him in and foster him out for adoption? Ending the dog's life just because you can't bear to see him live out the latter years of its life somewhere else might be a tad selfish. A rescue group will take him in even in his advanced age. Originally Posted by MLORD
Well, actually, I've never heard of these lab rescue groups, which is why I posted this thing in the first place. Thanks for your can I find them?

Calling me selfish for caring about my future child? I never said "I couldn't bear to see him live out his latter years." In fact, that has nothing to do with anything. I can't bear to see my child's (or any child's) blood on his teeth. If that's selfish, maybe I just have the wrong definition.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Depending on the dog's disposition you might think about getting a 2nd dog. Not a puppy though. One that will keep the other one company. Older more mature dogs have a hard time finding a home and usually get put down quickly. You could save a dog and help keep the one you have more comfortable in his twilight years. Originally Posted by boardman

What he said.

I am also biased toward dogs (have 6 geriatric chihuahuas ages 14-16 who have always amused themselves and me as a happy, hairy herd, and have shared my home with multiple dogs of many breeds over the years), and like others have pointed out, just because your dog bit your nephew doesn't mean he's a dangerous beast. We weren't there so we don't know what provoked him, but it must have been pretty major, as labs are normally exceedingly patient with the tomfoolery of kids. At his age, if he's shown no other signs of aggression, I'd say the chances of his hurting your baby are no better and no worse than they would be with any other dog. But you have to set rules early on; doggy doesn't get left alone with baby, and don't put baby where doggy can get to him/her.

I can't imagine having to part with a pet after he's been part of your life for 12 years. Should we consider new homes for bratty siblings who mistreat their brothers and sisters? If you're dead set on turning this furry member of the family out, and sounds like to me you're so anxious about this situation that the decision has already been made whether you realize it yet or not, here are lab rescue organizations serving Houston and the state of Texas:
  • 05-02-2012, 06:05 PM
Well, actually, I've never heard of these lab rescue groups, which is why I posted this thing in the first place. Thanks for your can I find them?

Calling me selfish for caring about my future child? I never said "I couldn't bear to see him live out his latter years." In fact, that has nothing to do with anything. I can't bear to see my child's (or any child's) blood on his teeth. If that's selfish, maybe I just have the wrong definition. Originally Posted by HumbleHobbyist
Putting down a healthy dog and the future of your child have nothing to do with eachother when you have viable options.. I will pm you some lab rescue groups tonight when I have a chance.. good luck.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Rehome the dog. There are lots of people who enjoy taking care of pets as they age and get ready to pass. Like hospice for pets. Hey, to each their own *shrug*
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I don't get ppl that thinks as soon as they have a child, then nothing/nobody matters except the child. I understand the child is important, probably the most important, but that doesn't mean everything else can be thrown away.

There's always a way to make things work, all depends on how hard are you willing to work to make it work.

Like i said, I am biased. Dogs/pets can't talk, they have no say so in your decision. They are always at your mercy. Just want OP to make sure he's comfortable with his decision, whatever that is. Originally Posted by willietgc
Obviously you don't have progeny dude so let me put it in a different light.
Your dog dies somehow, someway who gives a fuck? Amright?
Dog kills your cub or something some other way does him in. you got a lot of people wanting to ask you questions specifically the law. Big 'ol hassle you dig?
First choice should be to find a good home for your dog. You are right not to have him around your new baby if he's bitten a kid before.
The answer is simple........

Give the baby to your sister
Put the SO to sleep
Exchange the dog for a cat Originally Posted by dearhunter

Too funny
boardman's Avatar
Something else that you might want to consider unless you are just dead set on getting rid of the dog. You said that your nephew provoked the dog. How close was your nephew to your immediate family? In other words, would the dog have considered him an outsider? Not part of his pack? That could be important in how you might expect the dog to behave in the future.
Dogs, as I'm sure you know, have a pack mentality. They must know their place in the pack. A dog, even an alpha, can accept that he is not top dog. In a family with children it is important for the dog to know that the children are above him on the hierarchy. As long as he knows that he will be fine with them.
That's why you see babies that are able to crawl all over dogs, pull their tails, pull their fur and the dog will either put up with it or if it gets too annoying they will just walk away.

One other thing, Is the dog Neutered? If not, Why?
^^^Secretly watches The Dog Whisperer...