Paris installs open air eco-friendly urinals and some people are pissed off by it !!

Well the poodles have free run of the filthy streets and sidewalks so why not?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Or having to use one of these that are in different cities around the world.

They look filthy!

There is no fucking way I will use one!

So fucking uncivilized!

If I was in a forest away from any civilization, sure I'll do it in some shrubbery or something but in a city with buildings and civilization and indoor plumbing and running hot and cold water, I don't think people should be expected to use something like that nowadays in the 21st century. Originally Posted by CG2014
You haven’t traveled very much, have you. Very common in Asia. Not unknown in a few older places in Europe. Used for public toilets. No seat so it’s more hygenic.
CG2014's Avatar
I have been to Asia and I have never seen those squat toilets where I was.

I lived in Europe for over 12 years and never seen those squat toilets in public restrooms or in apartments and houses.
dallasfan's Avatar
I’m really surprised they haven’t started using those squat toilets here especially as women’s urinals. I think one of the problems is the weight problem here. Some may go down and not get back up. Lol
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 08-28-2018, 11:51 AM
You haven’t traveled very much, have you. Very common in Asia. Not unknown in a few older places in Europe. Used for public toilets. No seat so it’s more hygenic. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
They're everywhere in Asia.

I used one at an airport in Japan. The urge came, I looked in the stall, and was aghast at the flushable porcelain hole in the floor. There was no putting off this urge, either. It was an urgent urge. After trying to figure out what to do with my pants, I ended up taking them completely off and hanging them on a hook. I normally take 20-30 minute craps. I get a lot of reading and thinking done on the shitter. Try squatting for 5 minutes straight. My thighs were burning, and then I started to get a cramp in my leg. I nearly fell. Wiping was an odd balancing act. I don't know how I didn't make a mess, but I didn't.

After I was done, as I was washing my hands while my legs still trembled, I noticed an odd sign on the last toilet stall. I walked down there to find a western style toilet. I slapped my forehead. Literally.

Hopefully this will help one of you on an international trip some day. Check all the stalls before squatting!
dallasfan's Avatar
I’ve used one. You have to relax and let your butt hang down. It’s tough to do when you are drunk tho. It’s like going in the woods when you go camping. There is no toilets in nature.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You haven’t traveled very much, have you. Very common in Asia. Not unknown in a few older places in Europe. Used for public toilets. No seat so it’s more hygenic. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
you haven't lived life to it's fullest until you take a raging curry powder dump in a Chinese squat toilet!! ah memories of Hong Kong!

i have have traveled China several times extensively from Hong Kong/Shenzhen to Beijing and parts in between and China is a filthy country. i have seen people on the streets with their children just drop the kid's pants and let them crap right on the sidewalk, then pull 'em up and walk on. not even the decency to wipe the kid's rear. disgusting.

when i was in Beijing the air was so bad it actually improved my smoker's hack. and I'm quite sure that's not a good thing.

i know many Asians who now live in Dallas who spent their lives living in Beijing and did not travel extensively outside of the city and they were amazed at how blue the sky in the US is. they had no idea. hahahaa

if you go outside of the big cities the sky is clear but you need to go way outside. like 50 miles from Beijing. at least.
CG2014's Avatar

Always bitching about something.

I hope they get arrested and thrown in jail for damaging properties belonging to the city.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I have been to Asia and I have never seen those squat toilets where I was.

I lived in Europe for over 12 years and never seen those squat toilets in public restrooms or in apartments and houses. Originally Posted by CG2014
Depends on where you go. When I was in Paris in the early 1980’s, you saw them from time to time in less affluent places in the more central arrondisments. Now, it’s pretty rare in even the poorer outer arrondismebts, but not unheard of. In the banlieu you’ll see them occasionally in older buildings and restaurants. Not many tourists or American there.

Much more common in poorer areas of Asia as The Waco Kid, DallasFan, and Crock point out.
CG2014's Avatar
Or you can get stuck in space trying to use one of these:

Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 09-10-2018, 12:37 PM
Much more common in poorer areas of Asia as The Waco Kid, DallasFan, and Crock point out. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Or, you know, in an international airport in Japan. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I do want to point out that they're certainly not limited to poor parts of Asia.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Can't speak to Haneda, but I never saw one at Narita, Kansai, or to my knowledge Itami (old Osaka airport). But I didn't go into every men's room in the place.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 09-11-2018, 09:19 AM
Can't speak to Haneda, but I never saw one at Narita, Kansai, or to my knowledge Itami (old Osaka airport). But I didn't go into every men's room in the place. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ah, this was also 20 years ago. I'm sure most airports have renovated in that time and may have gone completely western-style.