Have you ever fall for a provider?

suiram77's Avatar
Yep, fell for a provider. Thought I was madly in love. I respected her, did everything for her, took care of her kids, knew her parents, etc. She turned out to be a lying sociopath who scammed me and about 5 other guys out of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If your relationship is based on your need to purchase a woman's companionship (something she should give freely) then you are already in trouble. Originally Posted by dallaswill
Absolutely I couldn't have said it better dallaswill it will most definitely end in a disaster!!!!!
suiram77's Avatar
Yes! I fell in love with SAFIRE SWEET!!!

But seriously, I've had a couple of those relationships in the hobby that never should have happened. Everrrrrrr. Learning experience to say the least.
It's difficult to separate the passion and chemistry when it's so intense because it crosses a line that sometimes is the point of no return.
I have no damn self control and am all about the rush LOL
I'm gonna have fun regardless and dive on in!
Originally Posted by berkleigh
Disagree Berk it's not difficult to separate passion and chemistry when it's all business, see when I go into a session with a provider I know exactly why I am there and I never lose focus on that. I have had great chemistry with a few providers and really great passion, but I never once let myself think it was all real I knew exactly what it was all about. I get that some may cross that line and start catching feelings for her or him, but if you are a guy you have to ask yourself one question will I be here if I didn't have the Benjamins in my pocket and the answer is Hell No!!! So unless a provider tell a guy hey baby you don't have to pay me no more because I'm falling for you then it will always be business nothing more.

You said you going to have fun regardless and dive on in, well it's nothing wrong with having fun as long as you be smart and use your brain. I Know a lot of people that have said they are going to have fun in life regardless, but most of them have ended up in really bad situations and some have never recovered from those situations. My opinion the hobby is no place for one to find love I mean not real love anyway because it's just a matter of time before things end really bad.
Each situation should be evaluated on its own. If you are 60 and falling for your 25 year old companion, then I'm going with a 0.01% it will turn out well.

Without any way of knowing the personalities involved, then the odds of it working well are probably 1%. Is that high enough for you to take a chance? Maybe. I'm not you.

There was a very good documentary on a Russian bride matchmaking business on Netflix. Watch it.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
OP, I fall in love with wveeykne of them, 1 hkur at a time...
MartinX's Avatar
I know at least one provider from the aspd days that married an ex client and they are happily married to this day. There are no rules, just think with your big head, don't tell yourself lies.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I've fallen a couple of times for providers but they've never noticed me ... Those trees on windy days can be rough I'm telling ya!
bonner111's Avatar
I hear you all, thank you for taking your valuable time out and answer my question.
I understand I'm not thinking straight when emotionally attached to someone. I'll snap out of it. I stopped hobby for a while thinking I found someone special
But you are all right...I can't thank you enough.
  • grean
  • 01-11-2017, 07:22 AM
I hear you all, thank you for taking your valuable time out and answer my question.
I understand I'm not thinking straight when emotionally attached to someone. I'll snap out of it. I stopped hobby for a while thinking I found someone special
But you are all right...I can't thank you enough. Originally Posted by bonner111
Johnny Cash sang a song,".....I thought I was her daddy but she had 5 more...."

It ends with the 99 years in Folsom Pen.

Food for thought.

Pay for love by the hour. When the hours up, move on down the road.
berkleigh's Avatar
Disagree Berk it's not difficult to separate passion and chemistry when it's all business, see when I go into a session with a provider I know exactly why I am there and I never lose focus on that. I have had great chemistry with a few providers and really great passion, but I never once let myself think it was all real I knew exactly what it was all about. I get that some may cross that line and start catching feelings for her or him, but if you are a guy you have to ask yourself one question will I be here if I didn't have the Benjamins in my pocket and the answer is Hell No!!! So unless a provider tell a guy hey baby you don't have to pay me no more because I'm falling for you then it will always be business nothing more.

You said you going to have fun regardless and dive on in, well it's nothing wrong with having fun as long as you be smart and use your brain. I Know a lot of people that have said they are going to have fun in life regardless, but most of them have ended up in really bad situations and some have never recovered from those situations. My opinion the hobby is no place for one to find love I mean not real love anyway because it's just a matter of time before things end really bad. Originally Posted by suiram77
I disagree with you. Business may be business but I have countless who know I trying enjoy their company and there is more developed than the illusion of passion.
You haven't been hobbying as long as I have and whereas I know this is a business, there have been a couple a few times I broke those rules.
Knowing how it was probably going to end in disaster, I took the chance anyway.
My choice and why not? I saw something else than a transaction.
You can't even imagine the men I've met over the last several years from all walks of life, where if things were different, maybe it would have panned out into something more. I was heavily persued by them both and I decided to run with it. Neither of the relationships left me jaded. They were a learning experience for me. I've met several good people along this journey, those I am greatful for their friendship in my daily real life. Someone I met 7 years ago in the hobby while touring, recently came back into my life and it's been absolutely fucking mind blowing every time we are together. He is my person. But we lead 2 separate lives and make it work when it can.

I enjoy what I do immensely. It's release for me and seriously I love hard.
I enjoy the company and its a rush for me. Not everyday is the same. I thrive on it.

Good for you I guess for being so hardcore, but don't say never, don't limit yourself or be so guarded. You never know what's on the other side.

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-11-2017, 08:06 AM
You're going to feel however you feel and all the advice in the world won't change that. It's how you choose to act on those feelings and that's up to you. Just know that 99.9% of the time it won't work out and you'll have ruined a good provider/client relationship.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I have met some very nice ladies in the time here , However keep the worlds separate .
Get a bucket of cold water for your head!
  • grean
  • 01-11-2017, 08:22 AM
Practical Question

Say you do get involved with a provider, are you able to sustain for her the lifestyle she is afforded by the hobby. If not, are you okay will her fucking & sucking off other dudes while dating you?

If you can't provide $$ and you cannot wrap your head around her providing $$, for herself, it may not be feasible for you anyway. Date sweet young school teacher.
Dude...the Vivian Ward / Edward Lewis thing ain't real. It's the stuff books (and movies) of FICTIONAL OCCURRENCES are based upon.

Here's the drill: You make the donation...and she give$ you her time. No matter if it's a lunch / dinner date(s)...attending local sporting events...or the desired romp between the sheets BCD. Rinse and Repeat.

Giving your heart to a provider in all likelihood (and I'd conservatively say 95%+ of the time) is gonna end BADLY...for you. No matter how real you think it might seem...
Tara Evans you are one of Dallas Fine as hell providers with a nice body smoking hot!!

I guarantee you that if the guys that is seeing you wasn't paying you to fuck them you would not even know their ass lol. It may be one or two hobbyist that most providers will still see in th R W without any donation being involved but that's 1 percent of us. It's just not a good thing for a hobbyist or provider to start catching feelings and even more so for the guy because he is paying her so he will never know if the shit is real or not. Originally Posted by suiram77
You just made my day, thank you