Texas disappoints again

Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Sorry to inject some FACTS into the discussion but here ya go...

PP DOES NOT provide abortion services. It's against FEDERAL law to use fed funding for the purposes of abortion (Hyde Amendment). The only exceptions are pregnancies resulting from rape or incest.

PP offers health services for women as well as referrals to NON-Affiliated physicians whom offer abortion services and the women seeking abortion services are SOLELY financially responsible for that tab. I personally am not a supporter of abortion BUT more importantly, I DO NOT have the RIGHT to tell a woman what's right for her, and/or her life.

The statements made by sparrow (in part) is propaganda being accepted as fact. Originally Posted by Frique-Me
the PP in South Dallas does perform abortions. I have had the displeasure of taking a few gals there who needed a ride and support. They have cameras everywhere and a nice wall out front. I've sat in the waiting area and watch them sign the paperowrk, pay the fee and go to the back. When they return, the procedure has been performed and I have driven them home.

I've sat with one who called and asked about abortions. They stated they do offer and the prices depending on how many weeks.

Anyone who thinks they don't perform abortions are ignorant with their head sin the sand.
Grace Preston's Avatar
the PP in South Dallas does perform abortions. I have had the displeasure of taking a few gals there who needed a ride and support. They have cameras everywhere and a nice wall out front. I've sat in the waiting area and watch them sign the paperowrk, pay the fee and go to the back. When they return, the procedure has been performed and I have driven them home.

I've sat with one who called and asked about abortions. They stated they do offer and the prices depending on how many weeks.

Anyone who thinks they don't perform abortions are ignorant with their head sin the sand. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle

I "think" (at least, I hope) what he meant was that they don't provide government funded abortions-- which is true. They cannot offer sliding fee scale on abortion services like they do on other services.
Hank3fan's Avatar
Wow. I started this thread 6 years ago and we thought it couldn’t get much worse. I stand corrected. Felony for hobbying, making abortion practically illegal when a majority of people support the right to have one. And literally putting a bounty on people that want to exercise their federally recognized right to get one, A Supreme Court that stands mute on the subject. And to add insult to injury Texas also signed the most anemic Med Marijuana laws on the books.

Everyone up in arms about talk of packing the courts when in essence that’s what Mitch McConnell did when he blocked Obama’s nomination on grounds that with only a year left he had no right to appoint one and then less than 6 weeks before the last election he forced the Trump nomination.

AntiVaxers, anti-maskers. I go to the store and 80/90% of people not wearing masks because “it’s against their freedom.” What about my freedom to not get infected by you? I think my ability to live supersedes your right to not wear a little piece of cloth.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-07-2021, 06:07 PM
Wow. I started this thread 6 years ago and we thought it couldn’t get much worse. I stand corrected. Felony for hobbying, making abortion practically illegal when a majority of people support the right to have one. And literally putting a bounty on people that want to exercise their federally recognized right to get one, A Supreme Court that stands mute on the subject. And to add insult to injury Texas also signed the most anemic Med Marijuana laws on the books.

Everyone up in arms about talk of packing the courts when in essence that’s what Mitch McConnell did when he blocked Obama’s nomination on grounds that with only a year left he had no right to appoint one and then less than 6 weeks before the last election he forced the Trump nomination.

AntiVaxers, anti-maskers. I go to the store and 80/90% of people not wearing masks because “it’s against their freedom.” What about my freedom to not get infected by you? I think my ability to live supersedes your right to not wear a little piece of cloth. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
I stopped wearing a mask because I chose to stop, it has nothing to do with any right or political reason, if I see sick people coughing I'll put on a mask to protect myself.

It doesn't always to be political, I do what I feel like doing and have no problem following business requirements on masks rules.
The Queen Sophie's Avatar
But do not force those who do not believe in it to pay for it through their taxes. Originally Posted by ValenTX
And don't force women who do not want/need/cannot provide for an unwanted child only to be found in a dumpster after being born, abused, or left to foster care providers who only want the money and careless about the child.

Or better yet, WEAR A CONDOM (with or without birth control) and we wouldn't have this issue to begin with.

It kills me to hear the biggest supporters of blocking abortions are MEN. Like I said...wear a CONDOM or STFU regarding what a woman does with her own body, or step up and help raise that child YOU put inside the woman.

Unless you are a married man, a man's life doesn't change when a woman gets pregnant. The woman, however, is changed forever. If that woman has no support from the MAN that got her there and knows she can't take care of that child, should have the COMPLETE RIGHT to do what SHE WANTS WITH HER OWN BODY.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-10-2021, 01:09 AM
Wow. I started this thread 6 years ago and we thought it couldn’t get much worse. I stand corrected. Felony for hobbying, making abortion practically illegal when a majority of people support the right to have one. And literally putting a bounty on people that want to exercise their federally recognized right to get one, A Supreme Court that stands mute on the subject. And to add insult to injury Texas also signed the most anemic Med Marijuana laws on the books. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Good for Texas to make abortions essentially illegal. I'm proud of you, Texans. You're standing up for the unborn.

Everyone up in arms about talk of packing the courts when in essence that’s what Mitch McConnell did when he blocked Obama’s nomination on grounds that with only a year left he had no right to appoint one and then less than 6 weeks before the last election he forced the Trump nomination.
Uh.............. replacing a justice that leaves isn't court packing... it's simply replacing someone. This is like saying Biden's economy is strong because of new jobs being created. Um.... old jobs opening up after a lockdown aren't new jobs.. they're old jobs re-opening.

AntiVaxers, anti-maskers. I go to the store and 80/90% of people not wearing masks because “it’s against their freedom.” What about my freedom to not get infected by you? I think my ability to live supersedes your right to not wear a little piece of cloth.
Shit, it's 80/90%? How are we going to get the remaining 10/20% to take off those fucking useless face diapers?

This post is a troll post, right? Because nobody can actually mean this.

In case you're not though, and you're afraid of dying, there's a simple solution.


If you've been vaccinated, you're fine, right? So why do you need to wear a mask? Or why do you need us to wear a mask or get the shot?

And don't force women who do not want/need/cannot provide for an unwanted child only to be found in a dumpster after being born, abused, or left to foster care providers who only want the money and careless about the child.

Or better yet, WEAR A CONDOM (with or without birth control) and we wouldn't have this issue to begin with. Originally Posted by The Queen Sophie

It kills me to hear the biggest supporters of blocking abortions are MEN.
Uh... that and the entire Christian religion. Just saying. And saying that men can't be against abortions is like saying white people can't argue against slavery because they're not slaves themselves. It's a stupid argument.

Like I said...wear a CONDOM or STFU regarding what a woman does with her own body, or step up and help raise that child YOU put inside the woman.
Agreed with the cover. But it's not your body, lady. It's a baby that is not your body. But 100000 percent agree with men stepping up to raise their children. Maybe you should tell that to the black community.

Unless you are a married man, a man's life doesn't change when a woman gets pregnant. The woman, however, is changed forever.
So is the baby's... when you kill it. I mean, like, can you imagine a bigger change between living and dying?

If that woman has no support from the MAN that got her there and knows she can't take care of that child, should have the COMPLETE RIGHT to do what SHE WANTS WITH HER OWN BODY.
That man should step up and support the woman he got preggo. But you can't kill a baby, lady. It is morally wrong, so quit whining about your body. If you wanna stick needles in all of your vains, more power to you. But saying that baby should die because he or she is going to grow up, potentially poor, is an awful statement.

Shame on you.
So Mr. Hank3fan
if there is a heartbeat according to you they should say fuck it - kill it anyway?? May be time for you to head to Cali with your face diaper and 3 vaccine shots. Just saying...
Cantgetenuff's Avatar
So here's a thought...all those against allowing a woman the right to choose to have an abortion, you take the baby the unwanted baby and raise her/him. Othetwise STFU and let the woman make her choice. She has to live with the choice she makes, not anyone else
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-13-2021, 12:17 AM
So here's a thought...all those against allowing a woman the right to choose to have an abortion, you take the baby the unwanted baby and raise her/him. Othetwise STFU and let the woman make her choice. She has to live with the choice she makes, not anyone else Originally Posted by Cantgetenuff
There are numerous organizations that will take babies in to help with adoption.

Maybe the woman should stop being a murderous piece of shit.

The decisions leading up to get preggo are shared.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2021, 07:53 AM
Back on PP topic of Thread
Shea - thank you for posting FACTS and Truth
PP does provide health care services to many Peoples who cannot otherwise afford.

Abortion is a small % of services - and NOT Federally Funded.

I am a known Conservative - yet also a Humanist regarding the reality of abortion - I wish it would never occur. Yet I refuse to approve returning to teh days of back alley coat hanger wire abortion - and costs and horrors associated with it. 24 weeks seems teh best compromise - as the extremists on both sides oppose that compromise.

Just as the new 'felony ' texas law will not stamp out prostitution - destroying a major health care provider for the underserved will not stamp out Abortion.
Said loud and often in Texas
"My body, my choice!"

Interesting (and hypocritical) that the above applies to masks and vaccines, but not a woman's body..
Grace Preston's Avatar
Abortion is a small % of services - and NOT Federally Funded.

I am a known Conservative - yet also a Humanist regarding the reality of abortion - I wish it would never occur. Yet I refuse to approve returning to teh days of back alley coat hanger wire abortion - and costs and horrors associated with it. 24 weeks seems teh best compromise - as the extremists on both sides oppose that compromise.

. Originally Posted by oeb11

Hell-- I'm a flaming liberal, and even I feel that abortion should not be allowed after 16-ish weeks unless there is clear and present medical danger for the mother or the baby has health concerns that would render them 100% non-viable outside the womb. That's plenty of time for a person to be well aware that they are pregnant and plenty of time to consider their options.
The Queen Sophie's Avatar

Maybe the woman should stop being a murderous piece of shit.
Originally Posted by Aoi
Maybe the dude should be more careful and wear a condom.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-13-2021, 04:55 PM
Maybe the dude should be more careful and wear a condom. Originally Posted by The Queen Sophie
Maybe the lady should have closed her legs when he wasn't packing.

None of this subtracts that you're trying to kill a baby, lady.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Maybe the lady should have closed her legs when he wasn't packing.

None of this subtracts that you're trying to kill a baby, lady. Originally Posted by Aoi

That's fairly assumptive. I am pro-choice, however, I have never sought an abortion-- ergo, I have never "tried to kill a baby". My pro choice stance is little more than the fact that I feel it is 100% not my business what Sally does (I also feel this way about the vaccine, for consistency).

If we're using personhood to end abortion-- then the child needs personhood for other things as well, such as child support, medical care, tax benefits-- etc. I'm fairly neutral in regards to how much I actually care about the availability of abortion-- but I am not neutral when it comes to consistency. If we want to make women be responsible from the point of conception-- fine... but that means the men need to bear the same burden and the government, since they seek to legislate it, needs to also grant all the other benefits of personhood.