Yeah, I was working on "The Rest of the Story" but it got less and less funny so I decided to keep this short and sweet. Anyway, you guys can rip on me or her all you want, it's practically impossible to offend me on this subject. Originally Posted by frustr8d
Thanks. Nothing loves company like misery! I'm trying to beat down an upbringing drenched in catholic guilt and change my situation if it doesn't improve soon. Originally Posted by frustr8dOne thing that took years ti figure out was that there is no god... I know we all want to go to some magical paradse when we die but it's not gonna happen... You only have one life to live soooo don't waste it being unhappy... Being married is not natural, procreating (fucking) is...
I can relate to this post. I, too, am weighed down by a fat bitchy pale red head who doesn't work, spends all my money, feels she's entitled to everything, and gets her jollies by bossing me around. Her favorite phrase is "it's a double standard" for why rules work in her favor and against me. Here are just a few.why are you married?? sounds like you are not happy at all....
1: She can point out any hot guy she wants, but I can't even look at other women, all because I have a "healthy ego" and she's a neurotic mess.
2: I must keep my haif short and a mustache and goattee at all times because I look too old with a beard and I look too young/chubby clean shaven. She, however, can do whatever she wants with her hair, like keeping it long even though she knows I like it short.
3: I can make no references to her weight or her snoring or god help us all. She can tease me about being fat and snoring all she wants.
4: I cannot weigh less than her. I've started deiting and exercising as a sort of "fuck you" to her, and she is very concerned that I might weigh less than her soon and it's becoming a fight.
Anyways, that's a long way of saying I feel your pain. Originally Posted by BebopJet
That's when you know it's time to move on. When you're expected to jeopardize your health and look like shit in order to eliminate any competition or because it makes her feel better about herself.
4: I cannot weigh less than her. I've started deiting and exercising as a sort of "fuck you" to her, and she is very concerned that I might weigh less than her soon and it's becoming a fight.
Anyways, that's a long way of saying I feel your pain. Originally Posted by BebopJet
One thing that took years ti figure out was that there is no god... I know we all want to go to some magical paradse when we die but it's not gonna happen... You only have one life to live soooo don't waste it being unhappy... Being married is not natural, procreating (fucking) is...I figured it out years ago but the brainwashing I got in the rural south keeps re-surfacing. I know this life is a one shot deal and I can't spend all of it propping up someone else's good intentions. Doing what's right for yourself is hard and everyone wants to judge you when you do. I understand you can't please everyone, or sometimes anyone and I shouldn't care. Bebop shouldn't be enduring his situation either. This was originally a fun way to vent about roughly 10 years of absolute hell, but more and more it is the perpetual ringing of a wake up call I need to answer.
If it wasn't for my daughter I would have bailed! Originally Posted by HELL YES 76
frustr8d you may have opened a Pandora's box with this thread. It should get interesting and educational if many others share what they're dealing with at home which may have influenced their decision to hobby. Originally Posted by CodybeastAfter I said I do, she started getting fat and bitchy! She's a natural nagger and looks like her mother (whom I hate). My wife has 0 sex appeal!