The masses ribbing Miss DreamZ over her inability to articulate, perpetual juvenile use of
Hello Kitty™ and threADS in coed is slightly different than your constant unnecessary insults & rudeness, and general rule-breaking pertaining to all things "Ginger," Howl. No one said she wasn't somewhat attractive, or didn't have many good reviews, for that matter.
Not to mention your outright lies... Everyone who knows me, knows that I don't even drink. Where are you getting this stuff??
Btw, that nasty picture you just posted? It bears absolutely no resemblance to me, whatsoever. I wouldn't have the hundreds of stellar reviews that I do, if it did.
It's just a lame move by a wanna-be pimp to downgrade his "honey's" competition in a desperate attempt to elevate her to top-hooker status. Good luck with're sure gonna need it.
You're a little overly involved in promoting your ladies, doncha think? I still wonder what your vested interest do countless others here.
You're over the top, Howl.