LexusLover's Avatar
Funny you mention Petraeus. He gets no prison time for divulging classified material to his side cooze but Snowden is the bad guy? Threatened with prison for telling us how we were being fucked? That's bullshit Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Snowden has not be prosecuted, but the Federal sentencing guidelines will be in play if and when he does, which may have been a part of the Patraeus sentencing decision, which would include consideration of his outstanding service. One wildcard with Patraeus is any agreement to keep his "benefits"!
Snowden has not be prosecuted, but the Federal sentencing guidelines will be in play if and when he does, which may have been a part of the Patraeus sentencing decision, which would include consideration of his outstanding service. One wildcard with Patraeus is any agreement to keep his "benefits"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Head of the CIA gives classified info to his side piece and gets no jail time. I don't care if he's got a nuclear warhead for a dick, that's some bullshit.
LexusLover's Avatar
Some of those e-mails were subpoenaed over two years ago, ... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That was my understanding .... and she was allowed to cherry pick them.

Ultimately, she will have to produce both 'stacks" ... and if she destroyed any of them ... she's fucked for sure....More than likely she will not get the "Patraeus Deal" if she has attempted to coverup and/or destroy the evidence of her criminal activity ... the sentencing points under the guideliness will be off the chart.....because each document is a separate count in an indictment.....or can be (the Government has a nasty habit of multiple counts .. cf Martha Stewart.)
That was my understanding .... and she was allowed to cherry pick them.

Ultimately, she will have to produce both 'stacks" ... and if she destroyed any of them ... she's fucked for sure....More than likely she will not get the "Patraeus Deal" if she has attempted to coverup and/or destroy the evidence of her criminal activity ... the sentencing points under the guideliness will be off the chart.....because each document is a separate count in an indictment.....or can be (the Government has a nasty habit of multiple counts .. cf Martha Stewart.) Originally Posted by LexusLover
You can almost taste it, can't you?
Can you imagine all the misstatements he will make under the bright lights? It would be very entertaining!! Originally Posted by DSK
I seem to recall JLIdiot once making a similar remark (to the above referenced quote from DSKIdiot) about VP Biden.

Hmmm, could it be this is coincidental?

Stay tuned!
If HRC destroyed or purposely withheld emails; that moves it up to a felony....3 years per incident...and the law prohibits anyone convicted of serving in a public federal office.

But in reality, the Obama DOJ won't pursue her with a warrant the way they did Petraeus.
LexusLover's Avatar
Head of the CIA gives classified info to his side piece and gets no jail time. I don't care if he's got a nuclear warhead for a dick, that's some bullshit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
We'll see how it plays out for Ms. Clinton. She might settle in quite well, since I've heard she likes the ladies.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hillary is on her own. Her going down will take no one else out. If a Hillary falls in the woods (and can't get up) and no one is there to hear her, does she make a sound?

I have said for many years that a third of the democratic party hates and another third is afraid of her (those FBI files were on democrats too) but now they have a way to take her out.

Of course, I was also saying in this last year that Hillary would not be the nominee for the same reasons. You know Tampon though, he always thinks Hillary is trending somewhere and his little dog (FuckZup) can't even pick up his own shit when he goes outside.

So now we have some democratic heavy hitters casting doubts on Hillary's viabilty and even the White House is trying to get her under that bus. So who do you on the left have for a backup quarterback? Warren? Biden (please pick Joe)? or this new guy, what ever his name is. I always said that you had a weak bench.
LexusLover's Avatar
If HRC destroyed or purposely withheld emails; that moves it up to a felony....3 years per incident...and the law prohibits anyone convicted of serving in a public federal office.

But in reality, the Obama DOJ won't pursue her with a warrant the way they did Petraeus. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wouldn't be so sure about that. This guys from Chicago. Here is the play: ala Nixon. She has a lot of shit on the Obaminable administration and destroying her credibility will reduce the effectiveness of her spreading any of it down the road. The stink will be on her whether there are any "lumps" showing or not. Violating classified information trusts are not close to being in the same league as lying about getting a blow job in the White House. If she can't be trusted with intel she's fucked.

If he doesn't a special prosecutor should be the next order of business.
LexusLover's Avatar
I seem to recall JLIdiot once making a similar remark (to the above referenced quote from DSKIdiot) about VP Biden. Originally Posted by bigtex

You "seem to recall"? You are worse that Bill and Hillarious put together.

Rumor mongering is your expertise, only surpassed by your 20-20 hindsight xray vision.
LexusLover's Avatar
You can almost taste it, can't you? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
It's not my meal. But it leaves no bad taste in my mouth. She's not qualified for the job.
It will be a huge relief for the republicans if Hillary bites the dust, they might be able to get someone elected then.
You can almost taste it, can't you? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I doubt bill has tasted that for at least 25 years
Hillary is starting to circle the drain...
. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

unlike conservatives, the dims have quite the pronounced blind eye for any of their fellow travelers' foibles

but with all the snow in boston and the north east, elizabeth warren has trial ballooned the idea of claiming eskimo maybe she sees an opportunity
lustylad's Avatar
Can't wait to see those emails and letters....