Democratic, union boss...she's all yours. Want claim her?

It all works out JD the right has their idiot women and the left has theirs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Want to find an actual quote in the same vein from some conservative woman? A real woman and not some comedian masquerading as a conservative. How about this from self admitted communist Rosanne Barr;

Funny as a crutch, right?
LexusLover's Avatar
the right has their idiot women and the left has theirs. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's a pretty fair assessment. The "debate" is "who are the idiots and who decides"!
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 12-30-2013, 03:35 PM
Mi no mi no .... let have a POLE....edit poll
You are turning into a real hate monger JD...
JCM800's Avatar
She is one of yours and her words sound a lot like some written here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Want to find an actual quote in the same vein from some conservative woman? A real woman and not some comedian masquerading as a conservative. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

want to find an actual quote written here by anyone that supports her views?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have never called the POTUS a Kenyan. I have repeated other's claims and inadvertant claims by his supporters but I have never called him a Kenyan.

When I posted the Facebook page I noticed that some of the wind came out of Tampon's sails. He got his air back though and started posting bullshit. He did create a bit of a problem for himself. Tea Party people in a union in MA? Well that goes against a lot of his people have been posting about TP people being radicals, racists, commie baiters and they are in the same union as this awful woman. They can't both be true. So which is it Tampon? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Quoting ridiculous stories with ridiculous claims is what you do. It's how you support your ridiculous points of view.

NOW you back off, saying you never made those claims, just repeated them?

What a fucking idiot!

And you can QUOTE me on that!
If you are ignorant enough to believe the garbage that you desperately attempt to pass off as factual, it is you who is a sick, twisted fuck and piece of human waste.

"...but that is just my opinion." Originally Posted by bigtex
Fake, Huh?

Oregon PolitiChick State Director Margie Wilson-Mars is a happily married, mother of 8 children, a shockingly young grandma of 3 and mom to a chocolate lab with OCD. She is a 'conservative libertarian'… More

During my middle of the night crawl through news sites, I came across a story on Pat Dollard’s website by Jeff Rainforth that just shook me to my core. Because of the Ryan-Murray budget deal, there’s been some disturbing talk on social media about veterans. Nothing could even compare to a message on Facebook supposedly by a woman named Jan (Janet) Vrotsos and other people on a Facebook page she admins for to Senior Airman, Brian Kolfage Jr., the most severely wounded Airman in US history, a triple amputee. This from Jan’s personal (and now deleted) account:

You disabled veterans are worthless and all should have died, shame on you for fighting in a republican war, you deserved to lose all you limbs and I hope all veterans lose their benefits. I hope you die a miserable death you worthless fake hero. You and your family will be a burden on tax payers for your entire life. (sic)

Here is a screenshot of her comment on Sr. Airman Kolfage’s Facebook page, taken before she removed it:


As the proud daughter of a (late) disabled Airman, I cried. As the proud daughter of my late father, I am so angry I can’t see straight. As shocking as the comment is, there’s more. It appears that Vrotsos is herself, the daughter of a WWII Army veteran that died earlier this year. Did she feel the same way about her own father? What could make a human being write such a cruel and vile thing? Airman Kolfage recently added a comment on his Facebook page, saying the same woman created this meme of his 4-month-old child (which Rainforth confirmed in his Dollard article): BcnHl0lCAAAa264

The comment appeared on a disgusting Facebook page called Republican Family Values (RFV). Obviously, in my line of work I know there’s serious divides between parties, but this page is depraved. Some of the photos and comments make it very clear there are plenty of sickos out there. The Airman discovered information on Vrotsos, stating in a tweet that she is the admin for the RFV page along with a few others. While RFV is now claiming someone hacked their page (how handy), the tweet proves that Vrotsos is one of the RFV admins.

Jeff Rainforth’s Dollard article identifies Jan (Janet) Vrotsos as the leader of Republican Family Values (which they deny), and she is also the Director of Local Union 2222 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Massachusetts. Sure, there’s a ton of divide between conservatives and mostly liberal Union workers. But, I personally know enough Union workers to believe this is not a universal feeling (regarding disabled veterans) and I think they’ll be pretty outraged, too. Janet’s Union claims they don’t believe she said this and claim her Facebook was hacked as well. (However, if her account was hacked, how do they explain the other vile comments made by another admin, Matthew Kerryn?)

As sickening as all of this is, we have to remember to keep cool. When A&E recently took Phil Robertson off of suspension, conservatives and Christians got a powerful reminder of the strength we have when we work together. Certainly, Jan Vrotsos has a right to her free speech, but so do we.

Vets and their families have good reason to be angry right now. Having twelve members of the GOP go forward with the Ryan-Murray deal was mind-boggling and truly unbelievable for conservatives. There are thousands of men and women like Airman Kolfage who have to endure the very real results of this nasty deal. They have enough to deal with without being subjected to evil and misguided comments from people like Jan Vrotsos and her friends at RFV.

If you decide to check out Republican Family Values, be forewarned, they are harsh. The graphics are crude and the language is just as bad. You’re dealing with people who have no respect for veterans, unborn babies, Christian marriage, etc. and it’s very obvious. It’s a shame Vrotsos didn’t take the time to do a simple search of Airman Kolfage to know his incredible story. It would have saved her from looking even more ignorant than she already does. Right about now she just looks evil.

Her complaint of having to “support him and his family” is really lowdown and sad. There are plenty of stories that show that the Airman and his family are doing just fine. Check out the article links below and the video about his life. It is inspiring and made me feel downright lazy. Are there others out there who resent supporting disabled vets? Yes, they’re coming out in droves on Facebook. I’m darn glad I don’t know them; they make me sick.

Read the rest of this article here:
Fake? .... FUCK YOU!

of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” — John F. Kennedy
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Janet Marie Vrostos...the scumbag from Massachusetts floats to the surface
We all know that scum eventually floats to the surface but what exactly does the term ‘scum’ mean?
From Wiki Answers
What does scum mean?
being worthless, very low
And what can be more worthless or lower than this ↓ :

Janet M Vrotsos60-64 years old
Janet M Vrotsos
52 Bradshaw St
Medford, MA 02155-4820
Phone number 781-646-4016

Brians Kolfage's FaceBook page ~

Update from Pat Dollard's blog
Update: Janet Vrotsos has deleted her personal Facebook page. I visited it once, and it has since disappeared.
Making the rounds of the Twitterverse this week is a disgusting display of hatred towards our military veterans. A woman named Janet Vrotsos, who is the director of Local Union 2222 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers posted this stunningly crude remark on Facebook to triple amputee, Senior Airman Brian Kolfage.

Update Dec 29 2013: (Message from Brian Kolfage's FaceBook page)

I wish to inform you that the statement made by Union 2222 IBEW about their director Janet Vrotsos is completely FALSE. They released a statement within hours of the event happening saying it was a hoax. Yet they have supplied no evidence to how they made this determination. The union has a lot to lose, shes a major player in a major union and this will be a PR ...nightmare for them if they claimed anything else. Well unfortunately for them I have the facts I have the evidence, and we have taken down an entire network of liberal hate mongers who prey on peoples young children (4 month old baby) to use in political meme's, these scum go after anyone who opposes their political views, sounds like the Obama's IRS right? Janet was busted in an elaborate trap to which she fell into and released her real name to us, which I provided screenshots of. Janet Vrotsos stated that the hate page 'Republican Family Values' Facebook page was her page and she was reporting us to Facebook for interfering with her page, too bad for her she used her real account to make the statement... ooops Furthermore, we have exposed the other member of that page who we believe is the kingpin to all the hate. His name is Jeff Pickens from from Blackwood NJ . Janet and Jeff both conspired to steal my newborn child's photo to make a political meme. In addition to this, these people are living a double life online where there friends and family dont even know how hateful they are. Janet & Jeffery were very distressed that we exposed them, we have a new mole in their inner circle who is disgusted with them and is spilling the beans. Yesterday I called the FBI and was told to file a report via IC3 which I did. Today, their followers and supporters of the page they both admin at ---> made fake pages and posted more photos of my child with comments talking about raping her. A man by the name of Louis Caponecchia is responsible for the fake page and hate videos which he spread online about my family. He's a real special character according to his father who we spoke to today, no one in his family speaks to him, his father said he needs real help maybe we can get him the help he needs. After the incidents today I called my local PD who came to my house and inventoried everything that you guys sent me and everything I have been saving this entire time. They were appalled and disgusted about the comments by these people about raping my newborn daughter. They are writing up their reports which are then being linked up with the FBI IC3 case I started the other day. They told me Facebook is real good about this stuff and they will obtain the IP addresses for each and every person who is involved even Janet. As soon as they have the hard evidence of IP addresses we are filling charges against each person with the help of many supporters who stated they would like to help set up a fund to punish these people for their heinous involvement in endangering my wife/child and using a minors photo without consent.

This is no HOAX, this as real as it gets and that Union better lawyer up along with everyone else involved. You will be exposed, crimes that happen online are 100% traceable you fools. And to the Union Boss who said its a Hoax, the joke is one you pal you counted your eggs before they hatched.

Brian Kolfage.
Assy Fucke... Here is your new avatar...

TIME TO FIND A NEW JOB.... oh shit
Yssup Rider's Avatar

TIME TO FIND A NEW JOB.... oh shit Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You'd rather lock them in a closet, wouldn't you Mr. Rogers?

Thank you for your service, Special Jack!

No wonder your kid ran away to join the circus!

Yssup Rider's Avatar

TIME TO FIND A NEW JOB.... oh shit Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You'd rather lock them in a closet, wouldn't you Mr. Rogers?

Thank you for your service, Special Jack!

No wonder your kid ran away to join the circus!

LMAO! Find a meme generator that works next time, idiot! LMAO!
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 12-30-2013, 07:48 PM
You'd rather lock them in a closet, wouldn't you Mr. Rogers?

Thank you for your service, Special Jack!

No wonder your kid ran away to join the circus!

LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
ok, you just increase your post count by 1