On Being an Elitist Snob

I know this isn't meant to be a conspiracy thread but when you're talking about elitists conspiracies are going to come up.

Oooh this is my most favorite one. Idk if anyone of you has heard of David Icke?

Are the Royals Reptilians????!!!!

David Icke talks about a small group that has ruled this planet for thousands of years and have passed on their "rule" from generation to generation through their bloodline. The "rulers" have maintained this bloodline through the intermarriages of the so-called Royal Family monarchies over the course of thousands of years. The so-called "Eastern Establishment" in the U.S.A.. and the "European and British Establishment" also intermarry in the same way to maintain their bloodline. David points out that ALL 43 PRESIDENTS IN THE U.S.A. ARE RELATED and that 33 of the Presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of Charlemagne! This possible TRUTH alone should be sending off MAJOR ALARM BELLS in your mind. Like this is no coincidence; the odds of this randomly happening are billions to one.

David’s theory is that possibly several thousand years ago "non- humans" came to this planet and mated with the beings on planet Earth. Because of their superior knowledge, they were able to expand their "rule" and control this planet to this day. They maintained their special bloodline for these thousands of years through intermarrying amongst themselves. David says they can "shape-shift" to be able to look like human beings and at the same time they can look like Reptilians when they’re privately out of the view of the public. David explains that this group of Reptilians supposedly set up all the organized religions, monarchies, school systems, science, all the media and everything else they needed to control the MASSES OF HUMANITY over thousands of years.

Personally, I don't even care if the elitists are lizards. Like what's the big deal right??

I just don't like the feeling of being left out of the "party". Like why couldn't I be a lizard inside?? Am I not as good? WHAT
I think we are all elitists to some degree or another. It just depends on the subject at hand. Most are drawn to their own group of social equalities and most groups will find something to look down on in another group. Nerds look down on geeks... High society looks down on middle class (As a whole and not as a individual so please take no offense) Generally if one looks closely enough at their own life they will find at least one "something" they are elitist about. Though there have been rare cases of individuals who are open and casually comfortable enough to not feel grander than the next for whatever reason. I myself find I tend to be a elitist when it comes to intelligence and become highly irritated when someone does not match my intellectual base. On the same token I can become intimidated when someone comes along to "put me in my place" so to speak

Just my random thoughts on the subject
[QUOTE=JayceeRivers;1052942204 I myself find I tend to be a elitist when it comes to intelligence and become highly irritated when someone does not match my intellectual base. On the same token I can become intimidated when someone comes along to "put me in my place" so to speak[/QUOTE]

Tell me about it! LOL I love you people's honesty
Elitism is a tricky thing... You may be elitist to one person, but you may feel inferior to others who you feel are more elitist that you are.

My personal view is that there are two kinds of elitism, intellectual and monetary. Having one does not guarantee the other, (Donald Trump!) and it's the rare few that truly possess both.
Funny you all think Trump (and Bush) are a elite snobs; I think Bloomberg is the bigger in both being a snob and an elitist.................Trump is a pauper compared to Bloomberg (according to Forbes).....and Bloomberg's track record in telling others (below his stature) how to act is beyond reproach; all the while doing just the opposite in his own life.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You mean you resent those other inconsiderate snobs who have the temerity to be superior to your superiority?

Wow! I will have to ponder on exactly what that means!

There must be a snob hierarchy that a laid-back snob must climb, but nobody even likes a snob, do they?

. . . It's all superficial and stressful to be in that rat race!

That photo's so sexy. I would opt for higher heels though, better view..
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Ah, I had to laugh when I read about the reptilian theory. I had read about this person years ago and always kindof smile. He has a lot of charts, or used to. Didn't know that he had his own website.

Funny. Crazy, but it's interesting to read.

Today was the first day to get my actual bonified copy of the Sunday New York Times delivered to my doorstep. This morning, after drinking some coffee and enjoying the NYTimes, add in fresh blueberries and some scrambled cage free eggs, and I actually felt rather above it all. I had a good morning.

Does that make me, in my heart, an elitist snobette? Of course not!

Must be the small things that can often work that way at times.
I think an elitist snob is really an insecure individual lacking self confidence with a big wallet.

An elitist snob has to top others to feel a certain way. They cannot feel good enough without getting "up" in a circle. As if being low on the totem pole means they are insignificant. An elitist snob, to me, is a child that wasn't told they are good enough, so unfortunately as an adult they have to make up for the attention mommy and daddy didn't give them. An elitist snob will likely always be just that, because their attempt at fixing their own insecurity and lack of self confidence doesn't address the root of the issue, but is merely a temporary fix to what is on the surface at any given time.

I don't look up to snobs, I let them relish in their superiority. The only way to make a snob feel good is to talk about little things, so they can be the one to talk about the big things. I can top every snob out there in my experiences, but I don't, because talking with an elitist snob is a useless waste of time, they will always be there thinking of their next way to "up" by telling of a bigger and better experience/story. How much attention is actually given to my story, when the person is thinking about the story they are about to tell? They are self centered bastards in my opinion, their world circles around who they are and what they have done, which I find to be the most unattractive quality a person can have. Put down the ugly bag, step off the high horse, cool trip, nice cars, I don't give a shit about your private jet or yacht, lower end restaurants are okay to eat at on occasion. Your name brand clothes make you pretty on the outside, it's unfortunate you'll never help anyone around you, must feel pretty good in society huh? Such a waste.

I would never refer to myself as an elitist snob, a too good, stuck up person soaking in misery acquiring things and statuses to make up for the lack of true happiness and self confidence.

I pity and feel sorry for them.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I might share some of your feelings about some people who prance around but I appreciate, within myself, someone who carries themselves well and who have a wealth of life experiences, including being well groomed and dressed.

Often, when I see and/or hear of people brow beating another level of society as a whole, I tend to lean towards the idea that some people have a reverse since of prejudice.

One of the few commandants that I haven't broken, but have gotten real close at times, is coveting. I'm always happen when I hear of someone who is well heeled or who have found a source or a way to be successful, financially and otherwise.

I've been around people who are truly an elite bunch. The definition of "elite" isn't a bad thing. It's a positive one.

What is annoying is when you run into some people who are snobby. I find that on all social levels especially the middle ones. Or the folks who have new wealth.

There isn't anything wrong with having a great vehicle, a good house and other nice things. I don't see any reason to bash someone JUST for that.

Sometimes, people feel that others are being absolute dicks when in fact, they're not. They may be polite or even shy. Standoffish. It's just who they are.

I often see people who struggle a lot, or those who live day to day and have to struggle every one of them, bitch and bemoan the snobby upper class. I feel that attitude is a poor one. Every person that is reading this is on some different level than the others who are.

There will always be people who are poorer than I am and there will always be people who are wealthier than I am. (For the record, I'm very middle middle class. Note the extra "middle"). But I try to blend well with everyone, when I can.

This is a fun and interesting topic. One of the few that I've participated in because of it, which is rare in this forum.

And this forum is FOR the people who are more upper crust in their viewpoints and experiences. I appreciate a little bit of highbrow thinking. And it's so great to keep above the sludge that one often sees in this business and speak of philosophical stuff and societal opinions... like this topic!

Just a few thoughts thrown out here!

KittyLamour's Avatar
I totally agree with Elizabeth and love her style...

Elitist Snob... well... I admit to being a bit highbrow in my thinking. I am utterly turned off by low class people, bad grammar and a lack of manners.

But, in my honest opinion... it is something that you are raised to be. I most certainly wouldn't have my particular tastes if I wasn't raised to have them and had those tastes instilled in me by my parents and my surroundings.

My parents were multi-millionaires and I was private school educated. My mother was a Neiman Marcus In-Circle member and I grew up to appreciate fine crystal, Coco Chanel and German automobiles. I do not consider that a bad thing. Even though I am far from wealthy personally, I appreciate that I was raised in such a way that I am at ease in any social situation. That I do not embarrass my companions in public and that gentlemen with the qualities of self-respect and dignity appreciate those same qualities in myself. I know how to speak, I read Miss Manners Book of Etiquette and even though I am an escort, I am a lady.

Elisabeth, I could not have said it better or more eloquently than you said it. Truly, it is awesome and I consider it almost heroic these days to keep above the sludge. Amen.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Oh, and vote other than Republican... out of the question.
GTDADDY's Avatar
Hummm lets see.
Elitism is the belief or attitude that some individuals, who form an elite—a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality or worth, higher intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes—are those whose influence or authority is greater than that of others; whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities, or wisdom render them especially fit to govern.[1]
Yep that's me!
Investomania's Avatar
The difference between elitists "truly wealthy people" as in billionaires, and snobs, in my experience is this. The extremely and truly rich are beyond using social and financial status to make themselves feel bigger than others. They are actually the nicest people you will ever meet and they donate millions every year to charity and help out quit often. Snobs "and from my experience again" tend to be the ones that don't actually make that much money. Some I have seen and met are lower/middle, middle, and barely upper/middle class people living out of their means. They use snobbery for social status, to feed their ego's and stave off their envy for the ultra rich. You would be amazed at how extremely stereo typed the truly and extremely wealthy are. In regards to being considered snobs.
I thought the elite were the Illumanti